Security :: Login Using A SQL Database To Authenticate?
Mar 2, 2010
I am trying to modify my current page to have a login. My Current page has the user select a store via a drop down List. This DDL will need to be used as the user name. I would liketo add a Password textbox and the end of the page that the user would just type in there password and hit submit to submit the form is correct or pop-up that passowrd is incorrect and re-enter. I would like to use a Database on my SQL Server to autenticate the passwortd with the store. Does anyone have any sample code that will accomplish this.
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Jul 28, 2010
question about how to use MS Access as the aspnetdb.mdb during a login and authentication with the use of VS 2010 with framework 3.5. Reason: My current provider does not support MS SQL and only ms Access and MySQL as databases.I wanted to implement a login and authentication and based upon an artikel about 2.0 i saw, that basically Access was the first choice in those days.Is it still possible to use Access? and how to implement this?Is this a matter of using connectionstrings inside web.config with Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 ?Hope that i get an answer which i understand, since my knowledge about these things is not that big.
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Sep 24, 2010
I dont know where to start, but I have a simple issue that you may be able to resolve.
I have a SQL database that contains a table with user name / password / Account level in it.
What I am trying to do is to create a Login page that will use this database and table to authenticate the login.
I have spent some time looking about for an example, and the nearest that I have found is for an access Database, but I really need this to work with SQL.
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but this does not seem to maintain my user loged in... as soon as the user navigates to the next page he is loged out again...
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Nov 11, 2010
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Im using VS 2010, .NET 4.0
Here's my web.config:
I have a Login.aspx page with a Login control.
I have create 1 user in my Active Directory with a login name of "john.doe" inside the Container name "Users"
The problem is It won't login and returns this message:
"Your login attempt was not successful. Please try again."
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Feb 5, 2011
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We have a new site (Web Site 2) which will have a web page with user name and password fields and these values will be posted to Web Site 1. I am trying to authenticate those user credentials on Web Site1 using
Membership.ValidateUser(UserName, Password); method. but i am keep getting "User AuthenticatedObject reference not set to an instance of an object. " exception.
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is there any other way?
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I have created a method like this:
how do I fire the Authenticate event of the Login on Page_Load or at least how can call Login1_Authenticate(...) with the correct eventargs so that the e.Authenticated of the login control be set to true?
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Mar 10, 2010
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So now I wish to know how to authenticate user using the username and password data enter by the user and match with the database data to verify user is a member and login?
For what i know, the code should be something like this
SELECT UserName, Password FROM dbo.User WHERE UserName - @UserName
@UserName = ?
How do i assign the value from my username text field to @UserName?
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Feb 9, 2010
I currently have a website up and running and working correctly with using the out-of-the box authentication with an aspnetdb sqlserver database. I have users on this site and am very hesitant to change anything with this database or the web.config file from the working site for fear of wrecking it
So, my challenge is that I need to authenticate a separate application using the same aspnetdb.mdf file without any crossover to my 1st application. I've noticed that the ApplicationName that is currently in my aspnetdb database for the working application is just "/". I know that I'll need to have 2 separate entries in the aspnet_Applications table to define these two applications and then somehow register those names within their respective web.config files - but wanted to have step by step instructions on how to this so as to not "break" the 1st working application that is already live.
Can anyone point me to a document on what changes I will need to make?
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Nov 8, 2010
My question: I have a site where '*' users can look at the public directory and '?' users can look at the /Auth directory. It works out of the box as you'd expect. I have the connectionstring un-changed from the VS2010 template ASP.NET (C#) website pointing to the DB file under App_Data. When I run it on my machine on Casini it works perfectly.What I want to do now though is change the data source from the database file to an actual 2005 database. I have a blank 2005 SQL Database ready to use.Is there anything I have to do other than change the connectionstring to point to the database?Will the asp:Login control create the database tables, storedprocedures, relationships, etc.??I tried it (without concentratin admittedly) and it returned with something about schema version stored procedure not present??
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var openid = new OpenIdRelyingParty();
IAuthenticationRequest request = openid.CreateRequest("");
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Apr 22, 2010
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Mar 21, 2011
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Feb 2, 2010
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Jan 21, 2011
I wrote an application with default.aspx. When I hit this page It is asking me windows login popup window. My application should me windows authentication required but it should "Integrated Windows authentication". If I enter login password I am able to see my page. How can I automatically integrate this windows authentication? I added below code in web.config. still doesn't work.
<authentication mode="Windows"/>
<identity impersonate="false"/>
<deny users="?"/>
View 4 Replies
Dec 10, 2010
I'm in a trouble with the Login Control of ASP.NET to check the credentials against an SQL Database.
I followed all the instructions from [URL] to Login With SQL Server Database but I have errors.
In a master page, I added a Login Control as follows:
<asp:LoginView ID="LoginView1" runat="server">
<asp:Login ID="Login1" runat="server" OnAuthenticate="Login1_Authenticate" BorderPadding="0"
BorderStyle="None" BorderWidth="0px" EnableTheming="True" Font-Names="Arial"
I cannot get this code to work, the are the 2 next errors whent I try to compile:
- Handles clause requires a WithEvents variable defined in the containing type or one of its base types.
- Login1' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.
View 9 Replies
Mar 6, 2011
I am using an email address as my "username" for Login. When a user logs in the User object that is created has the Email address as the name which is incorrect. The actual name is another field in the DB. How do I login and authenticate against the email address and then load the correct name in the User object?
I am using forms authentication with a custom MembershipProvider and RoleProvider.
Edits Below to Clarify
I have a custom MembershipProvider that validates users by email address and password. It is called by the basic Login Control and registered in web.config.
View 4 Replies
Jul 27, 2010
I have created a login form through VS 2008 using C#. There are 5 different aspx pages in my application.
1)Default.aspx: It contains only a hyperlink to direct the user to login.aspx page.
2)Login.aspx: This page has texbox for Username and Password, sign in button, textbox for displaying error and hyperlink (Create an Account) if the user does not created an account yet.
Here is Login.aspx code:
Now, I want to do following with my application.
If the user already has an account, he can put his username and password and click on the sign in button. If the username is existed in databse, application should compare the user input with database and if both are matched then the application should redirect the user to "welcome.aspx". If username does not exist it should show that Username does not exist.
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