LINQDataSource - Query Multiple Tables?
May 15, 2010
have a database and I've created a DBML Linq-to-SQL file to represent this database. I've created a new aspx page and dropped a linqdatasource and a formview control onto it. When I configure the linqdatasource it gives me the choice only to select * from one table...but I want to pull from multiple tables. e.g. I have tables like simple_person, simple_address, simple_phone, and I want to pull from all of them.
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Mar 6, 2011
A follow up question concerning the DAL layer part .. The first question about dealing with large objectsI have one table (PlacesTable) that is connected by like 6 other tables (1:Many and Many:Many relations)
In my DAL should I put a big query that join the 6 tables + the m:m reference tables (btw it produces multiple data that I don't need Please refer to my old question) and place all the data in it's specific object property or, should I use a single query for each table and create an object for each fetched table .. and finally send those to the UI ?If I wasn't clear enough please let me know what I further information do you need to know!
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Jun 3, 2010
how can I display a linq query in a gridview that has data from multiple tables AND allow the user to edit some of the fields or delete the data from a single table?
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However, I'm not sure how I can make this work with delete? I'm thinking I may need to handle the delete event with custom code.
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Apr 1, 2011
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Dec 1, 2010
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WHERE (BSFLBWF_1.Closex IS NULL).........
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Nov 15, 2010
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1. Create an SP
2. Create a temp table and copy all records from the external db
3. Avoid using Left Join as much as possible and use Inner Join
4. Create and use indexes
5. Remove tables/columns that are not necessary
In this scenario, I would like to suggest to use Covering Index, but how can it be created for multiple tables and a temp table?
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Also, if I do myLinq.Where = "division ==1 and someotherInt = 2", it works fine, but if I do two different data types, it will throw error. Since I want to filter with two different data types, hwo do I do this?
Parameter pram1 = new Parameter();
pram1.Name = "division";
pram1.DbType = DbType.Int32;
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Sep 4, 2010
I'm having a question about the LinqDataSource. Does anyone know if it's possible to perform multiple inserts with the LinqDataSource? Let's say for example that I have 2 tables.
Table A
AID = PK autoincrement Name AddressA FK AddressB FK
Table B
BID = PK autoincrementStreetNumberPostalCodeCountry
These tables are just examples to clarify my question. Let's say that I have a FormView with a LinqDataSource where the user can enter his name en a billing address (A) en delivery address (B). Now I would like to know if the LinqDataSource is able to insert 2 records in table B and use these ID's to insert them in table A together with the name?
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I show product of table in different gridview.
Now I am using one search box. but how to search product name with image in one query all of three table....
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How load and display all data in Default.aspx....
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Apr 23, 2010
As the title sugests, I am missing a (basic?) concept as I teach myself, linq, and C#. It has been awhile since I've done anything object oriented, so I don't know how much that is impacting this gap in my understanding. Anyhow, here is what I am trying to do. I have three SQL Server tables: PERSON, POSITION, AREA. There is a 1 to many relationship between PERSON and POSITION, and a 1 to 1 relationship between POSITION and AREA. Given the following code I verify who the person is who has logged into the browser:
I want to be able to return all of the AREAs the person is able to access, based on the position they currently hold. I am able to easily do this in a SQL Server query, and I am sure I can do this with a SQL stored procedure once I pass the EMPLOYEE_ID to the procedure. However, I would rather do this in the page_load event, and load the returned results into gridview1 for the viewer. The issue I am running into is in building the LINQ query. When I try to build it, I can only get access to two of the three tables, depending on which table I select with db. Is it possible to access all three tables in the same query?
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Jul 30, 2010
I want to do execute a LINQ query, and I have the name of the table to query stored in a variable:
string tableName = "SomeTable";
DataContext db = new DataContext();
var vResult = from t in db.tableName where t.Id = ....
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Feb 9, 2010
I am trying to create an application in which there is a summary of outstanding payments.
One table is Table_Bills.
The other table stores records of Payments made and is called Table_Payments.
In summary i want to show 3 figures - each in separate one field datagridview with a data_source in separate data_adapter:
1) Ammount_Due 2) Amount_Paid 3) Balance.
The first two are no problem but the last is giving me a headache.
I tried this:
SELECT SUM(DHB_New_Jobtable.DayWage) - SUM(DHB_Payments.Ammount) AS Expr1
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Aug 27, 2010
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2)(View Model issue) When I use List<Reportcollection> and also List<Receipt> to convert the result then its giving an error that "Cannot convert list<anonymous> to list<string>"
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May 20, 2010
can get two tables in only one query with LINQ to Entities
Code for example:
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Mar 28, 2011
Here I'm using three tables given below. As u can see in the below three tables, 3 columns(P_Id,PdtName,PdtImgUrl) are same. Now can any body tell me how can I retreive values of 3 columns(P_Id,PdtName,PdtImgUrl) without repeatition.
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Apr 1, 2010
i have a form view that takes fields from two tables 'Contract' and 'volunteers', however because i used a query builder,i have to input an insert statement. How do i create an insert statement for two tables in one query?
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Mar 16, 2011
I have 5 tables of which one has a primary key called "pid" as follows in patientdetails table the pid of a patient is used to compare the pid in remaining tables so the data in matching pid records can be stored in dataset. I tried using stored procedure to get them together in one dataset but it just doesent happen. This is my stored procedure,
I think the execution doesent proceed after the first if exists statements, because only the data in patientdetails is stored in dataset. and one more thing. all test tables need not contain a data against every pid in patientdetails table.
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