Writing To A File Which Can Be Password Protected?

Mar 10, 2011

i have table data which i am currently writing to an excel file, but i need to be able to securely password protect the file. Ive been told excel passwords are easy to break, so is there another file type which i can dynamically write to and password protect for emailing elsewhere (and requiring receiver to type password in to access it)?

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Security :: Specify Password For A Password Protected Ppt File Through Vb.net?

Jan 27, 2010

Am trying to open a .pps/.ppt file through my vb.net code.....due to secure reasons this file is password protected,

However i will not like the end user to put a password when accessing through my application.

Hence i want to pass a password as a parameter while open such a password protected file.

Here is my code.

Reference URL: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/303717/EN-US/
Dim oApp As Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint.Application
Dim oPres As Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint.Presentation
Dim objpresset As Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint.Presentations
oPres = objpresset.Open(filename, Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoCTrue, Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoCTrue, Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoCTrue)

Where can i provide password while opening a ppt file...

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Jun 24, 2010

I have a website that has anonymous authentication enabled. Now for a particular folder I want the users to be logged in with a userid and password. The user id and password is going to be same for everyone.

Eg user id is TEST and Password is answer. How can I do that?

I went in to that folder ->properties->directory security->edit-> And I disabled the anonymous access

But where should I add the User Id and Password? Under which option.

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Can't Upload To Password Protected Directory?

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I'm running IIS 6 with ASP.NET 2.0.I enabled windows authentication for a folder in a website and gave permissions to a user. When I navigate to the page, the passowrd prompt pops up as expected and when entered correctly, the page loads. The page contains a file upload control. When I try to upload a file, the password prompt keeps popping up. ultimately it ends up as a 401 error. The user account does have write permissions to the floder, so I'm not understanding why I can get to the page with the credentials, but can't upload anything to that folder.

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Web.config Location Tag - Want All The Pages Password Protected

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I'm looking to deploy a web app and I have a simple question about the <location> tag of the web.config file. For the moment, I want all the pages to be password protected and I've created a simple login page with the login object. I've put all my .aspx file in a directory called AppMyPages and I've put this in the config file:

<location path="AppMyPages">
<allow roles="tester" />

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How To Send Password Protected Attachment / Pdf With Sending Email

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I have to send password protected attachment/pdf while sending email so that reciepeint should be asked to enter password while opening attachment/pdf and he will open attachment/pdf only after entering password.

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C# - Query Data From A Password Protected Https Website?

Apr 14, 2010

I'd like my application to query a csv file from a secure website. Currently I have the user login to the site, manually query the csv, and have my application load the file locally. I'd like to automate this by having the user enter his login information, authenticating him on the website, and querying the data. The application is written in C# .NET. The url of the site is: https://www2.emidas.com/default.asp.

I've tested the following code already and am able to access the file once the user has already authenticated himself and created a manual query.

System.Net.WebClient Client = new WebClient();
Stream strm = Client.OpenRead("https://www3.emidas.com/users/<username>/file.csv");

Here is the request sent to the site for authentication. I've angle bracketed the real userid and password.

POST /pwdVal.asp HTTP/1.1
Accept: image/jpeg, application/x-ms-application, image/gif, application/xaml+xml, image/pjpeg, application/x-ms-xbap, application/vnd.ms-excel, application/vnd.ms-powerpoint, application/msword, application/x-shockwave-flash, */*
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; InfoPath.2; Tablet PC 2.0; OfficeLiveConnector.1.4; OfficeLivePatch.1.3; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E)
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Cookie: ASPSESSIONID<unsure if this data contained password info so removed>; ClientId=<username>
Host: www3.emidas.com
Content-Length: 36
Connection: Keep-Alive
Cache-Control: no-cache
Accept-Language: en-US

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VS 2010 - Connect To Password Protected Shared Location For Access DB

Jun 28, 2013

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Jun 9, 2010

There are some folders in my application that are only accessible by users in certain roles.In order to protect the contents of these folders, I placed web.config files in them which look like so:


Also,in the main web.config file, I have this configured:


However,when I try to access a folder that I'm not authorized to access, I'm not being redirected to unauthorized.aspx page as indicated in the main web.config. Instead,I'm getting sent to the login page.Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Here's the authentication section from the main web.config:


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Web Forms :: Deleting List Item / File - Writing New File With Remaining Items

Dec 23, 2010

Spent ages trying to get this right but am struggling now. I have a list box and textbox, I can happily enter Email addresses into the textbox which are saved into a text file and populated in a list box. I want to be able to select a list item and delete it, along with it's record in my text file. I was going to do it by on the delete list item / button click, it delete's the text file and then writes and a new one with the remaining list items in the list box. Unfortunately it's re-writing the file but either not including the remaining list items. Here's some examples of what I've changed and what populates the text file:

StreamWriter1.WriteLine(Addresses.Items); - System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItemCollection
StreamWriter1.WriteLine(Addresses.Text); - A blank line?!?

The code is below. The reason I wouldn't allow the user to delete the first list item is because I thought the code was working ok but for some reason putting in a blank line to start with, and if I deleted the line it'd delete all file content. No, I don't know why I thought that either.


where I've gone wrong? I've not actually slept since I woke up at 8am yesterday. It's now 11am... today.

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Writing To A File At Runtime

May 17, 2010

I am trying to write some lines at runtime to a text file using streamwriter, but i have to allow only 100 lines to be written to that file, if 101 line is supposed to be written to that file than first line of the file must get discarded/deleted and file must allow writing the 101 line so the file will actually always contain only 100 lines.

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Writing Xml To Memory Instead Of A File?

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Writing Mp4 File From Request.InputStream?

May 28, 2010

I have a page posting data to me via HTTP POST. What i want is write posted data into mp4 video format file. Here my code how to write that file:

string strFilePath = "D:\Video.mp4";
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(strFilePath, FileMode.Create))
byte[] bytes = new byte[Request.InputStream.Length];
Request.InputStream.Read(bytes, 0, (int)Request.InputStream.Length);
fs.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

My problem is that i got the file, but it's corrupt when playback. Is there any problem with my stream or i missing some decode for mp4 file?

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Web Forms :: Writing To Log File On First Pageload?

Oct 27, 2010

Based on this piece of code, I want to do exactly like this demonstration. However, correct me if I'm wrong but if two or more users somehow simultaneously access the web page at the same precise nanosecond in time, then wouldn't we have a race condition? So is this piece of code valid? How would I correct this to make it thread safe?


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