Reate One Big Web Project Or Split Some Features Into Web Services?
Jan 8, 2011
At what point (if at any) does it make sense to take some of the features of a .NET web application and split them into separate web services?
For example, we have a very large web application that also calls a series of long running operations (our core business logic). We also have a dll with client-specific custom features that is called directly from the web project. Sometimes we need to move very quickly to change these client functions, often in hours.
However, if we make a change to the client-specific features (or an emergency change to the core features) and publish a new project, then it would kick all the users out the system as the app restarts. It would seem like there's a better way ... but I'm not sure what it might be ...
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{private const string var1 = "hello test";}
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type: "POST",
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Jan 28, 2011
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