Use Generic Collections And List Effectively In Application?

Aug 19, 2010

How to use Generic collection and generic list effectively in a application i.e. web application.? Can we able to use Generic list in Dataset or Datatable or Datareader using to bind in Grid view?

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Web Forms :: Bind Value To Label Using Generic.Collections List?

Feb 25, 2011

i am trying to Bind value's to Label Using Generic List<>


returning all values sucessfulyy now how i Show these Values in Label


Label1.Text=???what it will be?

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Web Forms :: Extension Methods And Customized Generic List Collections

Nov 19, 2011

How to use extension methods and customizes generic list collections??

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Bind Grid To Using System.Collections.Generic.List

Mar 25, 2011

I get this error when run the page

DataBinding: 'System.Int32' does not contain a property with the name 'item'.

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
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<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Sub total">
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<asp:Label ID="grandTotalLabel" runat="server" />

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Error:The model item passed into the dictionary is of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List1[MvcApplication13.Models.Groups]', but this dictionary requires a model item of type 'MvcApplication13.Helpers.PaginatedList1[MvcApplication13.Models.Groups]'.

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EDIT:As Jon suggests below, this might be a bug within the Silverlight debugger. To reproduce, just create a new Silverlight Application within Visual Studio 2010 and just edit code

public partial class MainPage : UserControl
{ [code]...

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I need the 1 since it's a foreign key in another table. For the life of me, I can't get this to work like this.

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Application - Configuration Implementation - Serialize Collections - Pick Up File Write Event To Reload New Instance Of Config Into Memory

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Trying To Use .Contains For Generic List

Jan 3, 2011

I have a list view control. Each row within it has a rowid and a textbox where a note(user enters relevant info to that particular record) is entered. On a paging event I store the rowID and the note text in a generic list for retrieval if the user pages back later on. Goal here is to keep the text the user has entered. (see the code below)This generic list does in fact get populated correctly when I go to the next page currently. I can see this in Visual Studio. So now, when the user goes back to the first page I want to run a test within my Listviews ItemDataBound event. I want to see if the row ID being tested is part of the generic list. If so, I then want to take the corresponding note that is also within the list and bind it to the text box. However, I don't know how to write the correct conditional for this and how to bind the textbox if the conditional evaluates to true.

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May 13, 2010

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Merge To Generic List?

Apr 7, 2010

I have two generic list with Hotel class object. Both List contains hotel ID. I want to retrieve common hotel id from both Hotel List and assign to new HotelList.I have done following code for that but any other sort way to implement this kind of functionality.


Note: I dont want to use Linq because I am working on framwork 2.0

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C# Generic List And ASP Repeater Fun

Aug 4, 2010

I'm trying to render out some images on an aspx page. Error I'm getting in the code below is:

DataBinding: '_Default+ImageThing' does not contain a property with the name 'FileName'.
public class ImageThing
public string FileName;
private void DisplayThumbnailImages()
ImageThing imageThing1 = new ImageThing();
ImageThing imageThing2 = new ImageThing();
imageThing1.FileName = "asdf.jpg";
imageThing2.FileName = "aaa.jpg";
List<ImageThing> imagesToRender = new List<ImageThing>();
Repeater1.DataSource = imagesToRender;

here is the aspx:

<asp:Repeater ID="Repeater1" runat="server">
<%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "FileName")%>

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MVC :: Generic List In Model?

Jan 19, 2011

in my model there is a List.

public class InvoiceModel{
public int InvoiceID { get; set; }
public int Date { get; set; }[code]...

for create view i can use Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.InvoiceID) and for Date.but how can i fill List?and how can i use global for this list as Shopping cart?

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WCF / ASMX :: Creating A Web Service Properly & Effectively?

Dec 16, 2010

i had my code in .aspx page which i trnasfeered to the .asmx pageso i get error in few places in .asmx pageUnable to cast object of type 'System.String' to type 'System.String[]'earlier i had a label control which i hve replaced with a variable in .asmx pagelet me knw hoe to do the few modification to make it workingi hve the below code which gives me conversion frm string to string[] errorPrivate Shared errorList As List(Of String) = New List(Of String)dim msg as string

If errorList.Count = 0 Then
msg="Sucessfully done"


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Diffrence Between Array And Generic List?

Aug 17, 2010

Can any one can describe the main diffrence between the array and generic list.

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Minimum And Maximum Value From Generic List?

Apr 7, 2010

I have one Hotel class that contains many properties. When I retrieve all hotels data from database, I store them in Generic List object.Now what I want that I have two properties called LowestPrice and HiestPrice. I want to get Minimum(LowestPrice) and Maximum(HiestPrice) from generic list directly.

Something like HotelList.Min();
Right now I have following logic implemented in my project, but I dont want to use foreach loop.


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Populate A TreeView From A Generic List?

Aug 1, 2010

I have a list of Categories which I need to bind to a TreeView control in WPF and I can't find a working tutorial or get it working.My Category class consist of (ID, Title, ParentID). If the Category is a top level category the parentID is null.Can anyone sow me how to bind this to a treeview?

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ADO.NET :: Enumerate A Generic List Using LINQ?

Nov 23, 2010

I have declared a simple class


And Pass some values to it :


Then I use Linq to select rows :


How I can enumerate it?! I used this, but it has error


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Datalist To Bind The Generic List

Jun 25, 2010

I am using datalist to bind the generic list. On databind() command I am getting error "nable to evaluate expression because the code is optimized or a native frame is on top of the call stack.

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Bind Generic List To DropDownList?

Feb 22, 2011

I am trying to bind generic list to DropDownList an i am not sure how to continue.


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Text Box Binding With Generic List?

Aug 31, 2010

I am working in 3.5 page, where I want to bind a textbox with generic list data. And I have Previous & next button. Which will show the record in textbox.

I don't want to go in db again and again.

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Doing Group Duplicates In Generic List

May 25, 2010

i have these values in my generic list:

Product Name ItemCount Additional Info
Brioche & Jam 2
Almond Croissant 4
Mixed Salad(v) 20 No Onions
Mixed Salad(v) 5

What i am trying to do is group the duplicates so now the list would look like this:

Product Name ItemCount Additional Info
Brioche & Jam 2
Almond Croissant 4
Mixed Salad(v) 25 No onions

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ADO.NET :: Generic List Convert To DataTable

Sep 20, 2010

I have a GenericList and i want to convert that to DataTable My code is here


I am getting Count in "objFinOpRegs". But i want to convert "objFinOpRegs " to DataTable.

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