Stop From Uploading Posted File?

Dec 25, 2010

I'm developing a httpHandler, in my source code if some conditions aren't met i would like to stop uploading file to the server ( for example file extension is not allowed)

When I try to quit ProcessRequest function with return null;, tries and uploads the file automatically before I quit the httpHandler...

How can I stop to automatically upload posted files?

Here is the list of thing I've tested so far and no luck:

public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) {
var worker = (HttpWorkerRequest)provider.GetService(typeof(HttpWorkerRequest));
return null;

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How To Capture Posted Image From Flash / Swf For Uploading

Sep 1, 2010

This is the first time I've come across this kind of problem before and I'm having trouble approaching it.

I have a swf developed by someone else that posts an image and I have to create a handler of some kind to capture it, name it, then upload it to a directory. I've tried a couple ways and nothing is working.

this is a quick an dirty approach, just an aspx file

<%@ Page Language="C#" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="Components" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.IO" %>
<script runat="server">
public partial class upload : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string uploadDirectory;
uploadDirectory = Server.MapPath(@"images/");
string imageName = "image.jpg";
string uploadPath = uploadDirectory + imageName;
//FileUpload imageUpload = new FileUpload();
// Get the data from the POST array
string Email = Request["email"];
HttpPostedFile imageFile = _context.Request.Files["image"];

this is another approach using a handler.

<%@ WebHandler Language="C#" %>
using System.IO;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Configuration;
using System.Web.IHttpHandler;
public class Uploader : IHttpHandler.i
public void ProcessRequest( HttpContext _context )
string uploadDirectory;
uploadDirectory = Path.Combine(_context.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath, @"images");
//uploadDirectory = Server.MapPath(@"images/");
string imageName = "image.jpg";
string uploadPath = uploadDirectory + imageName;
//FileUpload imageUpload = new FileUpload();
// Get the data from the POST array
string Email = _context.Request["email"];
HttpPostedFile imageFile = _context.Request.Files["image"];

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Web Forms :: Upload Large Files - Stop Waiting For Uploading?

Sep 24, 2010

What is better way to large upload file. using a web service or in application itself. If in application, how can we check that files is to upload. actually i dont want user to wait for complete uploading, when it starts uploading user will get response of uploaded and uploading will be done in backgroud. I am not sure this type of task can be done in webservice also so that user doesnot need to wait for complete uploading. and one more query which event fires when the page redirects to another page. Is it Page_UnLoad or Dispose.

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How To Get Posted File From Upload File Or Html In Put File

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Web Forms :: File Upload - Posted File Is Nothing?

Aug 10, 2010

I am using VS-2005.

In my website I have used the html input control with type=file.

The problem is that when I place this control inside an 'UpdatePanel' the 'PostedFile' property becomes 'Nothing' on postback. So in order to get things working I have removed the 'UpdatePanel' and things are working fine.

However, I am interested to know what kind of workaround is required if I were to use an 'UpdatePanel'? In one of the threads here I found that we need to set a 'PostBackHandler' for the update panel. I have no idea how to implement this. Does it refer to 'AsyncPostbackTrigger' or 'SyncPostBackTrigger'?

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File Can Upload With An Empty Posted Files Collection?

May 24, 2010

I have an ASP.NET file upload control which sits as part of a form. The file upload control is on the content page while the form definition is on a master page across the site. I've added multipart/form-enc to the form on the master page.I'm using jQuery to submit the form as I show a dialog box from jQuery UI.When I post, no file is returned to the server. The file upload control has no file and HttpFileCollection is empty.

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AJAX :: Page Is Posted Back Due To Asynchronous File Uploader Control ?

Nov 22, 2010

I am using Asynchronous File uploader ajax toolkit control.I want to get knowledge of whether page is posted back due to File uploader or not in Page_Load event of my aspx page.

For that i tried to use Page properties IsAsync, IsCallBack but even page is posted back on responce of File Upload these properties are false,only IsPostback property is True.

Why IsAsync and IsCallBack properties are false ?

I was thinking that since this control upload files Asyncronously, so atleast on File Upload IsAsync property should be True.But that is also false .

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Dec 23, 2010

With the ajax file uploader, would it be possible to check the size of the image before uploading?Currently, it uploads the file to the server and then lets me know that it's bigger than the limit size.

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Jun 10, 2010

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Web Forms :: How To Replace Existing File With Confirmation When Uploading File

Nov 20, 2013

In my project i have a folder (folder name  "Data").

I upload .pdf file and save the .pdf file in My Data folder.

In same day if i upload same name file then the previous file is overwrite without any message.

So I would like to know, how can i show a message like ("same name file is exit ,Do u want to replace it").

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C# - Uploading File To Amazon S3 Using File Upload Control

Dec 5, 2010

I've dug around in the SDK and managed to connect to my instance of S3, go into my bucket and create an empty file, but can't figure out how to take a file from my computer and upload it. If I have dragged a file upload control onto the designer surface how do I set the properties for it in the code behind?(If I absolutely need to have a 3rd party uploader which should I use). Here is the code I have so far.

static string bucketName = "myBucket";
static string keyName = "sampleKey";
static AmazonS3 client;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string accessKeyID = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AWSAccessKey"];
string secretAccessKeyID = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AWSSecretKey"];
using (client = Amazon.AWSClientFactory.CreateAmazonS3Client(accessKeyID, secretAccessKeyID))
// simple object put
PutObjectRequest request = new PutObjectRequest();
request.WithContentBody("this is a test")
S3Response response = client.PutObject(request);
// put a more complex object with some metadata and http headers.
PutObjectRequest titledRequest = new PutObjectRequest();
titledRequest.WithMetaData("title", "the title")
.WithContentBody("this object has a title")
using (S3Response responseWithMetadata = client.PutObject(request))
WebHeaderCollection headers = response.Headers;
foreach (string key in headers.Keys)
Console.WriteLine("Response Header: {0}, Value: {1}", key, headers.Get(key));

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How To Stop Overwriting An Xml File

Apr 27, 2010

if i click submit.. a file is then created in xml format but if i enter new data it will overwrite the same file how do i stop this..

this is the code i am using

Protected Sub btnWriteXML_onClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim enc As Encoding
Dim objXMLTW As New XmlTextWriter(Server.MapPath("contact.xml"), enc)
objXMLTW.WriteStartElement("Feedback Form")

how do i stop this from overwriting?

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Uploading A File Without As It Were Actually Uploading File

Jul 25, 2013

On a web page, I need to allow users to input the path to a file (on shares on servers) - which will be stored in a database so I can subsequently display 'a list of documents that apply to this project'.If I put an input type="file" on the page, it makes it easy for the user to browse to the document ... but, when the form is submitted, the document will be uploaded to the server. I don't want the document, I just want the path.

How would you provide the functionality to allow a user to browse to a file so that you could record the path to the file without actually uploading the file itself?I just want to end up showing, on a web page, a list of files like:



I need to give users an easy way to locate those files in the first place - without having to laboriously open Windows Explorer, find the file, and copy and paste the path. A file upload control gives you access to the path - which is what I need - but I don't want the file uploadedIf I do end up using a file upload control - I don't want to save the file on server - how can I dispose of it so I don't end up with hundreds of temp files?

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MVC :: Uploading File Details Instead Of The Whole File?

Mar 22, 2010

I'm rather new to the topic of designing web applications, and during my attempts to create something i stumbled upon a rather tricky question. For my application I want to do a user control with which user will be able to select a file from a hard drive and upload details about this file. I dont want the user to send the whole file, just the details about it. For example lets say user selects a mp3 file. I dont want the whole song to be uploaded but i want the details about that song like the Author, on Album etc. Is something like this possible without uploading the whole file?

I tried looking up that topic on the internet but i found nothing... though i dont believe I am the first one with such a dilema;]

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Uploading File While Being Used By Users?

Apr 27, 2010

I have this concern that I never found out an answer to. If people are on a page on the site that are processing something on that page and at the same time I upload class and/or aspx and .vb page to the server while they are still processing, what happens? Will their data get corrupt? will they be using whatever was there before the new upload until they refresh their page? how does it work?

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File Uploading From A Form?

May 25, 2010

I'm completely new to web design and am looking to add the programming functionality to back the form I've created for my website, so hopefully someone can point me in the right direction.

I have a form that has both data and file fields and I need to be able to have the form contents transferred to a file on my server. I want the contents of the form to be accessible only to me when I access my server.

I don't really understand how works but was hoping someone could either offer me the proper script or point me to a novice-level tutorial that will explain what I need to do.

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Getting Exception When Uploading A File Using IE 6?

Nov 20, 2010

I have a file upload control and just in IE 6 I get the following error when I try to upload a file. My code is further below.

Exception Details: System.Web.HttpException: '/Members/path//C:UsersPublicPicturesPhotosSample AlbumPensive Parakeet.jpg' is not a valid virtual path

MembershipUser newUser =


HttpFileCollection uploadedFiles = Request.Files;.......

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ADO.NET :: Uploading A File Into DB Columns?

Jan 28, 2011

How to upload a file(any format) into DB columns by changing it into binary format??What data type should we use for it?

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C# - Why Is File Uploading Failing In MVC

Feb 2, 2010

I am uploading files using HttpWebRequest to an ASP.Net MVC application but, for some reason unknown to me, it is failing to upload consistently.

I know the file is good since if you try enough times it does eventually upload and can be viewed on the server just fine. When it fails, neither the server nor client reports any errors directly related to the upload, the upload just stops partway through at a random location and time and my MVC action method is called without the file being loaded (Request.Files.Count == 0).

This only seems to be a problem in our production environment over DSL. The test and development environment works fine and the production environment works fine from in the office (really fast connection to servers) but fails when running it from home over DSL.

As you can see below, the point where it fails is basic.

[AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Put | HttpVerbs.Post)]
public int UploadScene(int sceneID, int tourID, string name, int number, PhotoType photoType)
SceneInfo scene;
if (Request.Files.Count < 1) throw new InvalidOperationException("Image file not uploaded.");
// process file...

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C# Uploading Big File And Processing It?

Mar 27, 2010

I want to be able to upload file from my .aspx page to my web server so that it can be preocessed into a different format.e.g. user will upload a doc and in few seconds it would see a pdf version of the doc on the web page.I have web service available which can convert doc to pdf.now1- how do i automate upload + conversion process.2- how do i handle big files here.3- how not to make user wait for all this thing to happen.

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Is There Any Way To Stop A Check Out From Adding/removing File

Oct 19, 2010

I have an AJAX-heavy ASP.NET web application developed using .NET 4.0, using TFS as our source control. We recently upgraded our dev tools to use VS2010 and TFS 2010 exclusively, but now every time a file is checked out, we see visual studio reloading all the symbols, and all the sessions being dropped.

After putting some error logging code, we discovered the reason for the recycle is it reckons App_offline.htm is changing whenever we check out. This doesn't exist anywhere in the project, and my SO-fu has found some information about SQL Express making this file get created and deleted, so it's possible that's what's happening here.

It looks like I do have SQL-Express installed, but even disabling the services that are running, the problem persists.

Is there any way to stop a check out from adding/removing this file, if this is indeed what is happening? It's beyond frustrating to have the app recycle whenever I simply check out a file...

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Web Forms :: How To Stop Executing Code Behind File

Sep 7, 2010

Using Javascript i am validating a textbox data.when validation fails i need to stop executing code behind file.How to proceed.

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Looking For File Uploading In Shared Server

Jan 11, 2011

i ve deployed many applications with file uploading feature on dedicated server and never got any issue. but it is not working on shared sever :( .. i think Server.MapPath("~") is not working on shared server. as in shared sever i am unable to find those directories which must for uploading.

m using following code for creating directories

string RootLocation = Server.MapPath("~") + "\";

string siteUploads = RootLocation + "uploads" + "\";

Directory.CreateDirectory(siteUploads );

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