Using Eval In

May 8, 2010

i have small problem with my code in that i want to use (Eval) in my project

so i write this code :

<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server"
Text='<%#Eval("PAG_PAGES") == null ? "" : ((PostAgenciesModel.PAG_PAGES)(Eval("PAG_PAGES"))).PAGE_TITLE_AR %>' />

and this code i used in my C# project .... all want to show the (Label1) in inside my GridView....

("PAG_PAGES") is the name of table..

PostAgenciesModel is the edmx...

PAGE_TITLE_AR is the colum in ("PAG_PAGES") that i want to show it

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C# - If Statement Inside A ListView With Eval() Or DataBinder.Eval()?

Nov 11, 2010

I have a listview control on an .aspx page. Inside this list view i want to check "Type" property which comes from database. here is the example code :


As a last resort i tried to user DataBinder.Eval() but i get the exception "Expected class, delegate, enum, interface, or struct". What can i be doing wrong? Writing a function in code-behind isn't an option for me.

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Can A DataBinder.Eval Be Nested Within Another DataBinder.Eval

Jul 16, 2010

Can you do something like :

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Can a DataBinder.Eval be nested within another DataBinder.Eval?

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C# - How To Escape Eval <%

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<%# (int)Eval("Favorites") > 0 ? "<a href="history.aspx?visitorid=<%# Eval("VisitorID") %">Favorites</a> / " : ""%>

where I show a link if value>0 .. However it gives me a bad url(history.aspx?visitorid=%3C%#%20Eval) when I put visitorID=<%#...%>inside another Eval<%#..%>

View 3 Replies - .NET Binding With EVAL

Jul 8, 2010

I'm trying to do the following for combobox:

Text='<%# IIf(Eval("Name").ToString().Equals(""), Bind("Other"), Bind("Name") %>'

What I'm trying to do is if the "Name" column is empty then bind to "Other" column, otherwise bind to "Name" column. Anyone know the right syntax, keep getting object not set to reference. I'm doing this in VB.Net.

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2 Join Tables Eval?

Jun 23, 2010

if you have two table inner join like SELECT* From A INNER JOIN B on A.ID = B.IDSay A and B tables both have Username values but A's username is Test, and B's username is Test2When I do Eval("Username") it always print out "Test", how can I configure it to print out "Test2"... meaning how to specify which table's value to put using eval.. is there something like Eval(B.("Username"))??

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How To Use An Eval In Anchor Tag Href

Apr 4, 2011

What I am trying to achieve is to use an Eval as parameter in my anchor tag's href. The anchor is nested inside a repeater, why I cannot use the code behind to achieve this.

I have tried a few things without any luck.

<a href="http://MyWebsite/ActiveUsers?ID=InsertEvalHere"><%# Eval("Name")%></a>

The following code below is what I have tried to do:

<a href="<% "http://MyWebsite/ActiveUsers?ID=" + DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem("ID"))%>"><%# Eval("Name")%></a>
<a href="<% "http://MyWebsite/ActiveUsers?ID=" + Eval("ID")%>"><%# Eval("Name")%></a>
<a href="http://MyWebsite/ActiveUsers?ID=<% DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem("ID"))%>"><%# Eval("Name")%></a>
<a href="http://MyWebsite/ActiveUsers?ID=<%# Eval("ID")%>"><%# Eval("Name")%></a>

None of the above seemed to be right, as I keep getting this error - The tag is not well formed.

How should I handle this?

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Javascript - Navigate Url And EVAL

Aug 16, 2010

I am trying to Navigate URL in this way

<asp:HyperLink runat="server" NavigateUrl='javascript:NavigateUrl("<%#Eval("TicketID")%>","<%=RedirectURL %>");'><%# Eval("TicketID") %></asp:HyperLink>

but an error occurred in the javascript Error Console in Mozilla browser. Error: missing ) after argument list Source File: javascript:NavigateUrl("<%#Eval("TicketID")%>","<%=RedirectURL%20%>");
Line: 1, Column: 22
Source Code: NavigateUrl("<%#Eval("TicketID")%>","<%=RedirectURL %>");

I want to remove the error. but functionality is ok.

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Using Variable For Repeater Eval?

Mar 22, 2011

Can I use variable in eval in repeater? Or how can I use it?

For example:

<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, lngHome) %>

Code behind in form load:


I have 2 fields in database table: eng_detail and tr_detail

So how can I use like this <%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, lngHome) %>?

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Using Eval To Bind A Dropdownlist?

May 19, 2010

I have a dropdownlist that gets data through entity objects, but with a navigation. But I get an error trying to do this.

<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlVacancy" DataValueField="ID" DataTextField='<%# Eval("Position.Name") %>'
runat="server" Width="200px"/>

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C# - Using Eval Or The Databind Event?

Mar 26, 2010

When creating a website using Asp.Net and using controls such as the ListView is it good practice to use the "Eval" command or should there be a literal and the data populated in the databind event?

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Can Use Loop In <%#Eval ()%> Block

Sep 8, 2010

I want to print series in one cell of gridview sccording to condtiotion. I have used condition from ternary operator like

<%# Eval("Sequence").ToString()=="R" ? "Sequence1" : "Sequence2" %>

but i want to print series instead of string Sequence1 and Sequence2 by loop.

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Web Forms :: Set Eval Value On ServerControl?

Dec 13, 2010

in ASPX, I set EVAL value on linkbutton,

<asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton1" runat="server" Text='Show'
OnClientClick='myalerts(<%#Eval("RowId")%>);' />

but html code is:

<a onclick="myalerts(<%#Eval("RowId")%>);" id="LinkButton1">

how to correct set EVAL value on linkbutton,

ex:<a onclick="myalerts(1);" id="LinkButton1">

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Multiple Eval In Label Text?

May 17, 2010

Why doesnt this work:

<asp:Label ID="lblName" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("Title")%> <%# Eval("Forename")%> <%# Eval("Surname")%>' ></asp:Label>
And what is the best way to achive this?

View 5 Replies

VS 2008 Difference Between Eval And Bind

Jul 22, 2010

I want to know where lies the difference between these two.I had a google search on this topic and a lots of replies and each of them tell the same thing:

Eval means one way binding(i.e;readonly)
Bind means two way binding(i.e;both read as well as write the datasource)

but none of them explained it more clearly.all i want to know is how can i use the Bind to update/insert something from the datasource?

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How To Make Inline Eval If Control

Apr 9, 2010

How to make inline eval if control ?


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Css - Using DataBinder.Eval() In Style Attribute?

Aug 8, 2010

I've a linkbutton inside repeater control which renders multiple link buttons. I want to set the style of each and every linkbutton dynamically.

I'm trying

style="color:#6D7B8D;font-size:<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Title")%>;"

But i'm getting "The server tag is not well formed" error.

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How To Use Eval In Codebehind To Set Page.Title

Mar 1, 2010

I have a SQLDataSource that is bound to a ListView control but I want to place parts of the bound record into the HTML TITLE attribute. Here is my codebehind file that I want to change so it can use Eval to construct a dynamic TITLE based on the data content:


View 1 Replies - Using Eval With Sum() And Count() With EntityFramework And ListView?

Dec 30, 2010

I am working on my first project with the Entity Framework and am having some difficulty displaying advanced information with the EntityDataSource and a ListView.

For example, given the two entities:

Items <---- Navigation Property to Items contained in the Order

I want to display a list of all orders with a column with the total number of items in the order and a column with the sum of the prices of all items in the order.

I am using an EntityDataSource configured as follows:

<asp:EntityDataSource ID="eds" runat="server" ConnectionString="name=NDSEntities"
DefaultContainerName="NDSEntities" EnableFlattening="False" Include="Items"

In the ItemTemplate of the ListView, I can write the order number as follows:

<%# Eval("Number") %>

I had trouble figuring out how to display a count of items in the order. I tried using Items.Count() function in select statement in the EntityDataSource but that didn't work. Eventually I figured out I could do the following in my ItemTemplate:

<%# Eval("Items").Count() %>

Now I am stuck trying to get the sum of the items. I am stuck here. I have tried using

<%# Eval("Items").Sum(Function(i) i.Price)%>

but I get the following error:

Public member 'Sum' on type 'EntityCollection(Of Item)' not found.

This confuses me because I know that Sum is a method of EntityCollection(Of ).

My two questions are as follows:

Am I getting the item count correctly?

How should I go about getting the sum of the prices of the items?

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How To Pass Parameters From Eval To Href

Dec 10, 2010

<a runat="server" id="link" href='ProductDetails.aspx?ID=<%# Eval("productID") %>'></a>

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Apply Particular FORMAT Of Date By Using Eval?

Nov 19, 2010

I have used following code :


it will display the date as:11/4/2010 10:52:33 AM

But i want that it will display only 11/4/2010. How to do this?

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C# - Conditional Image Path Using Eval?

Feb 6, 2011

I have two images progress.png and completed.png. Depending on the status in the db table (In Progress of Complete), I want to display the appropriate image. What is the correct syntax for the IIF() statement within


<asp:image ImageUrl='<%# IIF(Eval("Status").Equals("In Progress")
display - 'images/progress.png')
else if status equals "Complete"
display - 'images/complete.png' %>' />

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Web Forms :: Passing Eval() As Parameter In Javascript

Oct 22, 2010

I have got a drop down list in a gridview and would like to pass eval() as parameter to javascript..

<asp:DropDownList ID="ddl_grprowcutter" runat="server" onchange='<%# "fn_ddl(" &#43;Eval("Order_No") &#43; " );" %>'

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Gridview Row Eval - Column As Name Parameter Instead Of Index

Feb 17, 2011

I have a gridview and the OnRowDataBound event is linked to this function:

if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
ThisRow = e.Row.DataItem as MyObjectModel;
if (ThisRow.Property1 == null) { e.Row.Cells[5].Text = "-"; }

This code looks at the value of a property of the object in the data source and if it's null, converts the null to display "-" in column 5. The problem I'm having is that if I change the order of the columns of the gridview, then I need to change the index of every other modification. What I'd like to do is change the statement "e.Row.Cells[5].Text" to something that says "the cell whose column header is xyz".

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Using Eval In Server Side Code On Page?

Apr 20, 2010

<asp:Repeater ID="rptrParent" runat="server">
<a href="<% =ResolveUrl("~/cPanel/UserView.aspx?User=")%><%# Eval("StudentUserName") %>">


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