Web Configure Can Work With Oracle 9i Database / Database Stored Procedures

Jun 20, 2010

We are building an ASP.NET application with C#.net language and Oracle 9i database. Here we installed Oracle 9i client software on our PCs.We never worked on Oracle 9i database. It's the first time.We are planning to build stored procedures in Oracle database and call them from our ASP.NET application. Does working with Oracle stored procedures and ASP.NET is similar to that of working with MS SQL Server stored procedures and ASP.NET?

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Web Forms :: Configure Website SQL Connection To Oracle Database?

Dec 22, 2010

I'm following this link [URL] to create a website and configure membership. I'm at the Configuring Membership section and try to use ASP.NET Configuration's Security tab. It has options for connecting to SQL server only. How can I configure it to connect to Oracle database? I want to create webparts and the instructions say it needs SQL server Express. I have VS2010 which comes with SQL Server 2008. I think that is even better. All my applications are using Oracle database.

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ADO.NET :: Storing Information To Database Using Stored Procedures And Vb.net

Feb 2, 2011

I have a stored procedure which is working fine and also code in my vb class, which when I click on save, looks as though it has executed but no information is saved into the database....

My code used to save the data into the database is below.


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Databases :: Stepping Into Oracle Stored Procedures?

Feb 26, 2011

I have an ASP.NET application that uses an Oracle backend. I want to be able to step into the Oracle packages and stored procedures during debugging.

Is this possible and if so what toolset would be needed?

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Fill Business Object From Database By Calling Stored Procedures?

Jun 10, 2010

I have several stored procedures in my database, some of them have params, some have no params. I tried to fill a business object by calling the stored procedures, but failed so far. How could I do that dynamically? Later, I want to use this object as a datasource for a report...but thats the next step. The important facts are:

different stored procs return different amount of columns stored procs can have params, but its not required

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Web Forms :: Call Different Database Stored Procedures Based On QueryString

Aug 9, 2012

I have 2 page



And these are my table in database

1-House_menu Table

Id Name H_name

1 Sofa Furniture
2 Table Furniture
3 Iron Electric
4 Vacuum cleaner Electric

2-House_p Table that save users product information

Id Name H_name Subset Description

1 Couch Furniture House furniture Test1
2 Armchair Furniture House furniture Test2
3 Blender Electric Kitchen Test3
4 Oven Electric Kitchen Test4

I have 1 unorderlist menu in index.aspx   

and 1 unorderlist in House.aspx page

I bind unorderlist from database


   Bind repeater from House_menu Table

<li class="current">
<a href="House.aspx?H_name=all">Furniture</a> <ul>
<asp:Repeater ID="rptMenu" runat="server">
<li><a href="Houseaspx?H_name=<%#Eval("H_name") %>"><%#Eval("name") %></a> </li>
</ItemTemplate> </asp:Repeater> </ul> </li>

And in House.aspx page i bind repeater from HOuse_p table subset column

<ul> <asp:Repeater ID="rptMenuE" runat="server">
<li><a href="House.aspx?subset=<%#Eval("subset") %>">
<%#Eval("Subset") %></a> </li>
</asp:Repeater> </ul>

When users click on menu item in index.aspx menu it go to house.aspx and bind datalist according to H_name column from House_p table

This is code

private void GetCustomersPageWise(int pageIndex) {
if (Request.QueryString["H_name"] != "all") {
using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("GetCustomersPageWise1", _cn)) {
string BehCode = Request.QueryString["H_name"];

[Code] ....

Now I want when users click on menu item in House.aspx page it bind datalist from House_p table according to Subset column .. How I can do it ?

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DataSource Controls :: Prevent Server/Database To Have SQL Stored Procedures Encrypted?

May 13, 2010

I have access to two servers, one with my development database on, and another with the live database on.

All SQL Stored Procedures, Functions, Views are encrypted on the live database (using WITH ENCRYPTION in my query)

However I'm concerned I might accidentally encrypt a bunch of SProcs on my development database meaning I can no longer view/edit that code.

I have full control over the server and database, and was wondering if there is a way I can prevent these from being encrypted, therefore throwing up an error when this is attempted?

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Web Forms :: Configure Existing Database And Website To Work With Membership?

Jun 13, 2012

I have a website and a SQL Server Database. I want to use ASP.Net Membership for login and roles.

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Databases :: SQL Server Database Dependency In Oracle Database?

Feb 27, 2010

I'm working with Oracle database and I want to improve performance of my website.I read about caching. So is it possible to implement caching (SQL Server Database Dependency) with oracle?

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C# - Outputting Data With An Access Database But Users Stored In An SQL Database?

Dec 3, 2010

I'm creating an ecommerce site using asp.net and a Access Datasource, I have used the pre-defined logging in and registering controls provided by Visual Studio 2010 which stores the user data in a SQL server.

For my site the content of the shopping cart is uploaded to a table in the access database, I need to however save the contents of the cart to a specific user ID. For example if User number 1 orders book id's 4,7,2 this needs to be saved, but if user number 2 comes along and orders 4,1,7 this needs to be saved for them as well.

So a user can have many carts, this is sorted in access but with the user ID being saved to a different database is there anyway I can link the two databases so I can say

"Save bookid's 1,2,3 in tblcart where userID is the same as the logged in user"

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Retrieve Image From Database Using The Filepath Stored In Database?

Apr 16, 2010

i have created a table in sql server 2005 with two fields ImgId and ImageURL,where ImgId holds the serial number and Image URL holds the URL of the image file about where it is located in my hard disk.

Now i want to retrieve images from the database using its filepath.

I think i had done everything right,I tried to retrieve images in a gridview but dont know why it doesnt shows anything when i build the code.

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DataSource Controls :: Tried To Update My Current Database With The Triggers To Input The Schema Into The Already Existing Database Can't Get That To Work?

Jan 22, 2010

Creating a system with web front end and SQL backend (microsoft obviously). I have tried using the asp.netsqlprovider but i can;t as i am only allowed one database on the server, so i then tried to update my current database with the triggers to input the schema into the already existing database.Next step i create my own table with two simple fields of username and password and try and authenticate that way, i can't get that to work either.

I ahve limited permissions on the network as i am a University Student. I really don't know what to do. Never had to create a log on system before and i thought it would be far simpler than this. I ahve used Microsoft's sqlprovider schema before and it worked fine. I have also authenticated via IIS and AD too before. I can't do any of those two in this instance it seems.I need an alternative for logging in users, if needs be in can be crude. I also still need to have some kind of two different views too for logged in users and not logged in users, but that can change if needs must.Don't let me down people, haha. Think this posts in the correct place, i could not find another one i thought could be more relevant.

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DataSource Controls :: Stored Procedures Are Not Showing Up Correctly In The Stored Procedure Drop Down

Apr 27, 2010

I am using Visual Studio 2008 and SQL Server 2008 and have added a SQL datasource to my form.

When I configure the datasource, I choose my connection string which looks like this in my webconfig:



The database I am using has a schema called EQB and as such, my stored procedures are named as EQB.usp_SelectFunds, EQB.usp_SelectAccount, etc.

On the select tab of the Configure Data Source screen, I choose to use a stored procedure. The dropdown shows my stored procedures, however, the schema name does not show up in front of the stored procedures in the drop down. I see only usp_SelectFunds, usp_SelectAccount, etc.

I select one of the stored procedures and when I click TEST, I get the message that the stored procedure is not found. If I instead choose to use a SQL statement instead on the configuration screen and enter EXEC EQB.usp_SelectFunds and click TEST, it works fine.

Why are my stored procedures not showing up correctly in the stored procedure drop down and how can I fix this?

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ADO.NET :: Refresh Dbml When Stores Procedures Are Changed In Database

Oct 14, 2010

I have a DBML file in C#. And I have drag and drop some Stored Procedurs in it . Now I have changed some SPs. Now I want to refresh the dbml file without drap and drop the SPs. How can I do it in C#. Is there any way that the changes Made in SPs will come with out drag ang drop the SPs.

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Web Forms :: How To Configure Database To Read The .mdf File

Jun 16, 2010

I just purchased a premium Windows hosting account from 1&1. I wish to host my site on there. I have been working on it for quite some time.

The most important part of my website is Authentication, and I cannot get my database to work.

I need to get my site to be able to connect to E:BlahBlahBlahApp_DataASPNETDB.mdf. It is SQL Server 2005. And yes, my hosting package supports it. I have a database set up. Would I need to configure my database to read the .mdf? Or is there a special connection string for files.

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How To Configure The Database Option Along With Sending It To Mail

May 21, 2010

I need to create one contact us form in that I need 4 fields 'Name, Email, Subject, Message'. In this what I need is I need to store the data in database and also I want that form to be mailed to me. How can I configure that database option along with sending it to mail.

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Architecture :: How To Configure Database Design When Add A Sub Category

Apr 24, 2010

I have a ordinary Category/Product database relationship Design structure.

Now i wish to add a sub category to this architecture.

for example, Cloths Category needs to be sub divided - Women,Men,Children categories.Also what about other Ctegories such as: Car,this also has sub divisions: Model,Type.

My Products table contains ProductName field together with generic field for Size,Colour and Price fields.

How do you therefore incorporate this sub division into the existing Category/Product relationship model and is there a model example?

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VPN Access To Oracle Database?

Feb 18, 2010

One customer is asking me if it is possible to access an Oracle database from his .NET website using VPN. I googled around and didn't find much on this subject.

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C# - Connect To Oracle 11g Database?

Dec 17, 2010

How do I connect to an Oracle 11g database using asp.net3.5? what is the name space and how to write connection string in web.config file?

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Web Forms :: Display Image Which Is Stored In Some Folder And Its Path Is Stored In Database Table?

Feb 13, 2013

i want to display image which is stored in some folder and its path is stored in database table. i used your link [URL] for the same but i am not storing any thing like data column in my table and have passed name column to Byte[]and so its giving datatype error there. what is the way to convert it to byte?

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Web Forms :: Display Image Which Is Stored In Some Folder And Its Path Is Stored In Database Table

Dec 27, 2011

i want to display image which is stored in some folder and its path is stored in database table. i used your link URL... for the same but i am not storing any thing like data column in my table and have passed name column to Byte[]and so its giving datatype error there.

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Configure Database.mdf For .net Applicatoin Services And Then Delete NETDB.MDF?

Oct 25, 2010

my web site i have two databases, ASPNETDB.MDF and a self created one (database.mdf). (The don't contain a lot of data yet)But i need a relationship (foreign key) between a table in ASPNETDB.MDF and a table in database.mdf.So i guess i need to merge both databases first, would you just extend the "ASPNETDB.MDF" with the tables from "database.mdf" ?or better configure "database.mdf" for the asp.net Applicatoin Services and then delete "ASPNETDB.MDF"

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How To Configure Membership Provider To Insert Data On Own Database

Apr 15, 2010

How can I configure membership provider to insert data on my own database

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How To Update Stock From An Oracle Database

May 7, 2010

I m working on A Ware house management Software.

I have used oracle in back end. I have goodsmaster table, sales return table, sales table, invoice table,etc

So i have to update qty on stock when i enter any entry in my sales return page of asp.net from goods master table..

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C# - How To Connect To A Remote Oracle Database

Feb 20, 2010

I have Oracle (10g Express Edition) installed on one pc.

Visual Studio 2008 SP1 is installed on another pc.

I want to run an ASP.NET web app that uses the remote database. The two PCs are connected by a LAN (wired) connection. How can I connect to the database? What will the connection string be? The operating system on both PCs is Windows XP.

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