Webservice Authentication From An IPhone App?

Aug 5, 2010

I have my iPhone app that calls an ASP.NET Webservice to download "data". Most of this needs to be protected, but currently the webservice that's deployed can be called by anyone who can figure out its URL, thus resulting in a complete loss of security.

The simplest form that I can think of would be for the phone to make a call over HTTPS including the username, password that the user logs in with, with every web service all. And each method will check to see if these credentials are correct before sending data to the user.

But this will result in an additional database call for every request to check if the user is authenticated, which is not very efficient.

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The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.

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[WebService(Namespace = "http://tempuri.org/")]
[WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
public class PingWS : WebService
public void SessionActive(string sessionID)
// does stuff here
This is how I'm calling it in js (request is over HTTPS, :
type: "POST",
url: "PingWS.asmx/SessionActive",
data: 'sessionID=' + aspSessionID + '}',
beforeSend: function (xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader('Cookie', '');
xhr.setRequestHeader('Cookie', 'ASP.NET_SessionId=aaa; .ASPXAUTH=bbb;');
dataType: "json"

I was trying with the setRequestHeader, but that just appends to the header rather than overwrites the header, and IIS is happy to ignore that junk I added. I'm thinking maybe I should be trying to do this at the server end, someone take PingWS.asmx out of the loop so that it doesn't keep the session active, but I'm not sure how to do this. Although the title of the question is focused on clearing the cookie in the header, I'd be super happy if anyone points out that I'm being really stupid and there is actually a much better way of trying to do what I'm doing.

I'm thinking at this stage maybe I need to add something to the webmethod that says how long this particular page has been inactive, and use that knowledge to timeout manually. That actually sounds pretty easy, so I think I'll do that for now. I'm still convinced that there must be an easy way to do what I originally wanted to do though. Update I'm thinking I'm pretty screwed in terms of cookie manipulation here as both the .ASPXAUTH and ASP.NETSessionId cookie are HttpOnly, which means the browser takes them out of your hands, you can't access them via the document.cookies object. So I would say that leaves me with:

Updating my SessionAlive webmethod to track each request so I can tell how long the user has been sitting idle on a page and timeout if needs be Marking the .asmx page somehow on the server end so that it's taken out of the normal authentication/session tracking flow I know how to do 1. so I'll start there but 2. seems much cleaner to me.

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Session["mySession"] = "Some Value";[code]....

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