Send Multiple Messages At Once?

Mar 21, 2011

how to send multiple messages at once?

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VS 2008 How To Send Emails, But Is It Possible To Send Out Text Messages

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Want To Send Text Messages?

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I have this text in a file that is supposed to transmit to new registrants on my site after they successfully complete the CreateUserWizard:

Dear '<% UserName %>',

Thank you for registering with our site!

Here are your user ID and password for accessing the site:

User ID: <% UserName %>
Password: <% Password %>

I have this text in the CreateUserWizard...


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But, where do you put success responses like "You successfully transfered alot of money to your ex." + "Your balance is now zero". I still want to set it at the controller level and preferably in key-value way, the same way as errormessages but without invalidating the modelstate.

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Can Send Multiple Email Addresses To Multiple Recipient In C#

Oct 19, 2010

I am trying to sent an email to some addresses i did that using the System.Net.mail the problem is that i need to make the mail message different for each recipient because i need to put a link inside the email that contain the id this user, the problem is the large number of recipient that i cant use a loop to invoke sending function for each usesr like:


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C# - Send Multiple Emails (via LINQ To SQL)?

Jun 13, 2010

The objective is to send automated emails to which of whom come from the results of my LINQ to SQL script. As I am not sure on 'automated' stuff I was going to approach this in the aspect of having a field in the table that the results are taken from change after the emails have been sent i.e. obj.EmailSent = true; - So that everytime the admin homepage is loaded it isnt sending it out again (eliminating duplication).

From that I would have to create a method to detect a new year and upon that reset all entries of the EmailSent field in the DB table to 'false', but for now its just the initial problem thats causing confusion.

I was going to opt for a 'foreach' solution so that all the recipients, individually, get their emails and not all together. Its the 'foreach' I'm not sure on as well as setting all the results collected to the new value of 'EmailSent' to 'true'.

Here is my attempt:



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How To Send The Same Email To Multiple Recipients

Feb 24, 2011

I'm working on a MVC3 application. I need to send in some cases the same email to several users. What's the best way to do that?

I want that when the same message is sent to more users, every user see his address on the "to" field, but he shouldn't see others email

addresses? In my actual implementation I create a message for every user, but I think that's not really smart.

If I add the addresses in the "bcc" fields, how can I set every time correctly the "to" field avoiding to send duplicate messages?

I also tried this


but obviously it separates with a comma the addresses and so them are all visible.

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May 11, 2010

I am using + Mysql.

I have multiple rows in my dataset; I have to store the rows in my database table. How to do that?

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Send Multiple Parameters Via Querystring Asp

Mar 5, 2010

Which is the best way (in performance and security) to send multiple parameters to a web page (on a different server), considering that the length of the parameters may vary because I'm sending a list of products, and the customer may have selected more than one product, so we need to send each product on the querystring to the other page. For example (I'm on C#); I want to call a web page like this:

Simple Querystring: thepage.asp?Product=1&Name=Coffee&Value=1.99
Json: thepage.asp?{"Product":"1","Name":"Coffee","Value":"1.99"}
XML: thepage.aps?<xml><Products><product>1</product><name>Coffee</name><Value>1.99</Value></Products>

(Obviouly considering we can't send special characters via querystring, but I put them here for better understanding) Which will be the better way (performance, security)?

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Dec 22, 2010

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Jan 27, 2010

I have emails stored in my database. The email is shown by a grid view that contains also a checkbox. I would like to send email to all emails that are selected in checkbox in my gridview. The value that the checkbox hold is True and False.

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Unable To Send Mail To Multiple Recipients

Mar 4, 2010

I am trying to send mail to multiple recipients by following code.


for this i am using System.Net.Mail

But it is thorwing following error. The specified string is not in the form required for an e-mail address

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ADO.NET :: Send A Single Character Instead Of Multiple Characters To SQL

Oct 20, 2010

I've been working on this very simple problem for days. I really don't know what's wrong. I have an insert statement that saves the Category Code, Call Number, and other details of a book to an SQL Server Database. The code is found below. The bold font is the one having the problem.

neither the code, nor the stored procedure has an error. The only problem I have is that the Category Code of "CHM" for instance, is reduced to a single character "C". The same thing happens with all other category codes that were inserted. Only the first character is saved. This is odd, because the Call Number, which has the same data type and string length, does not suffer the problem. It is saved with an intact 3 number of characters in the database. I left a breakpoint on the part that captures the content of the string variable CategoryCode, and it clearly contains a total of 3 characters. I also executed the stored procedure directly in the database, and it's also saving 3 characters. However, when ASP.NET connects to the database using that stored procedure, it always save a single character for category code.

public static string Insert(string Title, string Author, string CategoryCode, string CallNumber, int NoOfCopies, string Details, string UserID, string InsertType, DateTime DateUpdated)

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Jul 31, 2012

How to add multiple attachment for sending an email in

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