Tiff - How To Display Image That Is Located On Another Server On The Network

Apr 13, 2010

I've got a ASP.NET site that's located on a local server (MY_SERVER). And one of the things it does is pull up tiff files which are located on another server (ANOTHER_SERVER). The location of each of these files is stored in SQL. I pull up each of these images and am supposed to display them. The problem is:

the files are not named with a tiff extension (does it matter?) they aren't displaying at all.

I am using an Image control to display these images, and I'm not sure if it matters that the extension is not set (does the image control know the difference between an jpg and a tiff without the extension?)

I am guessing the images aren't displaying because they are not on the same server MY_SERVER that the images are located (ANOTHER_SERVER).

edit: actually displaying the tiff files were amazingly simple:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Response.ContentType = "image/png";
new Bitmap(Request.QueryString["ImagePath"]).Save(Response.OutputStream, ImageFormat.Gif);

but because the images are located on ANOTHER_SERVER I still can't access them. I may just do a hack where I copy them to a local directory on MY_SERVER but there's gotta be a simple way to fix this. Anyone?

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Display Post Data From Vb.net Application To Web Service Asmx That Is Located On Server

Jan 14, 2010

I am trying to post data from vb.net application to web service asmx that is located on server! For posting data from vb.net application I am using this code:

Public Function Post(ByVal url As String, ByVal data As String) As String
Dim vystup As String = Nothing
'Our postvars
Dim buffer As Byte() = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(data)
'Initialisation, we use localhost, change if appliable
Dim WebReq As HttpWebRequest = DirectCast(WebRequest.Create(url), HttpWebRequest)
'Our method is post, otherwise the buffer (postvars) would be useless
WebReq.Method = "POST"
'We use form contentType, for the postvars.
WebReq.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
'The length of the buffer (postvars) is used as contentlength.
WebReq.ContentLength = buffer.Length
'We open a stream for writing the postvars
Dim PostData As Stream = WebReq.GetRequestStream()
'Now we write, and afterwards, we close. Closing is always important!
PostData.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)
'Get the response handle, we have no true response yet!
Dim WebResp As HttpWebResponse = DirectCast(WebReq.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
'Let's show some information about the response
'Now, we read the response (the string), and output it.
Dim Answer As Stream = WebResp.GetResponseStream()
Dim _Answer As New StreamReader(Answer)
'Congratulations, you just requested your first POST page, you
'can now start logging into most login forms, with your application
'Or other examples.
vystup = _Answer.ReadToEnd()
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Return vystup.Trim() & vbLf
End Function

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Using A Tiff Image On A Webpage?

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Do most modern browsers handle tiffs. Are there any gotchas?

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Web Forms :: Can't Get Image From Network Server

Oct 21, 2010

I inherited a web site that has a web page that displays images of properties for an online property/tax info. Using VB code, it searches for a main image then creates and saves smaller images for use as thumbnails. Currently it gets the images from a directory on the web server. The images are copied to the web server via a job from another server on our network. I am trying to code the page to get the images directly from the original server and having trouble doing it. Here's the code. Point of failure is indicated:


The server error: "Parameter is not valid." How can I get this to work?

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Setting ContentType = "image/tiff" And Sending An Image Is Not Working In IE?

Jan 20, 2011

I need to send an image (as a downloadable file) from an ASP web page. It is working correctly in every browser except for IE (all versions).

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bool export = Request.QueryString["Export"] != null;
if (export)
byte[] allBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(@"C:MyImage.tif");
Response.ContentType = "image/tiff";
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename="MyImage.tif"");
Response.OutputStream.Write(allBytes, 0, allBytes.Length);

And here is the JavaScript:

$('#ExportFrame').attr('src', 'Default.aspx?Export=true'); // ExportFrame is an iframe
In IE, I keep getting an error saying "Internet Explorer cannot download Default.aspx from localhost". I thought it might be an issue with loading it in an iframe element, but redirecting to the URL is not working either. The really odd thing is that going to the URL (/Default.aspx?Export=true) does not work the first time, but works every time after that. Again, this works in every browser I've tried except IE.


The aspx page has the following code to keep the page from getting cached:

// Never cache this page
Response.CacheControl = "no-cache";
Response.AddHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");
Response.Expires = -1;

Removing the first 2 lines and leaving only Response.Expires = -1 resolved the issue.

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I have a routine to display an image on an aspx page. The url for the image uses imagerender.aspx . This is simply an empty page with code behind:

myClass mysub = new Myclass(); // create class
Stream strm = mysub.DisplayImage(UserID); // call method to load bytes from db
byte[] buffer = new byte[2048];
int byteSeq = strm.Read(buffer, 0, 2048);
while (byteSeq > 0)
Context.Response.OutputStream.Write(buffer, 0, byteSeq);
byteSeq = strm.Read(buffer, 0, 2048);

Ok, this work fine when testing on my local machine, but when I move it to the live server, it comes up with an empty image box!

It looks like there must be a problem with security, maybe with ISS.

Does anyone know what changes I can make to fix this problem or what setting to change in IIS 7?

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Image saved in Folder called Images and image Name , Description saved in Database Table Images.

On Deafault.aspx

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However, if the thumbnail cannot be located, a white box with a cross appears instead (as expected).

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ADO.NET :: How To Get And Write Data To A DB Located On The Server

Jan 2, 2011

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1. created the silverlight projecte hosted in asp site project, with wcf enabled .
2. created a DB with some tables in it.
3. created linq to sql classes, and wcf service with operation to fetch data from the DB, added the project the referance .


when i debug it locally on localhost, it workes perfectly, but when i upload all the content to the server i get an error, my guess is that the service is not finding the DB . after I uploaded the content, all i did was change the connection string in my web.config file to the one provided to me by the hosting server.

Webpage error details

User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; InfoPath.3)
Timestamp: Fri, 31 Dec 2010 12:11:43 UTC
Message: Unhandled Error in Silverlight Application An exception occurred during the operation, making the result invalid. Check InnerException for exception details. at System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary()
at MyProfile.ServiceReference1.GetMessagesCompletedEventArgs.get_Result()
at MyProfile.MainPage.webService_GetMessagesCompleted(Object sender, GetMessagesCompletedEventArgs e)
at MyProfile.ServiceReference1.ServiceClient.OnGetMessagesCompleted(Object state)
Line: 1
Char: 1
Code: 0

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I am trying to attach my database to Microsoft SQL Server Management... I right clicked on Database -> Add and then tried to look into the directory however I cannot expand the directory and when I use the exact hyperlink [...]httpdocsApp_DataurantitDB.mdf

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Getting The URI Of A Resource Located Server Side In Silverlight?

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Crystal Reports :: Show .nfo File Located On Server

Jun 2, 2010

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So, when user click on that path of nfo file in crystal report, i want to show that file to user.

I cannot open nfo file in browser.I got this error,

HTTP Error 404.3 - Not Found The page you are requesting cannot be served because of the extension configuration. If the page is a script, add a handler. If the file should be downloaded, add a MIME map.

I am using .net3.5 and iis7.

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Security :: How To Grant Access To Some Ressources Located On Server Only For Specified Web Pages

May 21, 2010

I want to grant access to some ressources located on server only for specified web pages, how could I do this?

For example I have an image www.mysite.com/images/image.jpg and something like <img src="www.mysite.com/images/image.jpg" /> should only work on site asp.net.

Is it possible with web.config or maybe with some C# code?

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SQL Server :: Connecting To A Remote Database Located On A Virtual Machine On The Same PC?

Dec 22, 2010

I have a project that must illustrate that connection to the database is not locally, so I have install VirtualBox and I intend to install SQL Server on it. So any one have the idea of how can I connect from the Host Machine to the SQL Server located on the Virtual Machine

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I would like to work with NLog to track my application's events.How i can configure the generated log file if my server is located on Azure?

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How To Display Image In Mail After Deleted In App Server

Aug 31, 2010

I have a code which creates an image in application server and that image has been referred in mail html. After sending mail, image will be deleted in application server. When i open the mail , image is not getting display in the mail.

The reason i guess is , my code is deleting the image before it copied to mail server. I have checked by deleting the image manually.

First i opened the mail(this time image get copied to mail server) and then deleted the image in pplication server. When i open the mail 2nd time, image get display(because image is in mail server i guess)

Again i ran the code, this time before opening mail first time, i deleted the image in application server and opened the mail. Image is not displaying(because image not getting copied to mail server).

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How To Retrieve And Display The Image From SQL Server Database

Aug 2, 2010

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how i can retrieve the image from the database and display it in my form?

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