Can Login With Forms Authentication And Then Transfer That 'login' To A PHP Application
Mar 7, 2011
Our website runs on ASP.NET v4 and users log in user Forms authentication.
We are considering purchasing a web application that will add to our services. The only problem is that this new website is written in PHP.
We would like users to login to our ASP.NET site and then navigate to the PHP site. The PHP site should notice that users are logged-in though. So we probably need to transfer the ASP.NET SessionID cookie and somehow use that to verify whether or not the user has been authorized.
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Similar Messages:
Dec 1, 2010
I have my website in which there are free links and links that require login. Free links open even if the user is not logged in. But in case of links that require login, redirect to login.aspx specified in Web.Config in loginURL tag.
I want some way to override this and show Ajax modal popup (Ajax extender toolkit) with login control for only thos links that require login (not for the free links).
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Aug 23, 2010
I've encountered a problem with intranet ASP.NET Application using AD Form Authentcation. The login and authorization is built using this KB It works fine on DEV but not in UAT and PROD.
Basically, the problem is:1. In DEV, users see login page and they enter domain user name and password and login process happens with no issue.
2. But in PROD and UAT, the same application when the users see the login page (first time) and they submit the login form no response. The login button does nothing. The user closes the browser and come back to login page and it works second time. Strange, this doesn't happen in DEV.
3. Further, on DEV by changing the LDAP path to PROD or UAT, the users can still login the first time. It's only the PROd and UAT that seems to be a problem. Not sure whether it's IIS setting or domain policy or something else.....
Not sure what's causing this issue. The only difference that I can see between DEV and UAT/PROD is:
1. DEV has no load balance but UAT and PROD has.
2. In DEV application is installed under Default Website and on PROD/UAT it's under new website.
The IIS settings has been setup as per given KB. I
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May 29, 2010
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~/admin folder and user files are in ~/User folder. Admin and user has two different login page within respective directory.
Now I want two apply form authentication for admin and user section. Is it possible to apply form authentication for two different section in a web application?
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Sep 16, 2010
Foe getting Logon computer username i m using digest authntication mode. But when i browse website it's asking for username and password. while already windows login with the same username.
I understood that in this auhtntication mode it's required. But r there any configuration with it i am not getting this Prompt ? Any group ploicy ??
For IE i have added website into trusted zone but still it's asking for username and password.
R there any other way i getting Computer logon name in application. There are But only work when i run from Editor from IIS it's not retuning value.
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Feb 5, 2011
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Apr 12, 2010
After reading a book I brought on I fould the login controls to be very nice.I have set it up in my application so that customers can login using the standaard login controls and things were going smooth.But in my schema for my application I also have a table for customers (firstName, LastName, DOB, etc).And of course the customersID is used as a foreign key to tables such as Orders, Addresses (Home, Work, Postal).
The thing is how to i associate an login to a customer name in my table so that the CustomerID can be used through the application by knowing who is logged in.
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May 12, 2010
I am upgrading a website written using ASP.NET 1.1 and the logic for the login page includes verifying the credentials, calling FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie() and populating the Session with the user information.
I am updating this page to use Login controls and the Membership API and am trying to wrap my head around the concepts that have been changed.
Most of the samples I see do not do anything on the login button event handler, so is the logic of setting the cookie abstracted out into the control?
Also, how do I check if a user is logged in or not on other pages. Does it still store user information using the Session?
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Mar 25, 2010
we host a database for several users. We allow the users to host the login form on their own server. The form calls an ASP page that we host, which executes a stored procedure to authenticate the user.
We are in the process of moving to The "Forms" authentication method appears to only work if the login page is hosted locally. Is there a way to use Forms Authentication & allow the login form itself to be on a different server. I'm looking for a tutorial somewhere that will get me pointed in the right direction
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May 11, 2010
I have 2 almost identical (vb) applications. 1 Development and 1 Production.
They use forms authentication that is configured to run in SQL server. Both apps use the same aspnetdb database but have different application names.
The problem I have is:I have an Identical login for each app (same username, same password), but If I change profile information for that user in the development app, the changes are reflected in production app. This isn't what I want.
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Oct 18, 2010
I want to create a website that a user can logon and view their data. They should also be able to logout. I'm wondering how to achieve this WITHOUT using the Membership provider api provided by Microsoft. This is what I think should happen.
1. user enters name and password and clicks button.
2.If username and password are correct the user is redirected to a webpage with their details.
3.A session is created.
4.The user logouts and the session is deleted.
View 10 Replies
Dec 21, 2010
I have an existing website using forms authentication with Sql provider. Now i am trying to integrate with another website and use their authentication mechanism. I am already able to validate a user and trying to silently login the user into my application. Here is the code for "silent" login:
and it works with the exception that Forms Authentication overrides the HttpContext.Current.User by the time i make it "default.aspx". Is there a way to bypass forms role and membership providers?
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Jul 26, 2010
I have an ASP.NET application where users login using forms authentication. I have 3 roles and some users. My App is not some thing like anyone can Register and access pages. Only Admin can create users & then send them their username and temp password through email. Then User can change his security question, Password and access pages. I'm trying to build this architecture. I'm using SqlServerMembershipProvider I have created Roles and some test users using ASP.NET Configuration tool. How can I implement the same thing programatically? Like Admin can create user and set his Role. User should be able to Change his Security question & change his password after Admin sets his account with some password likeP@ssw0rd. Is there any article where I can read and learn. I'm dealing with Security for the first time
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Aug 14, 2010
The default document feature is turned off in IIS and here's the situation... My start page for my project say is A.aspx. I run the project and sure enough, A.aspx appears in the url of the browser. Like it should though, A.aspx finds no user logged in and redirects to Login.aspx like it should. A.aspx:
if (Session["UserStuff"] == null)
The login.aspx shows up BUT when the user Logs in, the code:
FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(txtUserName.Text, true);
always redirects to "Default.aspx" and not "A.aspx"
I've examined FormsAuthentication.GetRedirectUrl and sure enough it returns "Default.aspx"
View 4 Replies
Mar 2, 2011
The problem is as follows: If a visitor try to access a page in Admin folder he must be redirected to login page located in Admin folder, here I will take his username and password and then I will check this in SQL Server table, if he is authenticated then he will be redirected to Default page and he can access any page in Admin folder, but not any page in User folderHere is one thing is important and that is login page in Admin folder and login page in User folder are differentSame scenario is for User folder Please tell me what is the right way to achieve this functionality
View 2 Replies
Mar 18, 2010
Is it possible to have multiple login pages for different folders within an application? Say I have this structure:
I have 2 different login forms. One for the admin people and one for the customers (the forms are different as the customers need to provide extra information on their login page).
In the authentication section of the webconfig file (which is at the root of the web app), I can only specify one Login page. So how can I make sure thaf if anyone tries to access a webpage in /admin they will be redirected to /login-admin.aspx and if they try to access a webpage in /customer they will be redirected to /login-customer.aspx ?
View 1 Replies
May 15, 2010
I have an application that uses ASP.NET Forms Authentication. For the most part, it's working great, but I'm trying to add support for a simple API via an .ashx file. I want the ashx file to have optional authentication (i.e. if you don't supply an Authentication header, then it just works anonymously). But, depending on what you do, I want to require authentication under certain conditions.
I thought it would be a simple matter of responding with status code 401 if the required authentication was not supplied, but it seems like the Forms Authentcation module is intercepting that and responding with a redirect to the login page instead. What I mean is, if my ProcessRequest method looks like this:
Then instead of getting a 401 error code on the client, like I expect, I'm actually getting a 302 redirect to the login page.
For nornal HTTP traffic, I can see how that would be useful, but for my API page, I want the 401 to go through unmodified so that the client-side caller can respond to it programmatically instead.
View 6 Replies
Nov 10, 2010
I am using forms authentication. It's works fine locally. Once I upload my web application to a remote iis server and run it I get a Windows authentication prompt. The server [URL] at [URL] requires a username and password.
View 1 Replies
Jul 25, 2010
I am using VWD 2010 on a windows 7 64 bit install. Using forms authentication I am not being redirected to the login page when not authenticated yet. Even if I start a new web site from template, clear out all cookies, I still go directly to default.aspx. The LoginView control displays the anonymous template verifing I am not authenticated.
configuration why redirection doesn't occur? Remember I am trying this with New Web site template with no mods so I don't think config issue is within application code.
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Sep 26, 2012
How to create login authentication page using cookies in ASP.NET with C#?
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May 7, 2015
Refer This : [URL] .....
I want same functionality but im not using Login Control ..I am using TextBox for Username and Password and a login Button ..can i do the same ??
FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(1, Login1.UserName, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(2880), Login1.RememberMeSet, roles, FormsAuthentication.FormsCookiePath);
string hash = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(ticket);
HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, hash);
[URL] ....
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