Trying To Utilize A Webservice But Is Not 100% Sure How To Do The Coding

Jun 30, 2010 4.0I'm trying to utilize a webservice but is not 100% sure how to do the coding. I've added reference to the web service in the project.The webservice have this class:sendCompletedEventArgs(object[], System.Exception, bool, object) And this delegate:sendCompletedEventHandler(object, sendCompletedEventArgs, System.AsyncCallback, object)This delegate have BeginInvoke(object, sendCompletedEventArgs, System.AsyncCallback, object) and EndInvoke()any suggestions how to utilize this webservice is most welcome?

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Apr 27, 2010

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C# - How To Utilize A Rest API In 3.5

Nov 29, 2010

I have been given some basic documentation of the RazorGator REST API and need to incorporate it into an ASP.NET 3.5 site. I've created my class file to call the API which contains my WebRequest.Create ("URL TO API"). How do I then make the output available so that it can be consumed by other pages? That is, the tickets.aspx page needs to obtain the output results of this API call. What constructs should I use to make this available in tickets.aspx?

Here's the code I've written thus far:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
public class RazorGatorService
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("") as HttpWebRequest ;
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
Stream receiveStream = response.GetResponseStream();
StreamReader readStream = new StreamReader(receiveStream, encode);

I receive the error message:

A field initializer cannot reference the nonstatic field, method, or property 'field'

in the second line of the above codeblock. I'm very new to using HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse. Can you advise me as to how to rectify the error message I'm receiving?

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Utilize A 3rd Party API In VB.NET?

Mar 17, 2011

I know this may be a simple answer or at least to most people but I'm not getting anywhere when attempting this on my own or through the various resources I have looked up.

Here is my issue:

I am using ASP/VB.NET to build this integration. Visual Studio 2008. I previously had asked a question on API Integration on here and utilized that information to successfully perform the next steps. As this API is written differently I may not be grasping the appropriate functions correctly.

A company has given me several addresses for .ASMX portals. I add these into my service references. I can successfully see objects in my object browser and see all the procedures, etc., but further from here I'm unable to correctly use any objects. I attempted to replicate the integration based on my last API question and advice: Connecting to an API offered by a Company. When I'm attempting to use an object or simply relate a field to something on my script I continually get an error.

For example:

Dim A as New API.AddFunction

A.AccountNo = "123"

When running the page:

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Here is only one .ASMX I was given. I cannot release any more, until I receive permission to do so from the provider, I apologize.


Anyhow, the root of my question is really how do I correctly interface with this API? What information do responders require so I can clarify this question more?

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Mar 10, 2010

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Here is my markup for this seciont of code:

<h2>Header Text</h2>
<cc1:AnimationExtender ID="AnimationExtender1" runat="server" TargetControlID="Panel1">
<FadeIn Duration="2" Fps="20" AnimationTarget="LinkButton1"></FadeIn>


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Is it possible to do something like this inside an action?


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How To Utilize Or Mimic Application OnStart In HttpModule

Apr 2, 2010

We are trying to remove the global.asax from our many web applications in favor of HttpModules that are in a common code base. This works really well for many application events such as BeginRequest and PostAuthentication, but there is no Application Start event exposed in the HttpModule.

I can think of a couple of smelly ways to overcome this deficit. For example, I can probably do this:

protected virtual void BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
Log.Debug("Entered BeginRequest...");
var app = HttpContext.Current.Application;
var hasBeenSet app["HasBeenExecuted"] == null ? false : true;
// ... do app level code
app.Add("HasBeenExecuted", true);
// do regular begin request stuff ...

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Jul 22, 2010

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Jul 26, 2010

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If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow Then
If CType(sender, GridView).DataKeys(e.Row.RowIndex).Values("Certificate") <100000 Then
e.Row.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.lightblue
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<!--#include file="inc/inc_header.aspx"-->

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Apr 15, 2010

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