Regex - Validating Email Address With Regexp?
May 1, 2010
When validating an email address with the regex validation component, an additional RequiredFieldValidator must be added to ensure there is a value present.
I've mostly taken care of this with a CustomFieldValidator, and taking care of this with Javascript.
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Jan 26, 2010
We are developing an Intranet application that looks up some data for a user through hooks into Active Directory. However, our Network guys don't always enter in a users email address when creating a new user. Therefore, our user database is missing the email address for over half of our users. We have over 10,000 users, therefore asking them to enter 5000+ email addresses into each missing email address field in Active Directory isn't an option. I already know how to validate that an email address is correctly formatted using Regex. What I need is a way to lookup the email address entered in the email address textbox and see if it exists on Outlook/Exchange (or looking up the email address using the First Name/LastName would work). If it does exist then the address is valid, if it is invalid then the user typed in the wrong address. I've tried to do something with CDO, but have had no luck. We use Outlook 2003 and ASP.NET 2.0.
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1. [URL]
2. [URL]
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Jul 2, 2010
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May 6, 2010
i have an requirment where an user can enter multiple email address.
The validation should ensure that he should enter address in the format "".
my existing validation ensures that some text is entered before "@" symbol and "" is the domain.
I would need my regex to check for the delimiter ";" between two mail id's .
valid: |;|
invalid: a@abc.comm |, | ||
I've tried many links but ther were of no use and i'd be grateful if someone could help me modify the current one to suit my requirments
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Jan 31, 2011
how do I grab an email address from a web form and email to that email address with the link to a webform?
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Mar 25, 2010
I'm using the change password control in my application and all seems to be find and dandy until a user tells me she has a problem meeting the strength requirements when changing her password. Looking into this, she is using IE 7 and no matter what she puts in, the validation fails (and ONLY in IE 7. Firefox, IE 8, Chrome etc. all work as expected). Here is the regex i'm using:
I've tried out a few others that I've found throughout this site and others that folks seem to be using with no issues and I come across the same problem.It seems that which ever pattern I enter in last (digit, upper or lower alpha) is the one that is expected to be repeated min of 5 times. For example:
Hello1 (doesn't work)
11111Hello (doesn't work)
Hello11111 (works)
Again, this is ONLY in IE 7.
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Jan 28, 2011
how do I grab an email address from a web form and email to that email address with the link to a webform?
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In addition to the process of regex syntax validation of Email Addresses entered by users, I'm trying to check if the entered email address is a real one and does exist?The best I could achieve is to "Ping" the host the email address is associated with. But there are some other terms in the industry like Handshaking with Email Server, etc.not necessarily with 100% confirmation accurary!
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May 7, 2015
How me can validate a email textbox to take only valid email address if error occur it show the error message in this textbox or as a tooltip. because in the form there is no space to show error message.
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Mar 22, 2010
in my web i want to send email to distribution list instead of email addresthis is my code:
message.From = New MailAddress("Innovate_Web@KISR.EDU.KW")
message.To.Add(New MailAddress(""))
'message.To.Add(New MailAddress(""))
message.Subject = "Email from contact page in Innovate Web"
message.BodyEncoding = Encoding.UTF8
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Sep 20, 2012
These are sender settingcode in web.config
<add key="Host" value=""/>
<add key="EnableSsl" value="true"/>
<add key="UserName" value=""/>
<add key="Password" value="xxxx"/>
<add key="Port" value="587"/>
here is sender email but i want there wasn't any email address.I mean i want when users click on button and send me an email there wasn't any email address in sender details.
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Feb 25, 2010
I am writing a registration form which will store all the information to the database. I need to validate some data before saving like empty and isunique.
I have username and email address field in my form. I used CustomValidator to call a function check unique to execute my code to check the given email address with the list in database.
It works fine for new case but when i am for edit case it does check with itself and reports already in use.
My Steps:
1.) Page load
If edit case retrieve data and populate them in control like. txtemail.text = dbrec("email")
2.) submit action
if page.isvalid() then
end if
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Jan 9, 2011
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Jul 10, 2010
i have a database query getting the email address of the user how can i put the email address of a user and code it here...
source code:
MailMessage msg = new MailMessage("", "", "Mail Subject", "Mail Message");
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Nov 19, 2010
I have this simple regex string to validate emails. It worked fine until someone came along with an email address that contained an ampersand:
how I can alter this to accept the & symbol? I have tried countless ways with no success.
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Sep 22, 2010
I want to find a substring (email) in a large text using Regex.
just want to return the first valid email that is found from the input text:
string inputString = "Our email is
desired output:
this is the Regex pattern i've used: ^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+.[A-Z]{2,4}$
- is this pattern correct?
private static void DumpHRefs(string inputString)
Match m;
string HRefPattern = @"^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+.[A-Z]{2,4}$";
m = Regex.Match(inputString, HRefPattern,
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
while (m.Success)
Console.WriteLine("Found email " + m.Groups[1] + " at ".......
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Feb 4, 2010
This is probably a simple one for C# people :-) I have this regular expression in javascript:
strVar = strVar.replace(/(specificattribute=)"s*([^"]+?)s*"/g, '$1"$2"');
It replaces leading and trailing spaces inside a specific attribute's value, globally (as per this example page: [URL]). I need to do the same on a string in C#, but when trying the above, the syntax checker chokes at the regExp. So I need the equivalent line of the above in C#.
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Feb 27, 2013
In my resiter form i want users to restrict them not to enter gmail yahoo ids, only company ids would be accepted..
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Feb 26, 2010
I have a longer text and some keywords. I want to highlight these keywords in my text. That is no problem with this code:
private static string HighlightKeywords2(string keywords, string text)
// Swap out the ,<space> for pipes and add the braces
Regex r = new Regex(@", ?");
keywords = "(" + r.Replace(keywords, @"|") + ")";
// Get ready to replace the keywords
r = new Regex(keywords, RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
// Do the replace
return r.Replace(text, new MatchEvaluator(MatchEval2));
private static string MatchEval2(Match match)
if (match.Groups[1].Success)
return "<b>" + match.ToString() + "</b>";
return ""; //no match
But when the word"tournament" is in the text and the keyword "tour" it becomes <b>tour</b>nament. I want to it to highlight the complete word: <b>tournament</b>.
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Jun 29, 2010
i want get email address from facebook i used facebook api but i can not get email
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