Stop Launching Two Or More Click Once Application?

Aug 5, 2010

I am launching a click once application on button click. I am using Response.Redirect( to open my click once application. If I click on that button again then I am able to open one more instance of that application again. I want to put a restriction so user can open only one application.

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Apr 21, 2010

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Is there a way to stop launching dreamweaver from VS 2008 every time i try running the web project? Is because I selected "Designer" during the installation?

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I done my c# code to stop watch

protected void tm1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
long sec = sw.Elapsed.Seconds;
long min = sw.Elapsed.Minutes;
long hour = sw.Elapsed.Hours;
Label1.Text = hour.ToString("00") + ":" + min.ToString("00") + ":" + sec.ToString("00");


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Oct 5, 2010

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A clean page name like:


Might have an underlying of URL of:


If a user enters [URL] into a browser, I need to redirect to [URL]

Is this possible to do?

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Jul 8, 2010

This is a really odd situation, so hopefully I can explain it well enough.

I am deploying an ASP.NET 4 webforms application to a Windows Server 2003 SP2 server running IIS6.

Here's the problem -- when the application pool recycles its worker process (w3wp.exe), about 80% of the time, I will get an ReflectionTypeLoadException error trying to access any page in the app that contains an EntityDataSoure every time I try to view it.

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My question is, how can I debug this? It works fine on my dev machine, it works fine on the server as long as you get a good process running, but iisreset or a server restart or anything that kills the worker process is almost guaranteed to cause the site to not come back up and throw this ReflectionTypeLoadException.


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Launching Excel From App?

Apr 17, 2013

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excelApp.ActiveWorkbook.Saved = true;
var si= new ProcessStartInfo {FileName = filename, UseShellExecute = true}; //hits here and crashes

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how do i launch excel application using the file i just saved off to show to the bean crunchers?

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Jan 31, 2010

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Oct 20, 2010

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Down the bottom of the examples is one called outside webpage (Iframe).I've no idea how to get that to work as a postback.

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Jul 15, 2010

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I've been reading some info about Windows Azure but haven't found any info regarding:

1. Be able to launch external executable

2. Be able to remote desktop into the allocated virtual machines

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Assembly / DLL For Inetpub / Wwwroot For Launching Aspx Pages?

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AJAX :: Launching A Modal Popup Window From Server Code?

May 4, 2010

I copied the code from this tutorial:

[URL] into a page in a test project.

The problem is that when i push the client side button, it shows the popup and immediately refreshes (reseting to initial state of course).

Why is this happening in my new web project, but in that tutorial's demo doesn't?

I'm using IE7, FF3.5, VS2008, latest Ajax Control Toolkit.

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