Send Encrypt Query String
Feb 19, 2011Iam trying to send EmployeeId in another page using query string but i want to send it in encrypted format.
View 3 RepliesIam trying to send EmployeeId in another page using query string but i want to send it in encrypted format.
View 3 RepliesHow to encrypt query string in
I am looking for common ground for encrypt then decrypt.
I need to encrypt a query string using JavaScript.
Then decrypt it in code behind, C# or VB, doesn't matter.
This value is going from one app to another, so even a cookie won't work.
In one of my ASP.Net websites, I have to provide a link to the user in which all query string parameters should be encrypted.What I am thinking is to use the command "aspnet_regiis" (as used to encrypt web.config data), pass output as a query string inside published url.When the user clicks that link, I first decrypt the string and then fetch the original data for the query string.Am right in doing this? Is there any good technique to encrypt and decrypt query strings?
View 4 RepliesHow to encrypt and decrypt the Query string and sent,receive to another page?
Page 1
LinkButton InvoiceEdit = sender as LinkButton;
string EditId = InvoiceEdit.CommandArgument.ToString();
Response.Redirect("edit invoice.aspx?EditId=" + EditId);
Page 2
String invoiceId = Request.QueryString["InvoiceId"].ToString();
I have a HyperLink column in a gridview that when clicked should navigate the user to another page. I pass parameters to the page using a querystring. i want to encrypte the querystring when it passed to another page
View 1 RepliesI am passing value from one page to another page using query string so tell me easy way to implement the encrypted query string .
View 1 RepliesIs It Possible to send a string consists of (,.&') in a query string ?
View 7 RepliesI want to send hyperlink by attach it with URL with the of query string method. For instance in a web page containing three links like
now suppose user click on at this point i want to send it by attaching with url like [URL]......some thing like that
I would like to open some page from external web-application in iframe. Usualy, I would indicate URL for iframe like this: URL = [URL] BUT. I need to send not only 'ID=12' parameter. I need to send a lot of data to handler in order to be processed. Usualy I do it by following code:
Dim wrq As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create(Data_WS_URL) wrq.Method = "POST" Dim postData As String = "PubmedIDs=" & vInput wrq.ContentType = "Application/x-www-form-urlencoded" Dim byteArray As Byte() = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postData)
But when you use this code - you recieve response from webrequest as some amount of data - text or binary. I may write this respone to the place on the page where I wanted to have iframe. But response cannot always be accaptable. (for example - I render asp:Treeview by ASHX handler - when I do to ashx page - it renders well, collapse-expand works fine; but if I write web-response of ashx page as text/html - then there's something wrong with javascript, tags ids and collapsing nodes). And webresponse cannot be represented as as URL. How to combine this two approaches
1) Clear URL which can be set as source for iframe
2) Extra data for web-request, larger then QueryString can handle
I want to send selected page value on querystring while navigating through paging. URL that is generating on paging are like this
i am working on a web form. now i am opening a pop up window using Now i want to send the id to that new window. the link button is in my Data list view so that my code is something like this:
<asp:LinkButton id="checkdetsail" runat="server" Text="Show Image >>>" OnClientClick="'Images.aspx?aid=<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.StoreCode") %>' ,null, 'height=550, top=100, left=200, width=900, status=no, resizable= no, scrollbars=
yes, toolbar= no,location= no, menubar= no')"></asp:LinkButton>
but this is not working. solve my problem.
First I will say I googled (Binged to make Bill happy) for this but could not find anything, perhaps I am not stating what I need correctly;
I have a website that a customer creates orders (for a printing company) and after the order, I would like to email the customer a link to view the status of their order;
I need to send the CustomerID in the link so on the returning page if a CustomerID is detected in the querystring, I "auto login" the client and open the "Dashboard" for the order page for that customer.
Can anyone point me in the right direction as to how to send the link and how to parse the querystring to get the values from the link.
How to Encrypt a string using C# and Decrypt that string using javascript?
View 2 RepliesWhile sending password value from client side to server side i need to encrypt textbox value using javascript and receive that encrypted value in the server side. Here in the link you'll find one example which will send encrypted value of textbox from client end to server end. I'm trying to implement the same code, but this doesn't send encrypted textbox value from cilent side to server side. I do google regarding this, but no positive result found till now.
View 1 RepliesHow To Use Symmetric Key To Encrypt Connection String in Web.config file And What the Code for doing that (with libraries)
View 3 RepliesHow to encrypt connection string in web config.
View 5 Repliesi want to ask about the best place to put my connection string in my web application and also how to encrypt it?
View 1 RepliesI use some code to encrypt & decrypt string in C# but i want a good one that can generate encrypted string that contain only letters or numbers not any other ( + , / , ...)
View 1 RepliesI have looked for ideas on this and read several posts but none of them seems to be because the problem is that (my host) doesnt allow us to update web.config on their server programmatically. I can use example codes and encrypt them on my local pc but heres the error i get when I run them on the live site:
An error occurred loading a configuration file: Request for the permission of type 'System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed. (machine.config)
How can encrypt the web configuration file ... so I don't want the connection name is appeared. How to do ncryption of web config file.
View 1 RepliesI want to encrypt my web config when i deploy it to server so that the username and password of database is secured. I've tried some of the encryption and it did'nt work. here is my code.
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Configuration
I want to encrypt web.config connection string. But Getting Error
System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: Object already exists.
why is this happening. How to tackle with this problem.
I added the iis tag because I am guessing it also depends on what server technology you use?
I m facing some problem. i m not passing Dynamic string through query string..
I m using this code
string abc = "CPCB_" + TextBox1.Text + "_" + TextBox2.Text;