How To Use Eval In Codebehind To Set Page.Title

Mar 1, 2010

I have a SQLDataSource that is bound to a ListView control but I want to place parts of the bound record into the HTML TITLE attribute. Here is my codebehind file that I want to change so it can use Eval to construct a dynamic TITLE based on the data content:


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Similar Messages:

Modify The Title Of A SiteMapNode From Codebehind File?

Jan 25, 2010

I have a site and Web.sitemap file added to the root folder of the site.

I want to create a new page that allows the user to change the title and description of the SiteMapNodes in the Web.sitemap file. I have completed it partially, in the sense, I am able to iterate through the nodes in the sitemap file using the following code.


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C# - If Statement Inside A ListView With Eval() Or DataBinder.Eval()?

Nov 11, 2010

I have a listview control on an .aspx page. Inside this list view i want to check "Type" property which comes from database. here is the example code :


As a last resort i tried to user DataBinder.Eval() but i get the exception "Expected class, delegate, enum, interface, or struct". What can i be doing wrong? Writing a function in code-behind isn't an option for me.

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Having Common Page Title In Master Page With Each Page Adding Page

Aug 26, 2010

My master page looks like:

<head runat="server">
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="PageTitlePlaceHolder" runat="server" />

Content pages look like:

<asp:Content ID="TitleContent1"
ContentPlaceHolderID="PageTitlePlaceHolder" runat="Server">
My Page

This works by placing the content page specific title on the page ("My Page" in this example). Now I want to add a global prefix to the title in my master page for the site name. So I want:

<head runat="server">
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="PageTitlePlaceHolder" runat="server" />

However, when I do this content pages are still rendered without "" in the tile, it's like it's ignored.

Why is this happening and how can I achieve this?

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Page Title With Register Symbol Change In Master Page On Postback

Sep 21, 2010

I have a below Page title in my master page

<title>My Test Application NameŽ</title>

It renders Fine with Register symbol after the text "My Test Application Name" on start of the page but on any postback the title turn into My Test Application NameŽ Kindly let me know what can i do with minimal effort to fix this issue

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Web Forms :: To Create Aspx Page And Automatically Update Page Title?

May 20, 2010

Every time I create a new aspx page and add some new photos and text, after I finish, I have to update page title, Web.sitemap, Sitemap.xml to feed search engines, static sitemap.aspx page, add photos to proper folders, update database to display feeds etc, and I have to remember to upload all new files including links to any new pdfs....This routine eats my time and drives me crazy.

I was wondering if there is such interface, where you need to create only 1 aspx page, for example "Articles" which can populate Texts, photos etc into pre-defined sections, but at the same time it displays with different URL's, so there is a permanent link to it. After you finish it creates a title automatically, based on article title, populates Web.sitemap - does all the dirty work. Similar to how blog engines, Joomla and Drupal work.

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How To Set The Master Page's Html Title From Within A Controller's Action Or View Page

Mar 10, 2010

I have a controller's action and view page that uses a master page.

The master page has the html title section like:

<title>this is the page's title</html>

How can I access this section from within my controller's action (preferably) or my action's view page?

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How To Display Icon IN Title Bar Of Browser With Title

Dec 9, 2010

How to Display Icon IN title bar of Browser with title?

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When Select A Title, That Title Should Be Returned To Model?

Mar 29, 2011

In my application I have the following message:Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

@Html.DropDownList("Title",ViewData["PersonTitle"] as SelectList, Model.Person.Title)

The dropdownlist contains simple strings (person titles). When you select a title, that title should be returned to my model. Controller code:

ViewData["PersonTitle"] = new SelectList(new[] { "Dhr.", "Mevr." });

Why is this not working ? Edit: The purpose is to change

@Html.EditorFor(model => model.Person.Title)

into something like this

@Html.DropDownList("Title",ViewData["PersonTitle"] as SelectList, Model.Person.Title)

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Web Forms :: How To Get The Current Page Title From The Master Page

Jan 18, 2010

I need to store click to my website to a database, I have a sql2005 table :ID, CLICk, PAGETITLE, DATE.

i insert the click and date but i cant get the page title.

The code that inserts data is in masterpage.master.

i need to finde the current page where the clickocured than take the title

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How To Add Tag On Page Title

Jan 12, 2010

how to add <sup>TM</sup> Tag on page Titale.

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Using Eval In Server Side Code On Page?

Apr 20, 2010

<asp:Repeater ID="rptrParent" runat="server">
<a href="<% =ResolveUrl("~/cPanel/UserView.aspx?User=")%><%# Eval("StudentUserName") %>">


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Web Forms :: How To Get Title Of The Page

Apr 25, 2010

i have 100 content pages and one master page.

How to get each title to display.

i used title tag in each page but it is not working.

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How To Set Title Within Content Page

Apr 9, 2010

I have created a Content Page using Master Page.

Within Master Page, I have created the following tag for Title:

<head id="Head1" runat="server">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" />

Within Content Page, following are set:


Though I am also setting the Master Page at run time as bellow:


While getting open this page in browser, I got following Title:

http://localhost:3562/?PatientRegistrationKey=0 - My New Title there should be only My New Title within title, nothing extra like query string etc.

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Configuration :: URL Same As Page Title?

Nov 4, 2010

how can I create url same as the page title using ASP? e.g. instead of : [URL] to [URL]

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C# - Get The Title Of A Page On Another Site?

Feb 23, 2011

How can I do the following in C#:

Open a web page (Preferably not visible) Check whether the page redirects to a different page (Site is down, 404, etc.) Check if the title is not equal to a said string

Then separately, (They need to click a confirm button)

open their browser, and go to the address of the first (It'll be the only one) hyperlink on the site.

I literally have been looking on Google for ages and haven't found anything similar to what I need.

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Web Forms :: How To Get Page Title

Aug 20, 2010

I am using 150 Screens, and also i using one class file... now i want the Page Tiltle for 150 screen.. its not possible to write in 150 screen.. so i want to write the code in class file.. how to write the code in class file, for getting the page tiltle?

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Create A Generic Util Function To Be Used In Eval Page?

Mar 16, 2010

I am currently binding a Nullable bit column to a listview control. When you declare a list view item I need to handle the case when the null value is used instead of just true or false.

<asp:Checkbox ID="Chk1" runat="server"
Checked='<%# HandleNullableBool(Eval("IsUsed")) %>' />

Then in the page I add a HandleNullableBool() function inside the ASPX page.

protected static bool HandleNullableBool(object value)
return (value == null) ? false : (bool)value;

This works fine but I need to use this in several pages so I tried creating a utility class with a static HandleNullableBool. But using it in the asp page does not work. Is there a way to do this in another class instead of the ASPX page?

<asp:Checkbox ID="Chk1" runat="server"
Checked='<%# Util.HandleNullableBool(Eval("IsUsed")) %>' />

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How To Display Image In Title Of Page

Jan 19, 2010

i am developing an application usinf ASP.NET 3.5 with C#.

in my application i have to display the image in Title pf ASP.NET page.My application has master pages and content pages.The image is in Images folder which is there in my application.

How to display the image in master page and content pages

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Master Page Generating A Second Title Tag?

Jan 5, 2010

I have a simple page inside a master page (well, in a master in a master).

In the top master I have the head tag with runat="server", with a number of bits such as scripts, stylesheets, etc. and also a contentplaceholder. There is no title tag here.

In the page that uses this master, the content for the placeholder contains the
<title>pagename</title> bit in it. I really have to set it in there.

Unfortunately when the page is rendered I get my title which is all good, but also get a second blank title tag - I presume dumped in there by .NET.

Is there any way of stopping this second title tag coming out?

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Passing Page Title Through Parameter

Aug 23, 2010

I am new to ASP.NET, and was wondering how to pass a Page title through a parameter. In classic ASP I could just use something like:

<title><%=Pagetitle%></title> but I cannot seem to get this to work in ASP.NET.

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Web Forms :: How To Set Page Title For Pdf Files

Mar 15, 2010

I'm using the following code to open pdf file in my application,

<a href="pdffile.pdf">Open PDF</a>

when i click the link "Open PDF" it opens in a browser and here i need to change the title of the page.

right now it displays the pdf path name as the title. How to change this title?

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Set Page Title To Resource Object?

Apr 27, 2010

I'm trying to do this:

Dim PropertySearchText As String = GetGlobalResourceObject("Resource", "PropertySearchText").ToString()
Page.Title = PropertySearchText

but it doesn't seem to want to set.

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Web Forms :: Set Page Title From Web.sitemap?

Feb 13, 2011

I have a some code that I have used to set the page title from the sitemap on my root.master. I also use very similar code to add a titlebar from sitemap on my nested.master. Im just getting starting to try to build classes and was wondering if there is a way to make this into a class and then referance it in each master/nested master?

Also it errors out if the is no Title attribute in the node, is there anyway to test if it exists first?



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Web Forms :: Print Without Page Title And URL?

Aug 27, 2010

how do i print without Page Title & URL?

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