SQL Reporting :: Enable Button To Justify Text?

Nov 11, 2010

How can enable the button to justify text? I have it on the toolbar is disabled but .

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Mar 22, 2011

There is difference when I view my report in report viewer 2010 and PDF/Excel/Word.In Report Viewer the alignment is correct which align left . But when i export into PDF/Excel/Word the alignment are justify . How to solve this problem?

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AJAX :: To Press The "Enable" Button Twice To Enable A Disabled ComboBox?

Feb 28, 2010

I have the following code snippet :


With code behind :[Code]....

Why do I have to press the "Enable" button twice to enable a disabled ComboBox ?

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Eval("Name") %>'
"http://www.abc.com/catlg/" &#43; Eval("Page")&#43;".htm" %>'

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Jul 12, 2010

I want to read the customers first name from the customer table below. Then right pad it with
blanks so that it will always have a length of 50 characters. This is not working for me and I need
help. Can someone help me? Here I create a temp table, populate it with the padded data. However
the padding does not work?

CREATE TABLE #Rab (YaName char(60))
select v.CustNum INTO Rab from (
select LEFT( FirstName + SPACE(50),50) As CustNum from Customer
) AS v
Customer table :
John Smith 22
Jimmy Gotro 33
Mimi Fox 31

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DataSource Controls :: How To Left Justify And Pad My Output On Select

Jul 7, 2010

I am reading a column value from the database. The field is defined as 30 charswide. If the vale read is less than 30 chars, I need to pad it on the right side withblanks. So that the value when written to a text file will appear to be left justified.How can this be done? I know how to right justify like below. But how do I left justifyand pad on the right side with blanks?Right(LTRIM(RTRIM(CustomerNum) + SPACE(30)),30) As CustNum -- This right justifies.This will NOT left justify so I am stuck :LEFT(SPACE(30) + LTRIM(RTRIM(CustomerNum)),30) As CustNum -- This WIL NOT justify as I wish

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SQL Reporting :: Wrap Text In A Column Text Box

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I am having a table in rdlc that displays the data from a dataset. My problem is the value of one of the fields is long contineous string because of which my report is getting expanded horizontally. i want to wrap the text in this field so that it occupies fixed width of column & gets wrapped. I cant manipulate the text as i have to export the report to PDF.

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Re-Enable Button After Submit?

Apr 21, 2010

I'm employing a solution similar to the answer of OnclientClick and OnClick is not working at the same time ?

How this currently works is that a file is generated and returned to the client, however after the file is returned the button should become active again.

so the response contains the file. But the button does not reactivate.

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MVC :: Enable / Disable Textbox And Make Text Box Blank On Change Of Value?

Jul 26, 2010

I am using jquery to do enable/disable textbox in asp.net MVC views.


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Disable / Enable Button In Gridview?

Apr 13, 2010

I am using template field in a Gridview. I have a button in that. I also have a method which returns bool. Now I want to disable the button in the gridview if my method returns true. And enable the button if my method retuns false.

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Web Forms :: Enable Button Based On Condition

Oct 25, 2010

I am using c# 2.0 and ASP.NET. I have a button in my web page. I want to enable the button only for the last 5 working days of any month. How to enable the button only for the last 5 working days(business days) that is Monday to Friday.

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C# - Enable Disable Button On The Basis Of Grid Row?

Jan 5, 2011

I have a grid control where i am binding list of stickers. On the above of grid , that is out side grid i have two buttons Create Sticker and Void Sticker. Sticker basically have three properties Active , Void and Expired displayed as text in column. There is condition of adding only one sticker at a time. Also if there is an active sticker then user cannot add another sticker until and unless its is expired or void.

So what i want is that whenever my grid is loaded if there is an column with text active the the create / add sticker will get disabled and void will get enabled. I am using the folloing code

/// <summary>
/// Handles the RowDataBound event of the gvSticker control.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
/// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
/// <remarks></remarks>
protected void gvSticker_RowDataBound(object sender, System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (Session["FisherId"] != null)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)


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Web Forms :: How To Enable / Disable Login And Log Out Button

Apr 25, 2012

I have Query 

I am designing new website 

I want to know how I came to knoe whether user is logged in or not so that i can make visible log out button on MAster PAge 

I am able to log in but my log out button is not visible since after successfully login i am getting log in button visible and How to store value in session ("UI")  ? 

Protected Sub Page_Load(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Not Session("UI") Is Nothing Then
Logoutbutton.Visible = True
LoginButton.Visible = False
Displayprofile.Visible = True
Displayprofile.Text = "USER profile"

Alert.Show("no session")
LoginButton.Visible = True
Displayprofile.Visible = False
End If
end Sub

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Web Forms :: Disable And Enable Button - Nothing Entered In Textbox?

Aug 17, 2010

I have a webform with textbox and button,i want to disable the button when nothing is entered into textbox and if something is entered the button must be enabled.How to do it without javascript?

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AJAX :: Enable Button Javascript In ModalPopup Window

Apr 6, 2010

I'm trying to enable a button through javascript when a checkbox is checked. This works fine in one of my pages, but on one page the button and checkbox in within a ModalPopup window, and there it doesn't work. How can I work around this?

javascript: document.getElementById('<%=okBtn.ClientID%>').disabled = false;

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C# - After Disabling A Submit Button With JS, Re-enable After File Download?

Nov 11, 2010

I'm working on an ASP.NET application. Currently when the user clicks "Save" on an item, we disable the Save button, change its text to "Saving..." and so on. This works fine, because the button causes a postback which results in a new page being loaded, on which the Save button is no longer disabled.

We now want to apply this to other actions: Publish (not much different from Save), Import (again, much like Save, but based on data the user has uploaded in a previous step), Export (downloads an XML file to the user) etc.

Export is causing me problems - the button stays disabled. I think this is because the server sends back an XML file rather than a new web page, and so the browser just displays the same page.

The server-side code is along the lines of

Response.BufferOutput = true;
Response.ContentType = "text/xml";
Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + whatever);
[push file contents into Response.OutputStream]

a way of making the server send a fresh page back in the response as well as the XML, thus re-enablnig the button in the same manner that the other pages do, ora way of getting the browser/JS to re-enable the button once the file has been sent.

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Enable/disable Delete Button Template Of Gridview?

Feb 9, 2011

how to enable the delete button only if the user have modify the data in a gridview


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How To Enable/Disable Button When A Dropdown List Selected Value Changes

Oct 28, 2010

I have a couple of dropdownlists and a button.when a user selects an item in the 1st dropdownlist,the 2nd dropdown is programmatically bound to a set of items(using an ajax request) depending on the value selected in the 1st dropdown.Then the user will have the ability to choose an item from the 2nd dropdown and click on the button,which performs some server side opeartions and returns the results.

But if the user tries to click on the button before the 2nd dropdown list is populated,user will receive an exception message.Instead of that I would like to prevent the user from clicking the button before the ajax request is completed to populate the 2nd dropdown.I tried using Button1.Enabled=false in the selectedvaluechanged event of 1st dropdown,which does n't seem to work.

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C# - How To Pass Value In A Constructor To Enable Or Disable A Button In Control

Feb 23, 2011

I am having a constructor on my user control From a main page I just reinitialize the user control.

I tried


BtnAdd is the (aspx button runat server) control I want to disable.

While compiling it does not shows error.But while runtime It throws error saying btnAddis null.

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AJAX :: How To Enable A Panel On Click Of Link Button

Jul 14, 2010

Suppose i have a panel having other Server Controls like Link Button etc.Initially this Panel is not loaded or not visible.I want to use animation extender to enable that panel, i.e., that panel will pop up with some animation and postbacks can be done by clicking any button in that Panel.

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Javascript - C# - Enable Button Ontextchange Without Posting Back?

Mar 22, 2011

so i have a lightbox in which pops up an aspx page with textboxes and two buttons (submit - disabled and cancel - enabled). I wanted to enable my submit button ontextchange. it works fine when opened separately (not as a lightbox) but when i let it run normally with the lightbox function everytime ontextchange gets triggered the whole page refreshes disabling the lightbox.

<asp:TextBox ID="textBox1" runat="server" OnTextChanged="OnTextChanged_AttributesEdited" autopostback="true">
protected void OnTextChanged_AttributesEdited(object sender, EventArgs e)
btnSubmit.Enabled = true;

now if i take out the "autopostback=true" it then will not trigger the the ontextchanged. was wondering if is it better if javascript will be the way to go for enabling the button or is there a way where i can prevent the postback when ontextchanged is triggered?

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Web Forms :: Enable An Image Button With Javascript For Firefox?

Feb 18, 2011

var elem = document.getElementById('<%=imageButton1.ClientID %>');
elem.setAttribute('enabled', 'true');
elem.setAttribute('enabled') = 'true';

Neither of them are working for me with Firefox.

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Create A Button To Enable / Disable A Bunch Of Code

Aug 8, 2015

I am trying to create a button to enable / disable a bunch of code.I would like to use the same button. In the first ''click'' i would like to enable the code (i.e. Play sound file) and in the second "click" to disable the code (i.e. Stop sound file)How can I do that?

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MVC :: Disable Submit Button On Post And Re-enable On Validation Error

Jan 25, 2011

so i figured out how to disable the submit button:

$(this).attr('disabled', 'disabled')

this works on firefox but not IE.

Also how can i check for validation error so i can enable the button.

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