Save Text In App_resource. Asp Net Mvc C# Metatags?

Aug 31, 2010

I have all my text inside view coding. I preffer to save it in app_resources, because i would to add other languages in future, and its look quite cleaner. just know that I need to use metatags in my view for text to connect it with file app_resource. How to it correctly, could you show me some examples how it looks like in view??

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// Description
PagemetaTag.Name =
PagemetaTag.Content = TextBox4.Text;
HtmlMeta PagemetaTag =

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<% foreach (var item in Model) { %>
<%: item.StudentID %>
<input type="text" />

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Her social-climbing stepmother would give anything to have Madelyn Haywood betrothed to a future duke. But believes the brothers Devine to be nothing more than heartless rogues—especially Gabriel, whose rakish reputation precedes him. He is nothing more than a slave to passion, and she will not be conquered by his caresses­—and yet his wicked ways tempt her so. how can i convert this type of text to plain text.I want to get rid of that hexadecimal chars and html tags. I tried this code.But not worked.

Dim sb.Append(schild.InnerText)
Dim sb As
New StringBuilder
Dim sr
New StringWriter(sb)
Dim htr
New System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter(sr)
Dim lines
String() = htr.InnerWriter.ToString().Split(New
String() {vbCr & vbLf}, StringSplitOptions.None)
Dim SbAboutbook
New StringBuilder.............

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protected void txtNoOfTypes_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
int n = Convert.ToInt32(txtNoOfTypes.Text)+1;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
Label MyLabel = new Label();
MyLabel.Text = "Type" + " " + ViewState["num"] + i + " " + ":" + " ";


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