Web Applications - Using Db4o Database For C# Web Store?

Apr 4, 2011

I have a web application which displays set of components in the form of grid view and gives the user ability to buy and download components from the web store. I'm considering using db4o for this ? What is your suggestion ? How is the support for db4o in visual studio 2008 ?

Can i have some tutorials/links on aligning datasource/databinding of gridview with db4o ?? How to start with db4o, create a table, using stored procedures / or similar concepts of it , connecting to database ? retrieving the data ?

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Aug 27, 2010

tbl_Payment tbl_Payments = new tbl_Payment()
UserId = UserID,
PaymentType = DropDownList4.Text,
AmountDeposit =AmountDeposit.Text, ERROR!
Date = DateTime.Now,
If the write value: AmountDeposit =

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Aug 21, 2010

DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; tbl_Payment tbl_Payments = new tbl_Payment() { UserId = UserID, PaymentType = DropDownList4.Text, AmountDeposit =10, Date = String.Format("{0:d/M/yyyy HH:mm}", dt); Compilation Error Compilation Error Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately. Compiler Error Message: CS0029: Cannot implicitly convert type 'string' to 'System.DateTime?' Source Error: Line 683: PaymentType = DropDownList4.Text, Line 684: AmountDeposit =10, Line 685: Date = String.Format("{0:d/M/yyyy HH:mm}", dt), Line 686: Line 687: }; Using LINQ for data storage. In Table I column "Date" datetime. How to save a date in the table?

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Dec 2, 2010

Whats the best way to store data from database, if you are planning to retieve all needed that once from d database only once, when the page is loaded for the first time. is arrays appropriate or is the better storage methods. dude to lack of speed. we have decided to only get all data from the database once and store them on arrays then only interate with the database when inserting, deleteing and updating. I'm using visual studio 2008 , coding on c# and using asp.net mysql connector. what other storage methods

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