Unable To Send An Email From .net Using A Google Apps Email?
Jan 16, 2011
I am trying to send an email from asp.net using a google apps email.
I found this question which did not resolve the issue
Send Email via C# through Google Apps account
The part that I am really confused about is that it works with these settings
<smtp from="****@gmail.com" deliveryMethod="Network">
<network host="smtp.gmail.com" port="587"
userName="****@gmail.com" password="****"[code]....
and get the following error message
"The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was: 5.5.1 Authentication Required."
I found this article as well http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/Google+Apps/thread?tid=2cbb54572fea6939&hl=en and worked through this but that did not resolve me issue either.
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Similar Messages:
Mar 31, 2010
I am trying to send a basic email through Google Apps/Gmail using C# (System.Net.Mail/Framework 4) and I am having trouble doing so.
I am receiving the following exception: "The operation has timed out."
My code is below:
//Create the mail message
MailMessage mail = new MailMessage();
//Set the addresses
mail.From = new MailAddress("myemail@gmail.com", "My Name");
During my troubleshooting I have tried:
Using my personal gmail address as well as another from a domain hosted through Google Apps. Using ports 25, 465, and 587 Hard coding the config settings in the c# code instead of using the web.config Sending and telneting from multiple network locations to ensure the firewall/ISP was not blocking it Ensured that POP was enabled in the GMail settings (according to Google this should turn on the ability to send using SMTP)
Changing the send from and replyTo address to ensure they match the account (apparently a GMail necessity).
I am able to send and receive email fine through the GMail interface for both of my email accounts. I have also tried the settings and solutions offered in Question # 757987 to no avail.
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Nov 11, 2010
I'm trying to send email via google apps from my asp.net app and am getting the following exception:
{"The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was: 5.5.1 Authentication Required. Learn more at "}
My Web.config has the following values:
<smtp from="user@domain.com"
<network host="smtp.gmail.com"
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Jun 14, 2010
void Page_Load(object sender,
EventArgs e)//sds();
name","to@[URL]","Stefan Receiver","ahmed.drar@[URL]","Test","Hello
there Steff!",true);//private void sds()
sToName = sToEmail;
sFromName = sFromEmail;
System.Web.Mail.MailMessage Mail =
void SendMail(string sHost,
int nPort,
string sUserName,
string sPassword,
string sFromName,
string sFromEmail,
string sToName,
string sToEmail,
string sHeader,
string sMessage,
bool fSSL)
if (sToName.Length == 0)
if (sFromName.Length == 0)
new System.Web.Mail.MailMessage();
if ( fSSL )
[URL] =
if (sUserName.Length == 0)
//Ingen auth
Mail.To = sToEmail;
Mail.From = sFromEmail;
Mail.Subject = sHeader;
Mail.Body = sMessage;
Mail.BodyFormat = System.Web.Mail.MailFormat.Html;
System.Web.Mail.SmtpMail.SmtpServer = sHost;
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Jan 26, 2011
I have a strange problem with sending email via asp.net.
I adding to my email an attachment with long name ("Xxxxxxxx ąę łóxxxx yyyyyyyyyńęąąyy bbbbbbbbbb b wwwwwwwww wwwwwww ooooooooo" - polish chars included). Next I receiving that email with that file but I can't read the file. There is like damaged, with different name - ""=_utf-8_B_WHh4eHh4eHggxIXEmSDFgsOzeHh4eCB5" and the file size is a little bigger.
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Sep 24, 2010
I am trying to send a simple email through the following code:
protected void email_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
System.Net.Mail.MailMessage msgMail = new System.Net.Mail.MailMessage();
msgMail.From = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress("veerab@orbees.com");
msgMail.To.Add(new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress("murthyp@orbees.com"));
msgMail.Subject = "Request:Joing into the myitem.Title.ToString()";
msgMail.IsBodyHtml = true;
string strBody = "test mail";
msgMail.Body = strBody;
System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient client = new System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient();
I have installed the SMTP server on my local machine. The folders in mail root have all the permissions. My mails stay in the Queue folder for sometime and then they go to the Badmail folder. I am receiving the following error: Unable to deliver this message because the follow error was encountered: "This message is a delivery status notification that cannot be delivered.". The specific error code was 0xC00402C7. The message sender was <>. The message was intended for the following recipients.
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Oct 14, 2010
my website sends email just fine on another host. I should not really have to change anything to make it work on this webhost. However, I have followed the instructions for this host and it is not working. Here is my current web.config.
I am getting my mail message printed at the top of my browser with the correct information. Why isn't this going through the mail server?
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May 7, 2015
I followed this link, it works fine with English Text. [URL] ....
My problem is when I am adding Arabic text to the message body it displays ???? format.
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May 7, 2015
I want to mail from
smtp server:smtp.foodtrove.in
pop server : pop.foodtrove.in
I tried to send smtp but fail
try {
using (MailMessage mm = new MailMessage()) {
mm.Subject = "Account Activation";
string body = "Hello";
mm.From = new MailAddress("support@foodtrove.in");
body += "<br /><br />Please click the following link to activate your account";
but catch exception service not available error ...
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Jun 17, 2012
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Mar 22, 2010
in my web i want to send email to distribution list instead of email addresthis is my code:
message.From = New MailAddress("Innovate_Web@KISR.EDU.KW")
message.To.Add(New MailAddress("mmahdi@safat.kisr.edu.kw"))
'message.To.Add(New MailAddress("innovate@safat.kisr.edu.kw"))
message.Subject = "Email from contact page in Innovate Web"
message.BodyEncoding = Encoding.UTF8
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Sep 20, 2012
These are sender settingcode in web.config
<add key="Host" value="smtp.gmail.com"/>
<add key="EnableSsl" value="true"/>
<add key="UserName" value="neda@gmail.com"/>
<add key="Password" value="xxxx"/>
<add key="Port" value="587"/>
here is sender email but i want there wasn't any email address.I mean i want when users click on button and send me an email there wasn't any email address in sender details.
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Apr 1, 2010
I have my code here, it works fine from my home, where my user is administrator, and I am connected to internet via a cable network.
But, problem is when I try this code from my work place, it does not work. Shows error:
"unable to connect to the remote server"
From a different machine in the same network:
"A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable network 209.xxx.xx.52:25"
I checked with our network admin, and he assured me that all the mail ports are open [25,110, and other ports for gmail].
Then, I logged in with administrative privilege, there was a little improvement, it did not show any error, but the actual email was never received.
note that, the code was tested from development environment, visual studio 2005 and 2008.
MailMessage mail_message = new MailMessage("xxxxx@y7mail.com", txtToEmail.Text, txtSubject.Text, txtBody.Text);
SmtpClient mail_client = new SmtpClient("SMTP.y7mail.com");
NetworkCredential Authentic = new NetworkCredential("xxxxx@y7mail.com", "xxxxx");
mail_client.UseDefaultCredentials = true;......
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Mar 29, 2010
i am trying to send emails to internal as well external email id(like gmail,yahoo,rediff etc.) .but the problem is that i can send the email to internal email id and recieve it but when i try to send the mail to external email id iam not able to receive the email. the process runs fine cause no errors are occurring.
SmtpClient emailClient;
emailClient = new SmtpClient("", 252);
MailMessage message = new MailMessage("a.b@abc.com", a.b@glass.com", "Report", "Dear All,");
message.IsBodyHtml = true;
message.Body ="Dear All,"+"<br/>"+ "Please find the attached file.";
System.Net.Mime.ContentType mimeType = new System.Net.Mime.ContentType();
message.Attachments.Add(new System.Net.Mail.Attachment("Report.xls", mimeType));
emailClient.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("a.b", "pass123");
emailClient.UseDefaultCredentials = false;
emailClient = null;
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Mar 3, 2011
I have a "Contact Us" page where in users will give in their email id and a query and on submitting the form, web admin would receive that email.
If I configure their email id to "from" MailAddress and send the mail, it will fail to do so if the ID is from popular mail domains like gmail or hotmail but would work with other unpopular or non existent domains like me@abcxyzmail.om without any credentials provided!
It worked with gmail after I configured SMTP and network credentials properly. The aim is to let the admin of my website who receives the email be able to hit the reply button in his mail client and see the "to" field populated with the "from" field filled in "contact us" page. Is there any proper way to do this or a tip or trick to accomplish it.
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May 28, 2010
I'm wondering why I can send sms messages from any one of my email accounts. But if I create a web app that sends emails, the email/message won't get to my phone. Why is that? Do all email providers use SMS gateways?
View 7 Replies
Oct 9, 2010
I'm trying to send an email from my ASP.NET website using the following code (obviously replacing the hostname, username and password with the actual values):
Public Shared Sub Send(ByVal ToEmail As String, ByVal FromEmail As String, ByVal Subject As String, ByVal Message As String)
Dim mm As New MailMessage(FromEmail, ToEmail, Subject, Message)
Dim smtp As New SmtpClient("hostname")
smtp.Credentials = New NetworkCredential("username", "password")
End Sub
When trying to send out the mail I'm receiving this error: "Unable to read data from the transport connection: net_io_connectionclosed."
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May 7, 2015
how to send email with database contents?
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Jun 23, 2010
How do I send email to non-Ascii email ID, for example I have adad@ÄÖß.com as emailID and when I try to send email to this emailID using
MailMessage msg = new MailMessage();
msg.To.Add(sendTo) throws an error saying "The specified string is not in the form required for an e-mail address.". Did you guys face this ever?
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Jan 5, 2010
I am trying to send the meeting information via mail and in the mail content I would like to place a link to to the google map site, so that the meeting place could be seen on the map.
What would be the best way to construct the google map url string [URL] , for a particular address.
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