Use User Control From Different Application?

Jul 25, 2010

How do I utilize a user control from Application B within Application A?

Application A is a VB.NET App
Application B is a C# app.

This code attempts to register the control for usage in an aspx file:

<%@ Register TagPrefix="uc1" TagName="Pager" Src="../ApplicationB/Controls/PagingControl.ascx" %>

I get the following error:

Parser Error Message: The virtual path '/ApplicationB/Controls/PagingControl.ascx' maps to another application, which is not allowed. Can I use Application B's PagingControl.ascx within Application A?

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Web User Control Dll Use In Multiple Application

Dec 7, 2010

I am facing one problem that I have created dll from the web user control file. But when we use this dll in another application then we found one error-"THE VIRTUAL PATH....MAPS TO ANOTHER APPLICATION, WHICH I SNOT ALLOWED."

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How To Create User Control As Part Of An .net Web Application

Apr 28, 2010

I have created a user control as part of an web application. This control works fine. I have then moved the control into a class library and attempted to reference it in my original application. I find that the asp controls created in the ascx for the control (texboxes and buttons) are no longer instantiated i.e. I get a null reference exception in my Page_Load event handler when I try to reference them. The only change to the page in my original application has been to change the register statement to load the control libary dll otherwise this is identical to when the conmtrol was part of the application:


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Integrating Windows User Control In Web Application?

Jul 2, 2010

I have a windows user control in windows control library...I add these user control in web application using below steps.

1.copy the windows control library project's dll file into web application project.

2.In aspx page I have the below code


I can get the proper output..but the styles not same as user control...styles not displayed properly..I need the same design of the user control in web application

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Web Forms :: Using Windows User Control In Web Application?

Sep 28, 2010

i have created one windows user control in and i am consuming this in web application i already added windows user control dll to my web application and i used object tag for adding user control in web application. but i am not getting any output only blank image with small x on the top of the page

and the code i used in web application is

<object id="WindowsControlLibrary11" classid="http:WindowsControlLibrary11.dll#WindowsControlLibrary11.UserControl1"
height="500" width="500" >

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Web Forms :: Adding Windows User Control In Asp Application

Sep 22, 2010

i had created one user control in c# and i want to add this user control in application.

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Application Allows A User To Upload File Using FileUpload Control

Nov 30, 2015

My application allows a user to upload a file using the FileUpload control. The data contained in the uploaded file is then displayed to the user in a Grid for review if certain field validation criteria is met otherwise, a message is displayed stating that invalid data was encountered. If the data displayed is satisfactory, they have a 'Process Data' button to add the data to the system.

Initially, I used a simple If/Else block to determine if there was a file selected or not and if not, display a message to the user. As the coding got more complicated, this stopped working and I was told to use the RequiredFieldValidator control instead to get around the issues that arose.Now, I have a new issue: after the uploaded file data passes field criteria validation, the FileUpload box is cleared automatically and so when the user clicks the 'Process Data' button, the VC throws a message stating that the file name is missing from the FileUpload box.

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Server Controls In User Control Are Null When User Control Serves As A Base User Control ?

Jun 4, 2010

I don't think I understand fully how ASP.NET does inheritance of controls.I have a user control, ucBase, which has an label in the ascx file. Code behind references the label and it works fine during run time if the control is not a parent for another user parent.

If I have another user control, ucChild, inheriting from ucBase, the label in ucBase's code is always null. ucChild has no controls in its ascx fileThe server controls (like the label) needs to be declared in the ascx file and not created programmatically.What needs to be done for ucBase to see its own controls when it's a parent user control?

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Web Forms :: Accessing A Public Property Of A Nested User Control In A Master Page From A Pages' User Control?

Sep 10, 2010

I've got a web site that has a master page and that master page (mpMaster that has a user control ucControl1) which has a sub user control (ucControl2), this user control has a property which accepts a value. Now, I have a page that uses the master page
and on this page I have another user control (ucPageControl), I need to find a way of setting the value in ucControl2 from ucPageControl. Is this possible at all?

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Web Forms :: Assign User Control From Another User Control ? Giving Error Object Reference Is Not Set An Instance?

Feb 17, 2011

I am trying to assign user control from another user control ..first time its binding control successfully but when we refresh the data its giving error

saying "Object reference is not set an instance".

how to refresh data from another user control ...

My senerio below :

1 Aspx page

2. User control

calling usercontrol databinding method from aspx page but once it get refreshed ,not allowed to bind it again..

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User/server Control With Custom List Items / Create A Simple Menu User Control

Feb 18, 2011

I'm attempting to create a simple menu user control just as outlined here.

The attached code results in an "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error, but I can't figure out why.

<%@ Master Language="VB" CodeFile="MySite.master.vb" Inherits="MySite" %>
<%@ Register src="Controls/Menu.ascx" tagname="Menu" tagprefix="my" %>
<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">......

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Jun 11, 2010

I have to access the parent form's controls inside an event handler method on my user control's code behind.

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Custom Server Controls :: Unable To Use A Web User Control Inside Another Web User Control

Mar 10, 2011

I have a web user control that represents a simple message box. It is used to display simple messages like "Item has been deleted", or "The item was saved successfully".

On the other hand, I have another web user control that represents the item in the form of an editable form (I made this a user control because this is used in two different pages). I want to embed an instance of the message box user control inside the editable form. I am writing this right after the @Control directive:


Instead of using @Register directives, I register the user controls in web.config and so far this has worked just fine.

With the above markup, the project compiles, but whenever I try to navigate to a page that contains this construct, I get an HttpParseException exception. Furthermore, Visual Studio states that the tack w7rc9:MessageBox doesn't represent a known control.

What am I doing wrong?

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Security :: Membership - Single User For Multiple Application And Different Role In Each Application

Jan 30, 2010

I have two .NET applications X and Y

a. I want to have User A as a common user for both application X and Y.
b. User A can have different roles on X and Y. Eg. Read permission on Y and Write Permission on Y.

How do i configure ASP.NET membership to achieve about functionality.

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Feb 22, 2010

I have a requirement for building an instant messenger application for the selected user.

I have googled for the solution but without any sucess.My requirement is once a user initiates a chat with another user,the another user needs to get a popup of the chat window,where the two users can start chatting.

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Have The Windows User Control, Need To Convert This User Control In Web User Control?

Jul 16, 2010

I want to convert windows user control into web user control..I have the usrDataView.cs..I need to convert this file into usrdataview.ascx.can anyonr help me? I can convert the file...Is any method is available..

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Passing Parameter From One User Control To Another User Control In An Aspx Page?

Jun 3, 2010

have two user controls on one aspx page. UC1 has a grid which contains a link button column which user clicks. Based on the value of clicked cell, I need to show some data into UC2.How do I pass data from UC1 to UC2? How do I invoke a function of UC2 from UC1?

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Web Forms :: Nest / Include A User Control Inside A User Control?

Apr 16, 2010

All I would like to be able to do is include one user control within another! Is this possible? I have spent the last hour searching the internet and it seems that I can't find a single thing.

In classic ASP it would be something like:
<!--#include file="EditProject.ascx"-->

I tried this but no luck!

Parser Error Message:

There can be only one 'control' directive.

Source Error:


Line 1: <%@ Control Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="EditProject.ascx.vb"Line 2: Inherits="Controls_WebUserControl" %>Line 3: <form runat="server">

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How To Consume Razor User Control OR MVC User Control In Layout Page

Mar 5, 2011

It's simple to create both user control from the two world : ASP.NET+Razor or MVC 3.0.But i do not known how to consume the user control FROM the razor"_layout.chtml" page.I want to put such thing within the layout page: <uc:MyTag Prop1="" Prop2="" />So i need to declare this directive at top of the layout file : <%@ Register TagPrefix="uc" TagName="MyTag" Src="Controls/Mytag.ascx" %>

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User Controls :: How To Track And Save Time User Uses Application In Windows Forms

May 7, 2015

I did a winforms applicaion using C#. I has 'n' number of forms.I like to track application usage time from user login to application exit.

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User Controls :: Unable To Get User Input In Required Format In Console Application

Apr 27, 2016

Create a class Employee which will implement the below interface: IEmployee. The application should accept the function to invoke and its parameters from the console in the Format:

Ex: SetProperty:Age:44

The implemetation shold have the necessary checks on whether the input is in correct format by handling like FormatException.And the program should be able to continuously accept the input and print corresponding output until the input given as "Exit".

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ConsoleApplication1


Issue: I am unable take the user input in the corresponding the above code everytime I have to give the user input in the format "Set:Age:33" but this is not I m looking for .Actually firstly the expected input and output should be given in the format as per the screenshot I have attached.

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Failed To Generate A User Instance Of SQL Server Due To Failure In Retrieving The User's Local Application Data Path

Jan 22, 2011

i have an project in vs2010 i have a db and table inside the app_data folder, i have created a deployment package and have imported the package into an iis server that is installed on my local mechine.
now i get this error message while trying to preform an insertion.

Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user's local application data path. Please make sure the user has a local user profile on the computer. The connection will be closed
the connection string is:

Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|survey.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True

when running it inside VS2010 it`s working fine.

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Parent User Control Validation From Child User Control?

Feb 26, 2010

I have a user control which contains two text fields each assigned with requiredfield validators this control contains another user control contains say a button .On click of this button i need to validate the fields from the parent control text fields.I try the Page.Validate("ValidationGroup") with Page.IsValid it validates but the error message is not shown .Error message is shown only if i try to validate it from the contains which contains the required field validators ?

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C# - Javascript Function's Has Accessbility In An User Control From Other User Control?

Jul 13, 2010

Now the weird thing is I have a user control UserControl1 in which I put some JavaScrdipt logic there, and I have another user control UserControl2 and I registered both in the page called Page1.aspx.I would like to call the JavaScript function resided in UserControl1 from UserControl2, however, I got an error saying the function is not defined. I think both user controls are loaded before I use them then I think the JavaScript function can been seen anyway in that page.

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Web Forms :: Set Button Property In A User Control From Another User Control

Mar 22, 2011

i have 2 user control : uc1 and uc2. and i have button in uc2 i call button1, i want to set commandArgument of button1 from uc1, how can i do this?

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