DataSource Controls :: BLL Add Method & ObjectDataSource?

Jan 4, 2011

My Business Logic Layer has AddItem method that add's to Items table in db along with an entry in Balance table.AddItem method uses two TableAdapters Items & Balance. Both these have corresponding Business Objects as Item and Balance.

Here is the AddItem method :


ASPX Page with DetailsView & ObjectDataSource


Now executing this page generates error as

ObjectDataSource 'ObjectDataSource2' could not find a non-generic method 'AddItem' that has parameters: _item, _balance, ItemName, GroupId, CategoryId, AuId, Rate, TotalStrScale, OffsStrScale, OffsAE [code]...

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Similar Messages:

DataSource Controls :: ObjectDataSource - Update Method To Pass Entity To The Method In BLL Class?

Oct 18, 2010

I have an ObjectDataSource that I want to perform updates using a business entity i.e. Type="Object"). Since the values for the entity are within a user control, I have stored a reference to the control in Session and in the updating event, set the new instance to the value of the entity from the user contol property (which also pulls values from the form viaother properties of the control):

Protected Sub MasterDataSource_Updating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.ObjectDataSourceMethodEventArgs) Handles MasterDataSource.Updating
Dim entity As New Login()
Dim accountControl As AccountInfo = TryCast(Session("AccountCtrl"), AccountInfo)
entity = accountControl.Entity
e.InputParameters.Add("entity", entity)
End Sub

And here's the markup for the datasource:

<asp:ObjectDataSource ID="MasterDataSource" runat="server" EnableCaching="true" CacheDuration="10"
SelectMethod="SelectAll" UpdateMethod="Update" TypeName="Data.DAL.LoginDAL">

My question is, how can I get the update method to pass this entity to the update method in my BLL class? It seems the Update method requires an ID or reference to the original object to use in determining whether any changes have taken place, but I don't really want to do this. In other words, I just want to use the Update event on my ObjectDataSource to pass my entity to the method ("Update") I set as a property and then let this business method handle the update of the data. Shown below, is the BLL update method I want to call:

Public Overloads Function Update(ByVal entity As Login)
If entity Is Nothing Then
Throw New ArgumentNullException("entity")
End If
MyBase.Update("UpdateLogin", entity.Username, entity.Password, entity.FirstName, entity.LastName, entity.Role, entity.Region, _
entity.Email, entity.Title, entity.TierID, entity.Street, entity.City, entity.State, entity.Zip, entity.Mobile, entity.Phone, entity.Fax)
End Function

When I try to call this as it stands now, I get an error: ObjectDataSource 'MasterDataSource' could not find a non-generic method 'Update' that has parameters: ID, entity. Previously, I'd set up a long list of parameters of basic data types (string, int, boolean), but this is rather cumbersome and I was hoping to use an entity for this (FYI, I also got the same type of error when I tried this approach, but with the ID as the
last parameter in the list). Perhaps what I'm doing here is atypical to how the ODS is normally used?? Has anyone done something like this successfully?

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DataSource Controls :: How Use The Select Method To Get The Rowcount With Objectdatasource

Mar 22, 2010

i have this class

class MyDal
IList<MyData> GetAll(string orderBy, , int count, int firstIndex, out int totalRowCount);

i'm using an objectdatasource with MyDal to bind values to a gridview.

i want know if there's a way to configure the objectdatasource to use the parameter totalRowCount without calling the SelectCountMethod.

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DataSource Controls :: Custom Insert Method In ObjectDataSource?

Jan 19, 2010

I've an ObjectDataSource & its datasource from typed dataset which is bind to 3 textboxes.

One of that textbox text concatenate with other two textboxes values.

Some thing like this,

textbox1.text=textbox2.text & textbox3.text

How can I customize my insert query for this?

I could not see the insert query in my objectdatasource.

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DataSource Controls :: Update Method In ObjectDataSource Is Not Working?

Mar 9, 2010

Here is the "Update" method which is not updating.

It works if I remove "@original_UnitPrice" and "@original_OnHand" parameters from the "WHERE" clause.


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DataSource Controls :: Getting Returnvalue From Objectdatasource Delete Method?

Jul 13, 2010

How and where can I get the returnvalue from my "DeleteGuestById" method to show the right error message to my user?

I have this:

Protected Sub gvGuestlist_OnRowCommand(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As GridViewCommandEventArgs) Handles gvGuestlist.RowCommand
If e.CommandName = "DeleteGuest" Then
Dim index As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument)
Dim data As DataKey = gvGuestlist.DataKeys(index)
Dim GuestId As Integer = data.Values("id")
odsGuestlist.DeleteParameters.Add("id", GuestId)
End If
End Sub

In my BLL:

<System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodAttribute(System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodType.Update, False)> Public Function DeleteGuestById(ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
Dim returnval As Integer
GuestlistAdapter.DeleteGuestById(ID, returnval)
Return returnval
End Function

I think I have to be in the ObjectDatasources' "OnDeleted" method but I have no what code to place there.

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DataSource Controls :: ObjectDataSource Could Not Find A Non - Generic Method Update?

Mar 11, 2010

error "ObjectDataSource 'ObjectDataSourceCaseDetails' could not find a non-generic method". I have an update method and my ObjectDataSource is hooked up to the method in my BLL. review my code below



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DataSource Controls :: Benefits Of Using ObjectDataSource Over Normal Method Calls?

Jul 6, 2010

In my application at some places we have used ObjectDataSource and at other normal method calls to retrieve data.My question is then what exactly are the benefits of using ObjectDataSource ?In the example below "CODE ONE" makes a call to the Business Layer and then Binds the results to the Grid abd "CODE TWO" is using ObjectDataSource to do the same.Then how is ObjectDataSource better?

SuitableApplicant sa = new SuitableApplicant();
IList<HD.Recruitment.SuitableApplicant> list = new List<HD.Recruitment.SuitableApplicant>();
list = HS.Recruitment.RecruitmentService.GetSuitableAppls();
GridView1.DataSource = list;

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DataSource Controls :: Objectdatasource With A Generic Select Method - How To Pass The Type

Mar 14, 2011



The GetList method is as folllowing:


Now i can populate my gridview trough code by this: //gvwDiensten.DataSource = new BindingList<diensten>(dataManager.GetList<diensten>().ToList());But i would like to use an objectdatasource, so i created this:



But when running the page i get:

ObjectDataSource 'dsDiensten' could not find a non-generic method 'GetList' that has no parameters.

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DataSource Controls :: ObjectDataSource 'odsDetail' Could Not Find A Non-generic Method 'Update'...

Jan 26, 2011

I try to update the detailview control. got this error messsage.

ObjectDataSource 'odsDetail' could not find a non-generic method 'Update' that has parameters: hospitalID, hospitalName, taxID, address1, address2, city, state, zip.


here's my edit function


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DataSource Controls :: Use An ObjectDataSource Update Method With A Table - Valued Parameter?

Oct 13, 2010

I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to use an ObjectDataSource Update method with a table-valued parameter. Here's my ODS:

<asp:ObjectDataSource ID="ObjectDataSource1" runat="server"
SelectMethod="GetTestData" TypeName="TestProject.BLL.TestBLL"
<asp:Parameter DefaultValue="65" Name="testId" Type="Int32" />

I bind this to a GridView but I'm not looking to edit row by row. Instead my GridView has a bunch of TemplateFields with textboxes. I also have a Button that when pressed, invokes the Update method of the ODS. So then the "UpdateTestData" function in my TestBLL is called. This looks like this:

public void UpdateTestData(MyTestDataTable dt)
QueriesTableAdapter qta = new QueriesTableAdapter();

At run-time in debug, it seems like the object for the signature above is not populated with the data from my GridView.

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Forms Data Controls :: DetailsView Delete Method Passing Null Values To Objectdatasource Underlying Object Delete Method

Apr 12, 2010

I am using VS 2008 SP1. My also have included CSS Friendly adapter [URL] in my project ( I mentioned this because my GridView Empty data template is not showing when using GridView's CCS Friendly adapter). I have a GridView and a DetailsView. When a record in GridView is selected its details information is shown in the Details View. Type of Data source I am using is ObjectDataSource. My Insert and Update methods works perfectly. It is only the Delete method that is passing null values to the underlying object delete method. My source codes for both the UI, BLL, DAL is shown below


My Business Object code is below :


My Data Access Layer Code is:


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Get Value To The Objectdatasource From Datalist Itembound Method

Dec 21, 2010

how to get value to the objectdatasource from datalist itembound method

protected void DataList1_ItemDataBound(object sender, DataListItemEventArgs e)

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Forms Data Controls :: DetailsView's ObjectDataSource Update Method Fails?

Jan 15, 2011

I am using a gridview to select a record and control that record using a details view. I am using a class based objectdatasource to link the data for select, update and delete. Sofar the select works but the update fails. Here is my error message:

ObjectDataSource 'odsDetailsView_1' could not find a non-generic method 'UpdateSet' that has parameters: setId, TYPE, iHPlayer, iAPlayer, iHRuns, iARuns, iH8Break, iA8Break, iHe8s8, iAe8s8, iH15BRn, iA15BRn, iHWins, iAWins, SET_ID, MATCH_FK, HOME_MEMBER_ID_FK, AWAY_MEMBER_ID_FK, HOME_TABLERUN, AWAY_TABLERUN, HOME_8BALLBREAK, AWAY_8BALLBREAK, HOME_E8S8, AWAY_E8S8, HOME_15BRN, AWAY_15BRN, HOME_TOTALWON, AWAY_TOTALWON, HOME_POINTS, AWAY_POINTS, LOCKED, GROUP_FK.

The first group of parameters have lower case letters and they come from my objectdatasources update method parameters. The second group of parameters are all capitalized and they are the fields in my SQL database table (and I don't know how they wound up in the error). This might be a clue.When executing the code my class method never gets the chance to execute because the error pops up before the code gets there.

Here is my objectdatasource:


Here is my detailsview:


Here is my class update method constructor:


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Forms Data Controls :: Updating Checkbox Value Through ObjectDataSource Update Method

Jan 4, 2011

I am very new to updating the datasource using ObjectDatasource. I have a checkbox on click of update the update method triggers but though teh check box is checked, the value is updated as false.

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="IsPrimary" SortExpression="IsPrimary">
<asp:CheckBox runat="server" ID="chkIsPrimary" Checked='<%# Eval("IsPrimary") %>' />
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Remarks">
<asp:TextBox ID="txtRemarks" runat="server" SkinID="longTextBox" TextMode="multiLine"
Text='<%# Bind("Remarks") %>'></asp:TextBox>

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DataSource Controls :: ObjectDatasource And Class As Datasource

Jun 24, 2010

I am really having a hard time trying to write something from scratch I created a 'Person' Class.Public Class Person

Private _FirstName As String = ""
Private _LastName As String = ""
Private _Age As Integer = 0
Public Sub New(ByVal FirstName As String, ByVal LastName As String, ByVal Age As Integer)
FirstName = FirstName
_LastName = LastName
_Age = Age

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DataSource Controls :: Objectdatasource Does Not Run?

Jan 26, 2010

I have set the objectdatasource in the web form. Does I need to check anything as I find that method "objProductSuppliment_Inserted" does not run??


<asp:ObjectDataSource ID="objProductSuppliment" runat="server"


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DataSource Controls :: Objectdatasource Does Not Bind The Name And ID?

Jan 16, 2011

I've created a query in the table adapter for retrieving customer name based on the first letter. The query is executed fine, and the output is the customer name and ID. A Customer BLL accesses this query, and sends the results to an objectdatasource. This control is configured to use this customer-by-letter query. However for some reason, this objectdatasource does not bind the name and ID, but instead all the other fields produced by the main query in the table adapter (i.e. name, address, phone, etc....).

I'm probably not configuring something correctly, but I'm not sure what.

The BLL code:


The .net code:


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DataSource Controls :: ObjectDataSource With BLL Methods?

Jun 22, 2010

I'm creating an website with 3 layers (Presentation, BLL and DAL).

BLL and DAL are 'class library'. DAL has a typed dataset. Presentation refers BLL and BLL refers DAL.

I wanna populate my GridViews with ObjectDataSource, but it only shows me the DAL. Nothing from BLL...

What am I doing wrong?

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DataSource Controls :: Complex ObjectDataSource And ASP?

Apr 17, 2010

Consider a fairly complex business object. For the sake of discussion, let's think about a "ClassRoom" object - that will have some attributes which occur once, such as "capacity" and "area". It will also have some repeating attributes - perhaps "desks" which will itself be a collection of desk objects. The desk object will in turn have attributes such as "width" and "height".My example is more complex, but that should show where I am coming from. The business object, as you would expect, exposes methods to get the attributes in and out. There is also logic included to perform the underlying database updates. Of course, the necessary business validation is also in there.

In terms of binding to the ASP page, I will need to bind the attributes of "ClassRoom" to a set of fields on the page (using one method on the object). I will also want to bind the desks collection to a Repeater or GridView (using another method on the object).Presumably, I need to find a way to use a single instance of the ObjectDataSource so that the updates to the two (or more) disparate sets of data can be kept in step. I suspect that if I simply put two data sources on the page, I will get two instances and therefore no correlation between them.This can't be a unique problem, but I'm struggling to find any useful information.

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DataSource Controls :: Get Value Of Column In Objectdatasource?

Jul 20, 2010

I was woundering if its possible for me to check for accesslevel value from the database using objectdatasouce.... From my coldfusion experience... i could just use an "if statement"

e.g: <cfif> (datasouce.column = x) then
<cfoutput> msg</cfoutput>

Am not so sure about .net.... All i am trying to do is to check for one value on the db and i dont mind puting it on code behind... i just need a way..

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DataSource Controls :: How To Configure Objectdatasource

Sep 9, 2010

created my own stored procedure in SQL Server for my aspnetdb database which is :

view plaincopy
to clipboardprint?

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DataSource Controls :: ObjectDataSource With Datatable?

Apr 14, 2010

Could I receive datatable or datarow as objectDataSource update function parameter? I need it because I need the datarow verison functionality to detect change for a column in the update function logic.this is what i had tried:


After I setup the update function in the ObjectDataSource , its DataObjectTypeName has a funny name


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DataSource Controls :: How To Pass Variable To ObjectDataSource

Sep 10, 2010

I have an objectDataSource which uses my stored procedure GetNotifications

And my GridView is bound to that objectDataSource

the only problem is that my stored procedure requires the variable @UserName and then returns the values for that username, but I do not know how to pass the variable to the objectDataSource, does anyone know the code for this?

I can get userName from HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name but how do I pass that to the objectDataSource?

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DataSource Controls :: How To Get Total Count From An Objectdatasource

Mar 29, 2010

I have a gridview bounded to an objectdatasource.

I want to get total count of record when there is paging = true or false in gridview.

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