Reporting With Text File (.txt)

Nov 2, 2010

I have a text file for the report in my .net application. Now I need to download this text file so that user can open it in a nice format. Also I need to print this text file in a nice format too. I could convert this text file to word or excel for the nice format. But I am wondering if I have other choices. I never use reportview control. Is that a good choice?

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SQL Reporting :: Dynamic Pdf File Using Rdlc File?

Jan 13, 2011

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User Name: string variable1
Details: string variable2
Report (in table format):
Dataset (table1)

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Aug 17, 2010

I need to create a complex report and export it to Excel.

In the first column header, text is displayed as "Hide Daily Columns", but I need the text to change as "Unhide Daily columns" when I click on it and when the text changes the columns under "daily" header (I have 3 columns under this header) present in the report shud be hidden and only weekly columns shud be visible. I am new to SSRS and tried out many ways but didn't get it.

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SQL Reporting :: Format Some Portions Of Text Box In Expression?

Dec 21, 2010

I am creating a report and I have several paragraphs of text making up my document inside those paragraphs I have data from my database so its made up of static and data driven fields. I need to bold and under line some of my fields inside my expression. I tried creating several columns and putting in my fields in other columns and that does work however it doesn't look that great sometimes there are large gaps in my text between the static and the dynamic.

here is an example of one of about 14 paragrahs in my report.

="The Borrower hereby notifies MACED that it will use "& FormatCurrency(Fields!TotalAmount.Value) & " to fund the costs reflected in this Requisition No. " & Fields!pk_ReqID.Value & ". The above described loan proceeds will be used for the following purposes and in the following amounts:"

As you can see thats one large field I have it works great other than I need to bold and underline my Value and my date can this be done inside my expression in some way like FormatCurrency(Fields!TotalAmount.Value,"BOLD")

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Nov 1, 2010

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SQL Reporting :: Pass The Parameter Through The URL Instead Of The User Typing It Into The Text box?

Nov 15, 2010

I've been using for a number of years now but I am new to reporting services. I have created a report which uses 1 ID parameter. I want to pass the parameter through the URL instead of the user typing it into the text box. I have set the paramented value to hidden and tried to pass it in the url like below:


However it doesnt recognise the ID paramenter in the url as I get an error message saying that @ContactID is missing.

View 6 Replies

Web Forms :: Reading Data From Text File And Displaying It In Corresponding Text Boxes

Jun 17, 2010

I have written the following ocde to save the data in to textfile.

using(TextWriter tw=new StreamWriter(file))
string refcode = txtReftypecode.Text;
string priorcode = txtPrioritycode.Text;
tw.Write(priorcode.PadLeft(2, '0'));
string date=txtFilecreatdate.Text.Replace("/","");
string time1=txtFilecreattime.Text.Replace(":","");
tw.Write(txtImmeddestname.Text.PadRight(23,' '));
tw.Write(txtImmedorgname.Text.PadRight(23,' '));
tw.Write(txtRefcode.Text.PadRight(8,' '));

Now i would like to represent the data in to the corresponding to text boxes when i open that text file.

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Web Forms :: Text File From Client Machine Into Text Box On Page

Oct 12, 2010

I have an input type, so a text box which has a browse button next to it. When it is clicked, the file that is selected has it's full path placed into the text box.

<input type="file" runat="server" id="txtFilename" style="width:400px" />

Where is the event! Now that I have the path to the file in the textbox of the input type, I want to load each line of this file into a textbox that is able to handle multiline text. I don't want the file to be uploaded to the website. I just want to contents of the file read and placed in a textbox all with one click on the browse button.

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Web Forms :: Reading Text File Into Multi-line Text Box

Oct 12, 2010

I have an input type, so a text box which has a browse button next to it. When it is clicked, the file that is selected has it's full path placed into the text box.

<input type="file" runat="server" id="txtFilename" style="width:400px" />

Where is the event!

Now that I have the path to the file in the textbox of the input type, I want to load each line of this file into a textbox that is able to handle multiline text.

I don't want the file to be uploaded to the website. I just want to contents of the file read and placed in a textbox all with one click on the browse button.

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Web Forms :: Finding The Required Text From The Saved Text File

Jun 25, 2010

i have saved a text file with a name batchheader.txt.

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VS 2008 - Reading Contents Of A Text File Into Text Box On Form

Jul 13, 2011

I'm trying to read the contents of a text file into a text box on my form. When I run the following code, nothing happens.

VB.NET Code:
Protected Sub lbLogs_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object,
ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles lbLogs.SelectedIndexChanged       
For Each li As ListItem In lbLogs.Items           
If li.Selected Then                Using sw As New StreamReader(li.Value)                   
txtLog.Text = sw.ReadToEnd                     sw.Close()                End Using            End If        Next    End Sub

I populate the ListBox with ListItems and each ListItem's Value property holds the full path to the file. But, I removed all of that and just put txtLog.Text = "test" inside of the "is selected" block.

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SQL Reporting :: How To Add Custom Text For Null Vale Of Column In SSRS 2005

Jan 28, 2010

I am new to SQL Server Reporting Services. I am generating Reports VS 2005 Business Intelligence Report Server Project.

Here I got a general QQ when I am generating report.

How can i add custom text if column value is null. I tried to add it by column Expression property.

i,e =IIF(IsNothing(Fields!DOB_YY.Value) , "Null", Fields!DOB_YY.Value)

Here I added custom text as 'NULL'. But its not doing any changes in my pages.

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Saving Text From Db In A Text File And Send That In Email As Zip?

Feb 7, 2011

I want to save the text data that coming from the database into the Text files.Suppose if i have dataset that contains 10 rows then i want to generate 10 text files and each text files contains associated row data.Finally i want to save them in the folder.Mail all the text files as a compressed format like zip and send them to the user.

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SQL Reporting :: Design An Rdl File?

Nov 16, 2010

How to design an rdl file to generate a report.

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Long Running Web Page - Generate A Text File Conforming To A File Specification?

Jul 8, 2010

I have an application I am trying to write that generates a text file conforming to a file specification, and the file could contain thousands of lines. This part is easy. The more challenging part for me is the user interface. It needs to be a web interface with various options to affect what data gets on the file; this part is no problem. The process for generating the file, though, could take a little time depending on the amount of data , and I would think the web page would time out.

What options do I have for the UI? Could I create some sort of service that the page calls and runs in the background? When the process errors or is finished, I'm thinking there could be an email sent out, or even messages displayed on the page.

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SQL Reporting :: RDLC File With Table?

Jan 18, 2011

I create a rdlc file with table, That table shows dataset value in dynamicaly. It is working fine. But i can't able to set table border value. And also i want to show alternative rows in difference background color... (I just simply say how to design a table in rdlc file(dynamic or static)?)

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Intermittent Bug - IE6 Showing File As Text In Browser Rather Than As File Download

Dec 30, 2010

In an ASP.NET WebForms 2.0 site we are encountering an intermittent bug in IE6 whereby a file download attempt results in the contents of the being shown directly in the browser as text, rather than the file save dialog being displayed. Our application allows the user to download both PDF and CSV files. The code we're using is:

HttpResponse response = HttpContext.Current.Response;
response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename="theFilename.pdf"");
response.ContentType = "application/pdf";

This is called from the code-behind click event handler of a button server control. Where are we going wrong with this approach? Edit Following James' answer to this posting, the code I'm using now looks like this:

HttpResponse response = HttpContext.Current.Response;
// Setting cache to NoCache was recommended, but doing so results in a security
// warning in IE6
response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename="theFilename.pdf"");
response.ContentType = "application/pdf";

However, I don't believe that any of the changes made will fix the issue.

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SQL Reporting :: Hide Table In RDLC File?

Feb 8, 2011

How to dynamicaly hide and show table in rdlc file with the help of parameters.

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