Put Again In Url For Query , Do Multiple WebClient.DownloadString?

Mar 16, 2010

I'm using WebClient.DownloadString("http://www.website.com/Default.aspx?fltdte=01050402);Part of data that is returned I want to put again in above url for query again and again if data returned satisfy conditions..I want to do multiple webClient.DownloadString.How to do that?

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C# - WebClient.DownloadString() Not Producing Exact HTML

May 20, 2010

So here's the deal. I'm creating a spider bot for a website that scans all the product pages and records the product data. I'm using C# and the WebClient library to download the HTML string. The site I'm crawling must be specially made because the HTML that is received from WebClient.DownloadString() is different than the HTML that I get when I view the source of the HTML when visiting it on a browser. This seems intentional because the only info I can't get is the price.

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C# WebClient.DownloadString() Returns String With Perculiar Characters?

Jan 17, 2011

I have an issue with some content that we are downloading from the web for a screen scraping tool that I am building.in the code below, the string returned from the web client download string method returns some odd characters for the source download for a few (not all) web sites.I have recently added http headers as below. Previously the same code was called without the headers to the same effect. I have not tried variations on the 'Accept-Charset' header, I don't know much about text encoding other than the basics.The charachters, or character sequences that I refer to are:


These characters are not seen when you use "view source" in a web browser. What could be causing this and how can I rectify the problem?

string urlData = String.Empty;
WebClient wc = new WebClient();
// Add headers to impersonate a web browser. Some web sites
// will not respond correctly without these headers
wc.Headers.Add("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20101026 Firefox/3.6.12");
wc.Headers.Add("Accept", "*/*");
wc.Headers.Add("Accept-Language", "en-gb,en;q=0.5");
wc.Headers.Add("Accept-Charset", "ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7");
urlData = wc.DownloadString(uri);

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Architecture :: Difference Between Webclient.OpenReadAsync And Webclient.DownloadStringAsync?

Mar 1, 2010

I'm mix up between webclient.OpenReadAsync and webclient.DownloadStringAsync? Can anyone explain clearly for me ? What are the difference between them? In addition, may i know whether webclient.OpenReadAsync got download the file or just open and read the file only without download to other places?

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SQL: Selecting From Multiple Tables In One Query Or A Query For Each Table?

Mar 6, 2011

A follow up question concerning the DAL layer part .. The first question about dealing with large objectsI have one table (PlacesTable) that is connected by like 6 other tables (1:Many and Many:Many relations)

In my DAL should I put a big query that join the 6 tables + the m:m reference tables (btw it produces multiple data that I don't need Please refer to my old question) and place all the data in it's specific object property or, should I use a single query for each table and create an object for each fetched table .. and finally send those to the UI ?If I wasn't clear enough please let me know what I further information do you need to know!

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ADO.NET :: Query From Multiple Datatables?

Nov 25, 2010

I am trying to create a stock scanner which allows users to filter stocks based on multiple criteria that they select.

Like the following example with 2 criteria:

Criteria 1 Filtered Result: StockA, StockB, StockC, StockD
Criteria 2 Filtered Result: Stock B, Stock C, StockE, StockF

SCANNER RESULT: Stock B, StockC (ideally this result would be displayed in a GridView)

Now this seems like an easy task for a simple SQL JOIN statement, but the problem is that the SQL statements I've written for some criteria are already so complex that it's unthinkable to combine them further by using a SQL JOIN statement.......(yes I've tried and failed).

I think the only way to accomplish this is to put each criteria-filtered result into an array or datatable, and then try to query to see which stocks exist in all the arrays/datatable (in other words satisfy all criteria), and to display these stocks in a gridview. After doing some research online, it is possible to do query from multiple datatables by either using:

JOINVIEW(DataRelation) or LINQ

But which one is the best method (if it works)? I didn't consider using a loop for this since it would be too inefficient, especially if a user select many criteria.

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LINQDataSource - Query Multiple Tables?

May 15, 2010

have a database and I've created a DBML Linq-to-SQL file to represent this database. I've created a new aspx page and dropped a linqdatasource and a formview control onto it. When I configure the linqdatasource it gives me the choice only to select * from one table...but I want to pull from multiple tables. e.g. I have tables like simple_person, simple_address, simple_phone, and I want to pull from all of them.

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Insert Multiple Records In One Query?

Feb 2, 2010

I am trying to insert about 100,000 in my SQL Server database. It is really slow when I create 100,000 separate queries, so I tried to insert all these records in one query, it worked for the first few thousands records but then it threw me a timeout error.

What would be the fastest way to insert multiple records into database?

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ADO.NET :: Query Is Returning Multiple States?

Mar 11, 2011

For some reason my query is returning multiple states. It will return records for CA, TX, AZ. All I want is NY that's it and to me it looks really clear.

SELECT [name1], [name2], [mail_street1], [mail_street2], [mail_city], [mail_state], [mail_zip], [phone], [website] FROM [flat_list] WHERE (([rl] = 'x') OR ([rs] = 'x') AND ([mail_state] = 'NY')) ORDER BY [name1], [name2]

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ADO.NET :: LINQ Query With Multiple Join?

Aug 18, 2010

I ned to run a query with two joins, the second join does not work please help with the correct syntax.


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Combine Multiple Audio Files Query?

Apr 1, 2010

Is there any way to combine multiple Audio Files (.wav etc) into one file?

I have found an example here :




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Databases :: Update Multiple Column Using Sub Query?

Apr 1, 2011

I want to update multiple column of a table using subquery ...My sample code is shown below


its throwing syntax error...I dont know where i commiting mistake.

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ADO.NET :: Retrieving Multiple Values From A Select Query?

Oct 12, 2010

This code works just fine for me to select * from x,y,z. However what I want to do is retrieve the values return and assign them to variables. How do I go about this?


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How To Pass More Than One (multiple) Values In Query String

Mar 26, 2013

how to pass more than one value in query string??

Response.Redirect("wardno180.aspx?ab=" + TextBox3.Text);

i want to pass the value of one more text box in this query string

what changes should i make??

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Looping Throug Multiple Sql Connections And Execute Query?

Mar 16, 2011

I am trying to loop throug multiple sql server instances (connections) and execute one query for all those connections and ouput in one grid.I am using checkboxes to show all of my connections. So far i have the following code: ( but the code only just executes the query on the first selected instead of the 2 or more selected connections.

Sub executesqlquery()
Dim instance As String
Dim instance1 As String [code]....

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C# - Converting A T-sql Query To Linq To Sql With Coalesce And Multiple Join?

Jan 9, 2011

We have two related tables (inventory, inventoryLocalization) and a t-sql query works on them as follows..

select inv.[code],
coalesce(inL.name, inL2.name) as [name],
coalesce(inL.description, inL2.description) as [description]
from dbo.[inventory] inv
left join dbo.[inventoryLocalization] inL on inv.code = inL.code and inL.language = 'de'
left join dbo.[inventoryLocalization] inL2 on inv.code = inL2.code and inL2.language = 'en'
where inv.[code] like '15.' + '%'
order by inv.[code];

to performance improvement, we will try to use these tables from cache not from RDBMS directly.
for an asp.net 4.0 project, by c#. We've took both tables to chache with a DataSet and we can reach both of them through that DataSet.

DataSet ds = UtilityCache.getCachedDataSet();

"ds.Tables[0]" is inventory Table and "ds.Tables[1]" is inventoryLocalization Table

But how can we convert above T-Sql syntax to linq2Sql. is it possible to use coalesce for select statement and to join on two tables with multiple conditions ?

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DataSource Controls :: Multiple Like Statements In One Select Query

Mar 15, 2010

I need to write a select query where it will be doing "like" on one column with multiple strings.

Eg : Select * from tblCity where city like '%ABC%' and city like '%XYZ%'

I have set of strings.

View 5 Replies

DataSource Controls :: How To Optimize Query With Multiple Inner Joins

Mar 22, 2010

I have one question regarding how to make the below mentioned type of query more optimized so that mine query perfomace can be increased.

Select a.name1,a.address1,b.field3,c.field4,d.field6,e.field7
from a
inner join b on a.id=b.id
inner join c on c.id=b.id
inner join d on d.id=c.id
iner join e on e.id=d.id
union all
Select a1.name1,a1.address1,b1.field3,c.field4,d.field6,e.field7
from a1
inner join b1 on a1.id=b1.id
inner join c on c.id=b1.id
inner join d on d.id=c.id
iner join e on e.id=d.id
union all
Select a2.name1,a2.address1,b2.field3,c.field4,d.field6,e.field7
from a2
inner join b2 on a2.id=b2.id
inner join c on c.id=b2.id
inner join d on d.id=c.id
iner join e on e.id=d.id

All the above three select query at last using the same inner join condition, means last two inner join condition are the same for all the select query.

Is there any way so that this query can be optimized?

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SQL Server :: Inserting Multiple Records Under The Single Query?

Sep 9, 2010

I have to insert a multiple records under the single table.So i have to execute the command in the frontend for every records.

Inorder to avoid i write the query like this

insert into table1(field1,field2) values('1','Test1'),('2','Test2');

and also i tried

insert into table1(field1,field2)

SELECT "1","Test1"

Union all

SELECT "2","Test2"

But I am getting syntax error.

How to insert a multiple records under the single query?

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SQL Server :: Create Multiple XML Files From A Single Query?

Oct 20, 2010

I'm using this code for creating and xml file out of a SQL2005 table:


Is there a way for me to create multiple xml files, one for every row, going by the primary key column, or do I have to create a separate query for each row?

I would also wondering what is the syntax for transforming this query into a stored procedure

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Databinding Multiple Tables Linq Query To Gridview?

Jun 3, 2010

how can I display a linq query in a gridview that has data from multiple tables AND allow the user to edit some of the fields or delete the data from a single table?

I'd like to do this with either a linqdatasource or a linq query. I'm aware I can set the e.Result to the query on the selecting event. I've also been able to build a custom databound control for displaying the linq relations (parent.child).

However, I'm not sure how I can make this work with delete? I'm thinking I may need to handle the delete event with custom code.

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ADO.NET :: Create A Query To Gather Information From Multiple Tables?

Apr 1, 2011

I have a view that has to render information from 3-4 tables. I therefore chose to create a viewModel for this. I am using EF as DAL.The information to be displayed is SiteId, SiteName, SiteDetails from one table.Associated to Site, other table Event_type has information about Events in the system with fileds like EventId, EventName, Event ScopeId.EventScope is another table with ScopeID and ScopeDesc Also, there is Site_Event_Implemnetation table that stores all the events associated to a site. It has SiteId, EventId, EventUnitIdEventUnit is another table that stores all the unit types.Now my Details ViewModel has to display the info SiteName, SiteDetails. And associated to that a grid of events with info on EventName, Scope Desc, Unit Desc1. How do I formulate my query to retrieve this info in my repository layer using Linq to EF?

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DataSource Controls :: Using Multiple Values In A Parametrized Query?

Aug 13, 2010

SELECT ClientMaster.ClientName,*
FROM ProjectMaster LEFT JOIN ClientMaster
ProjectMaster.RefCode IN (@refcode) AND ProjectMaster.ProjectStatus=@status

@refcode should be able to contain multiple values but how should I pass value to the parameterized query?

I have tried many ways such as @refcode = 'VALUE1','VALUE2', @refcode = VALUE1,VALUE2 but to no avail?

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Web Forms :: Inserting Multiple Rows In A Single SQL Query

Dec 23, 2015

I have a question which is insert multiple rows in a single insert? Is that possible?

For example:

(JAN, 18),
(JEN, 20),
(JIN, 23)
Using C#

I have code, something like I ask but there's an error.

Here's the code

for(int i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
sql += "(@name" + i.ToString() ", @age" + i.ToString() + "),"
sql = sql.Remove(sql.Length - 1);
cmd = SqlCommand(sql, con);

I got an error of "Fatal error encountered during command execution."

The error goes here

{"Parameter '@name0' must be defined."}

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Web Forms :: Multiple Query String In Client Side

Jun 18, 2012

How to use multiple query string in client side.


it is for single value

<a class="lightbox-image" href="producticon.aspx?cat=Duravit">
second page
  lblCategory.Text= Request.QueryString["cat"];

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