AJAX :: Update Detailsview After Upload File?

Mar 10, 2011

I´m using a AsyncFileupload control inside a detailsview. When the file is uploaded i need show a control that is hidden in detailsview.

I´ve tried to use OnUploadedComplete evento to do that but it doesn´t work. How can i get this?

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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: Update Detailsview After Upload File?

Mar 10, 2011

I´m using a AsyncFileupload control inside a detailsview. When the file is uploaded i need show a control that is hidden in detailsview.

I´ve tried to use OnUploadedComplete evento to do that but it doesn´t work. How can i get this?]

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AJAX :: File Upload Control In The Update Panel

Jul 1, 2010

I've been wrecking my brain on how to solve this but I'm all out of idea. I have a FileUpload control within an UpdatePanel. I have a button, let's call this btnSave, that saves the FileUpload.PostedFile into an sql server. What happens is that when the btnSave is clicked, I would save the file to a ViewState as well as upload it to the sql server. I also have an ImageButton, call this btnDel, that clears up the ViewState that holds the File in the viewState. This btnDel is an Asynchrounouspostback trigger to the UpdatePanel that holds the FileUpload control. If I browse a file, click on btnSave, everything would work fine. However, if I browse a file, click save, click on btnDel, browse anotherfile using FileUpload, and click save, sometimes FileUpload.PostedFile has a file and sometimes it is null. I'm really not sure what's causing this. I know that there is an issue of incompatibility if btnSave is made to be an asynchronouspostback trigger to the updatePanel. I don't see how making btnDel an asynchronouspostback trigger could affect this.

If I do take out the FileUpload control from the UpdatePanel and remove btnDel as a trigger, everything works fine except a postback is generated, which the client does not like.

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AJAX :: Is It Possible To Perform A File Upload Within An Update Panel

Jul 21, 2010

Is it possible to perform a file upload within an update panel.

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AJAX :: Use A File Upload Inside An Update Panel Along With A Dropdownlist?

Jan 27, 2010

i m using an update panel on a page which contains a listview. the listview (in each row) has a fileupload control and a dropdownlist.

although both controls do not have any interrelated values, its a desgin constraint to use both of them inside a listview row (and hence ...n number of such rows)

everytime i change the selection in the dropdownlist, the file upload control clears.

i have been through this pos, which suggests putting the controls (which cause postback) inside an updatepanel (use AJAX) and keep the fileupload outside of ajax.


however my problem is that both my controls are in ajax bound code (that is inside the update panel) and hence the selection clears the file in the fileupload control.

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AJAX :: File Upload Control Not Working In Update Panel?

Feb 15, 2011

I have 3 upload controls ,one listbox and two button controls in page. One button control named Attach has the code to add the files to listbox form 3rd file upload control and the 2nd button control named Save has the code to save the files of 1st and 2nd file upload controls in application folder and items of listbox to database.

The issue is couldn't maintain the state of 1st and 2nd file upload controls after browsing the files to file upload controls and clicking on Attach button control to add file name to listbox which was browsed by 3rd file upload control.So i placed the 3rd file upload control, Attach button and listbox in update panel but its not working. My requirement is when clicked on save button files of 1st and 2nd file upload controls in application folder and items of listbox to database, but 1st and 2nd file upload controls will loose the files as soon as Attach button is clicked to add filename of 3rd fileupload control to listbox.

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AJAX :: Update A Movie Picture Using File Upload Control With Updatepanel

Mar 20, 2010

im trying to update a movie picture using file upload control that is located under an update panel but nothing seems to get updated, is there anyway that the update panel is giving me this mess cuz i have tryd everything nothing seems to work only if its with an update panel ..

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AJAX :: Asynchronous File Upload With Update Progress Using Loading Gif Image And Use Ajaxtoolkit 3.0

Apr 22, 2010

my application is running in visual studio 2005, i used ajax control toolkit for .Net framework 2.0.but now i want to use ajaxcontroltoolkit latest version which is for .net framework 3.5 in my application which is running on .net framework 2.0 and visual studio
2005.how to integrate or use ajaxcontrol toolkit ?because i have some functionality like there is one file upload control and when click button it will take 2 to 3 min for upload so
i need progress bar with loading gif file.because of asynchronous postback fileupload control has not file.so i must assign postback trigger to button if i assign postback trigger to button than loading gif or progress bar not working.so i want to use AsynchFileUpload control of newly release toolkit.

is there any way to do it? or any other way.my client also not want to switch over it's application from 2005 to 2008.My code is below

<asp:UpdateProgress ID="uppr" AssociatedUpdatePanelID="up" runat="server">
<div id="IMGDIV1" align="center" valign="middle" runat="server" style="position: relative; display:none; [code]....

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AJAX :: Async File Upload Control - Check File Contenttype Before File Upload Starts?

Jan 13, 2010

I am using the async file upload control to upload to a image file. I want the user to upload only jpg files. And for that I am checking the uploadedfile content type in server side, after the upload complets. I wanna check this, before upload starts. There is one javascript method

function startUpload(sender, args){}

but how to access the content type of the file selected by user.

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Forms Data Controls :: DetailsView To XML File On Update

Oct 31, 2010

I've got a DetailsView control with Edit and Update enabled. I'd like to write the edited record to an XML file after Editing. What's the best way to do this? I thought I could write to a text file and concatenate the db fields between XML tags but is there an "automatic" or best practice way to do it?

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AJAX :: Unable To Update DetailsView?

Apr 8, 2010

I've been following the tutorial from (hxxp://mattberseth.com/blog/2008/04/masterdetail_with_the_gridview.html), and trying to implement it in my web app.

I get details view showing up with right data and in edit mode, but when I try to update I get following error:

Error: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: Could not find a row that matches the given keys in the original values stored in ViewState. Ensure that the 'keys' dictionary contains unique key values that correspond to a row returned from the previous Select operation'Source File: http://localhost:60402/ScriptResource.axd?

Line: 1678

I am using LinqDataSource (in tutorial above, author is using ObjectDataSource).Here is aspx


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AJAX :: Using Cascadingdropdown To Update Detailsview

Nov 9, 2010

I have two sets of cascading drop down lists they are contained in a detailsview <edititemtemplate>. The problem is that when the user clicks update; the original data is wiped out and the user has to redo the selection of all items contained in a cascading dropdown even if the user didn't want to change that particular aspect of a record. If the user doesn't select everything an error is thrown by the stored procedure in regrds to null values not being valid.

Is there a way i can use cascadingdropdown so that the current values are visible when the user clicks update; meaning that they don't have to redo selections for all items involving drop down lists. The current selections would be default values.

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AJAX :: Attach A File Using File Upload Control And Send It In Email Along With Already Attached File

Apr 27, 2016

I have an asp.net panel having various controls including gridview. I have converted this panel into pdf and attached it as an email attachment using memory stream. Everything is working fine. Now I have an File upload control outside panel through which I have to attach a file and send it in mail along with the already attached panel. But I am unable to figure out how to do it.

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Web Forms :: File Upload Inside The Update Panel?

Apr 11, 2012

How to use the asp file upload inside the update panel.

It works fine when it is place outside the update panel.

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C# - File Upload Control In Update Panel Always Returns False?

Apr 1, 2011

I have a detailsView inside the update panel., and in the detailsView I have a FileUpload Control and a button btn_Upload. In the click event I have written code :


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AJAX :: Update Master / Detail GridView - DetailsView With Modal PopUp Extender

Jun 12, 2010

My Master/Detail view is working fine, but if i try to add Modal PopUp extender it does not work at all.


adding Modal Popup to this code. I have studied [URL] article many times but could not find problem with my code. My code should display Modal PopUp 2 times. Once New Client btn is clicked & other time when edit inside GridView is clicked.

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AJAX :: File Upload With UpdatePanel Not Working. File Is Null. Updateprogress?

Jan 24, 2011

I'm trying to use below simple code for ajax postback. With file upload, neither javascript the "function startRequest" ever triggers, the file control shows null value somemore.Earlier I had Update progress which didn't work with file upload ever so I removed it. Now I just want to disable the button as the file is uploaded and its inputs are processed in the background. Once the response comes back, the "submit" button is re-enabled.But the file-upload with Updatepanel doesn't work at all. What am I doing wrong,



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AJAX :: Upload Default File When No File Is Selected In FileUpload Control

May 7, 2015

How to set default file in  <asp:FileUpload />

When a FileUpload is null then i want to set defualt file .

regarding my code :

Byte[] imgByte = null;
if (FileUpload1.HasFile && FileUpload1.PostedFile != null)
HttpPostedFile File = FileUpload1.PostedFile;
imgByte = new Byte[File.ContentLength];
File.InputStream.Read(imgByte, 0, File.ContentLength);

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AJAX :: How To Upload And Save File With Unique Random File Name

May 7, 2015

I have a variable:

public static string ClientName;

And the code below which saves an image to a folder on server:

public static void UploadPic(string imageData)
string Pic_Path = Path.Combine(HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath, "SavedSig/ClientSignature.png");
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(Pic_Path, FileMode.Create))


I would like to rename that file evrytime with the value of the variable

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AJAX :: Upload Multiple Images Using Update Panel

Jun 16, 2015

Can we upload multiple images with the update panel?? images are upload without any postback like ajax...

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AJAX :: Savinf A File Via An Asyncfileupload In A Detailsview In An Updatepanel?

Feb 16, 2010

I want to upload a file INSIDE an updatepanel using the asyncfileupload control.
But in the code below the filename is EMPTY! Why?

Protected Sub dvTicketDetail_ItemUpdating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DetailsViewUpdateEventArgs) Handles dvTicketDetail.ItemUpdating
Dim afupload As AjaxControlToolkit.AsyncFileUpload = CType(dvTicketDetail.FindControl("afuFlyerEdit"), AjaxControlToolkit.AsyncFileUpload)
'only upload physical file if fileupload control is NOT empty
If afupload.FileName <> "" Then
'a new file must be assigned to record
End If
End Sub

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AJAX :: Could Not Upload Image When Using Update Panel And Script Manager

Jun 24, 2010

when i m going to store img in db and using fileupload control it's not possible to store , but if i remove update panel and scr... manager i can. need soluation. i m storing img as image in db as filebyte

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Web Forms :: How To Upload File And Save It To Oracle Database And View The Upload File Using C#

Feb 8, 2011

how to upload and save files to oracle database, and view file using C# .net and can upload one or more files in one webform.

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Web Forms :: Can Upload A File On A Network Share Folder Using File Upload Control

Aug 6, 2010

I want to upload files to the web servers from the client machines.

Can i upload a file on a network share folder using file upload control?

I would like to create a share folder on a file server sitting next to the web server. If i upload the file from the network share folder instead of uploading it from the client machine does it make any difference?

Will the file be stored in a temporary location before copying to the final destination? Where will be the file stored in this case of uploading it from share folder?

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Forms Data Controls :: Control - Datalist Update Using The Update Button Outside The Detailsview

Feb 4, 2011

I have a gridview and when i click on the edit button i will get the modalpopup window which is having a popup window i want to update the data in that details view and refresh the data into gridview also.

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