Use Url Rewriting Then Modalpopup .net Ajax Controltoolkit Doesn't Work?

Apr 4, 2011

Why when i use url rewriting then modalpopup( ajax controltoolkit doesn't work?

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AJAX :: SQLDataSource With Parameters Doesn't Work Inside A ModalPopup?

Jun 8, 2010

although I've searched already, but here is the thing:I have a ModalPopup wich have a Textbox, a Button and a GridView inside. The Gridview is binded to a SQLDatasource object, and the Select query is something like "SELECT field_1, field_2, field_3, field_4 FROM Table_Name WHERE field_1 LIKE '%@Parameter_2%'".This ModalPopup is used (or gonna be used) to search for a field, so the parameters received by the Query is the text inside the Textbox, I've linked thid inside the SQLDataSource Wizard.The problem is that everything works perfectly fine... inside the panel WITHOUT the ModalPopup Extender, but whe I add the Extender the filter function doesn't work.Here is my code:


Notes: I have a ScriptManager inside the MasterPage, so I don't have to insert one in every page. Also I've tested the code in a new page (the one I use for testing), and it works fine, it filters and everything, the problem is when I add a ModalPopup to the panel.

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AJAX :: First Click Doesn't Show Modalpopup?

Apr 22, 2010

I have a very simple ModalPopup (with checkboxlist) + LinkButton in a page. I did everything as per the video tutorial. However, it appears that the first click on my linkbutton triggers a reload of the page and only after that, it starts working. How can I have it working the first time ?

Here's my code :


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AJAX :: ModalPopup Doesn't Catch Click Event

Mar 12, 2010

I'm developing a page which has a master page, and in the contentplaceholder I have an UpdatePanel with a GridView inside. Out of the UpdatePanel I have a button which calls to a ModalPopup, in the modalpopup i have two textboxes, an accept button and a cancel button. If I put the textboxes in a div in the contentplaceholder everything works fine, it recognizes the click button, it makes the insert into the gridview, and refreshes the updatepanel and the gridview But, if I try to make the same proccess from a ModalPopup the click event is not fired. I tried everything, and I didn't forget to put the triggers in the updatePanel to make asynchronoys calls to the server. How can I fire a click event from a modalpopup in order to make an insert?

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AJAX :: ModalPopUp Cancel Button Event Doesn't Fire?

Feb 2, 2010

I have a modalpopup that i have opening on a radiobutton selection. That works great, opens when it should and closes when you click cancel. BUT i have the following on my cancel button event that is not firing


I also have a button event for my "OK" button and that works great, but my cancel event doesnt seem to fire or work. Maybe the ClearSelection() is not what i need..

I want to clear the radiobutton if they cancel out of the ModalPopUp so they can make a new selection, since its a required field.

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AJAX :: Modalpopup Control - Refresh The Page Modal Doesn't Show?

Nov 23, 2010

my problem is related with modalpopup control. i made a login control using it.


This works fine. Problem is this. When i click btniptal and then i refresh the page modal shows again. But When i click btngiris and then i refresh the page modal doesn't show. When clicking the btniptal button, the modalpopup should not show.If i make this codes in aspx page everything is ok. But i make this in usercontrol.

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AJAX :: GridView Inside A ModalPopUp / Work On The Grid Without The Pop Up Closing Everytime?

Apr 14, 2010

I have a GridView inside a ModalPopUpExtender and would like to know how I can ensure that I can work on the grid without the pop up closing everytime i click on say 'edit' or 'delete' on the grid items.

At the minute my pop up is working great, then i click on 'edit' on a row in the grid and it the pop up closes, I then click the button to fire up the pop up again and the grid is in the mode i wanted it to be in!

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AJAX :: Make This Work For Several Days But It Just Doesn't Work?

Oct 7, 2010

i'm trying to make this work for several days but it just doesn't work.

this is my code:

aspx page:




this was downloaded from this website.

the problem is that the page loads fine but no autocomplete occurs.

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Ajax With WCF Work. But Few Miniute After, Doesn't Work

May 11, 2010

I am a new to WCF. I have written ajax to use a web service before, but on this project I am trying to use ajax to WCF.After I build the project and wcf using ajax, I receive the return successfully. But, 10 or more minutes later I don't get a return, the ajax calls the error function, and the fiddler returns nothing.

If I rebuild the project without any source modifying, I receive the return successfully again.

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AJAX :: On Deployment Doesn't Work

Oct 28, 2010

I'm getting the following error on deployment of a tested application where ajax runs fine on the developmental system On deployment, I'm running asp 4. I downloaded ajax4 and extracted it into the /program files/ajax folder. Do I need to register any .dlls or anything? I don't see that in the Ajax installation instructions.

Server Error in '/' Application.
Parser Error

An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: Could not load file or assembly 'AjaxControlToolkit' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

Source Error:


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AJAX :: ModelPopUpExtender Doesn't Work In Firefox

Feb 8, 2011

here is the functionality which works in IE browser but not on firefox and chrome. I'm using

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Ajax Calender Extender Doesn't Work

Dec 3, 2010

I know this is a silly question, bu I just can't get the ASP.Net Calender Extender work. I am looking at this problem for hours now.

I've downloaded the code from the Ajax website and I've added the dll to my toolbox.

This is the code of my page

<%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="asp" %>
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:CalendarExtender TargetControlID="TextBox1" runat="server"></asp:CalendarExtender>

When I click the TextBox, it behaves like a normal TextBox. It doesn't show the calendar.

Is there something I forget, or is there something I am doing wrong?

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AJAX :: Asyncfileupload Doesn't Work As Put It In A Control?

Jun 7, 2010

I can't get my <ajax:asyncfileupload> working and I don't see why...

When outside any panel or table it is working well, but as soon as I put it in a <asp:panel> or table I get a strange error which seems to be on client-side but I don't understand what's happen here. Here is the code and code-behind and Javascript.

Here's the error:


Here's my front-code:


Protected Sub fupAjoutLogo_UploadedComplete(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As AjaxControlToolkit.AsyncFileUploadEventArgs)

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AJAX :: HTML Editor Doesn't Work In IE7.0

Jan 5, 2010

I had used HTML editor in my application but it doesnt ork in IE7.0 works fine in IE8.0 chrome,safari .

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AJAX :: Accordion Control Doesn't Work?

Oct 9, 2010

I am having quite a bit of trouble getting an accordion control to work. I downloaded the AJAX Control Toolkit (v 3.5), added the dll to my toolbox, and added an accordion control with the following code:


View 6 Replies

AJAX :: AutoComplete Doesn't Work Properly

Jun 11, 2010

I'm new here and I need some help to use the AutoComplete Extender. I just have a default.aspx with a textbox extended with an AutoComplete. My Web Service calls a SQL Data Base thru Linq and return some account names.When I execute the WEB SERVICE and manually insert the parameters, it works! But when I execute the default.aspx, nothing happens. I really apreciate your help! See the CODES listed below:

See the Web Service code below:


Now, the code on DEFAULT.ASPX


I tried put the files in a remote SERVER, and I got the following error (in LOCALHOST I don't see that error):

Configuration Error
Server Error in '/PC' Application.
Configuration Error

An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: Unrecognized attribute 'targetFramework'. Note that attribute names are case-sensitive.

Source Error:


Line 8: <configuration>
Line 9: <system.web>
Line 10: <compilation debug="false" strict="false" explicit="true" targetFramework="4.0" />
Line 11: </system.web>
Line 12:
Source File: e:homeuysoftWebweb.config Line: 10
Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.3603; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.4028

View 7 Replies

AJAX :: Doesn't Work On Shared Server

Jun 17, 2010

I created a web application which uses AJAX. When I debug the application on my local C drive it works fine. When I move it over to my shared server F drive and debug it, I get permission errors for every time I used AJAX in the web application. The errors look like this:

Request for the permission of type 'System.Web.AspNetHostingPermission, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed. F:JoshAJAXCCRSchedulingTESTShiftScheduleVsWorked.aspx

I have done almost everything including set my security level to full trust (which is what most people say is all i have to do). I do not know what else to try. Any other ideas? Could it be because I am on the .net framework 1.1 configuration? Do I need to add something to it?

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AJAX :: Tool Kit Install Doesn't Work?

Jan 17, 2011

When I downloaded the Ajax Tool Kit 3.5 and extracted the files, I then opened a site and went to the design view of a aspx page and clicked in the tool box, added a new catagory called tookit and then right clicked and selected "Choose Items". Everytime I've done this it closes out MS Studio 2008 Pro? Can someone tell me what to do? I need that ajax tool kit for future projects on the web, and for one that I'm just starting on now

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AJAX :: AsyncPostBackTrigger Doesn't Work On Server?

Aug 25, 2010

AsyncPostBackTrigger doesn't work on server?

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AJAX :: Calendar Extender Doesn't Work?

Mar 2, 2010

I have an as-simple-as-possible implementation of the Calendar extender; and when I click the text box, nothing happens.


I have referenced the AjaxControlToolkit.dll; I know that's working because I get auto-complete on "<Ajax:" Also the rendered page does have


Which I'm guessing is the code that should cause the calendar to show up. I've tried it with a separate button as well.

<script type="text/javascript">

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AJAX :: Calendar Extender - Doesn't Work?

Mar 24, 2010

I just download and install the Ajax Control tollkit, run my VS 2008 and add the dll to tollbox. Then I put textbox add calendar extension, run project click on text box i FireFox and the callendar doesn't show why ???

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AJAX :: UpdatePanelAnimationExtender OnUpdated Doesn't Work?

Mar 16, 2011

I am using an UpdatePanelAnimationExtender but the onUpdated event does not fire. The idea is that while updating I will show a gif and when the update is done the gif will become invisible...

Here is my code


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AJAX :: Asyncfileupload Doesn't Work In Webusercontrol?

Aug 28, 2010

I'm having a problem with a Webusercontrol that has an asyncfileupload control. My websusercontrol is being loaded in a placeholder control that's wrapped by an updatepanel.Due to asyncpostback, I have to load and clear the placeholder's controls.

The webusercontrol works flawlessly, except the asyncfileupload, which doesn't want to upload at all. I can assure that the code is without error, because I used to have the webusercontrol running as an *.aspx site.

I guess that the problem is the fact that the control has to be cleared and reloaded with every asyncpostback ?

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Ajax UpdatePanel Doesn't Work On Server

Jan 7, 2012

I booked new server and transfer old website to there I using in this site the ajax just updatepanel it's was works on old server without need to copy ajax dll to Bin folder after I transferred the site it's doesn't work and no any page error i tried copy ajax dll to bin folder but same problem.

Note:I installed on server .Net 4.0 and the site works on 3.5 also ajax was v3.5 i think the .Net 4 enough to run all.

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AJAX :: Control Doesn't Work On Apache Server?

Oct 11, 2010

i am using module to hosting my ASP.NET application. all was ok until i use ajax control tool kit in my aplication. I am using ajaxToolkit:CascadingDropDown to conect 2 dropdownlist in cascade. In IIS every thing works fine, but in apache there are some problems. When load the page, i got the next javascript error: 'Sys' undefined. the object signed are :

Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager._initialize('ScriptManager1', document.getElementById('MAIN_FORM'));

How can i solve this problem?

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