Encrypt A Password Typed Into A Textbox Before Using Membership.ValidateUser?

Dec 19, 2010

I have successfully created a SQL Server database that is holding the ASP.NET Membership data for my site. I have also created two textboxes and used them for user authentication after he/she keys in a user name and password. I would now like encrypt the password before comparing to the value stored in the Password field of the SQL Server database. However, I have been unable to do this so far.I have consulted the MSDN page for the embershipProvider.EncryptPassword method but I do not understand how to implement it. I have also tried searching Google for this method but I have only found a couple of examples and I don't understand those either.

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Mar 22, 2010

I have an application with a custom mebership (I'm still working on it). There is some funcionality in the application for asociating users. This means that (if already associated) one user could switch to some other user with just a click.

My question is:

Can I do a function that would allow me to authenticate one user without sending the password as a parameter?

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Why Might Membership.ValidateUser Return False When The User Is Approved And Is Not Locked Out

Jan 5, 2011

I know this looks similar to other questions here but I don't think my case is the same as theirs.

I have a website that uses the AspNetSqlMembershipProvider to validate users. I would like to use the same database from a console application. According to several articles on the web I can use the System.Web.Security.Membership class from outside ASP.NET by copying the appropriate sections from web.config to app.config. That is what I did.

My console appliction can get the user with the requested name and I can confirm that the user is approved and is not locked out but ValidateUser returns false for a correct username and password pair.

I have found articles where people have had trouble with migrating code which may be due to a machine key mismatch but have also found a reference saying that machine key is only used if the passwordFormat property equals encrypted whereas I am using hashed.

Is the issue that the two pieces of code - the website and the console app - are in different assemblies and the assembly name or other property is being used during password hashing? In both cases the application name property is set to /.

Should I continue with this approach or just access the database directly and hash the password myself?

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C# - Calling Membership Validateuser Method From Another Project In Same Solution Throw Null?

Oct 25, 2010

I have a webservice project and a web project in the same solution.

The web project implements a membershipprovider.

I want to be able to authenticate user via the webservice project but when i call this method in the webproject:
public static bool AuthUser(string userName, string password)
return Membership.ValidateUser(userName, password);

I get this inner ex."Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in starting the process for the user instance. The connection will be closed." Calling the method from the webproject works fine. I understand why I get the ex. but not how to solve it.. UPDATE Well I fixed the issue by deleting the C:UsersJRBAppDataLocalMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL Server DataSQLEXPRESS folder.. However now the method always returns false.. It almost seems like it doesn't use the proper connectionstring.

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Nov 12, 2010

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As when i try to log into the site, i am surprisingly always getting "FALSE" from Membership.Validateuser (). I goggled it and now i know i am not the alone victim of this irritating bug. Our live site is going to be down...

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C# Membership Provider - Reset Password Features - Email Confirmation And Password Change?

Jun 28, 2010

Does anyone has a solution (sample code) for the following features:

Create a randomGuid/Cryptographically strong random number Send a unique URL containing the random number to the user's email address When confirmed, the user is asked to change password

My provider is currently parametrized this way:


The security issues with this type of procedure have been discussed here before.

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Security :: Change Password Without Enter Current Password For Membership Provider?

Jan 13, 2010

I using change password control, how can i change the password without enter the current password?

View 8 Replies

Security :: Migrating Existing Cleat Text Users Password To Hashed Password Membership Provider?

Sep 9, 2010

I had been trying to solve this but there is a hidden key i wish someone point me to.

I had a simple membership database with users in first the Membership Provider configured for clear password to retrieve the original password .

Now a new requirement say that the password must be hashed and reset .

I configure the Membership password to hash , and Implemented the Reset Password Module.

My problem is as follow.

If the user is new registered user with the new configuration the password and the security answer is hashed.

also when I go and reset the password it continue to be hashed.

Now I thought that with new configuration if any previous user with clear text configuration , If he use the password Reset module , because my configuration now is hashed , I expected that the new password and security answer will be hashed . what happen is old user continue in clear text even if the configuration is hashed. so If I had new users everything is fine.

old users Membership Provider somehow know they had been stored in clear text and it keep change password and security answer in clear text . If I delete this user and create it , Membership Provider understand that everything will be hashed. I need to know how it know this , I need to migrate users not to delete and recreate users .

Also if there are no solution for that , I wish Microsoft Consider it in future cause it is a real user scenario, that can happen imagine a business system that related to membership user Id , deleting users and recreate them is not a solution .

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how can i encrypt password field in asp.net mvc to be store in encrypted form

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How To Encrypt Be Done For Database Password Alone

Aug 24, 2010

I have a website which has reference to a service layer through which it calls the procedures.I have a web.config file in my service layer.I want to know is that possible to encrypt the database password alone in connection string.if so how it could be done using Enterprise library 5.0.And whether encrypted password should be decrypted before procedure call or it would automatically take decypted value for procedure call.

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Jan 2, 2010

i have mail setting in web.config


Now how i encrypt only the Password ?

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Jan 21, 2011

I designed a website, in login page username and password should be encrypted and sent to server for validation. How to do this.

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Apr 11, 2010

how to Encrypt and Decrypt Password?

I want to store the password in database by encrypting it and want to decrypt when user will log in on to the application.

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Security :: Looking For Encrypt Password In Java?

Aug 10, 2010

I there any common in built class to encrypt password in java(black berry, android api) and objective c(iphone). I heard about Md5 but don't know whether it is available for all these languages.

Bajrang Singh
Using .net 2.0 (VS2005)

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How To Encrypt The Password By Using The Encryption Algorithm Dll

Feb 8, 2011

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Old Password Still Working After Password Change In Membership?

Sep 21, 2010

Am using ASP.NET membership authentication in a small website and i just noticed some thing funny during testing. Am trying to enable user to change their login password any time they wish, i dragged a change password control to the form, i changed the password for my test account, but now all passwords are still working.

I can login with the old password as well as the new password with this particular test account. If i try with any other random characters as the new password, i cant successfully login (which OK). But if type the old password, am able to login, if i type the new password, am still able to login, am finding this very strange.

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Protect (encrypt) Password In The Web.config File?

Dec 24, 2010

<smtp from="email@domain.com" deliveryMethod="Network">
<network clientDomain="www.domain.com" host="smtp.live.com" defaultCredentials="false" port="25" userName=" email@domain.com " password="password" enableSsl="true" />

This is the case where I need encryption for my password. I searched and googled much on the web but I can't be able to encrypt anymore.

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Security :: How To Encrypt Log In Password But Cannot Descrypt Back

Jan 22, 2011

how encrypt log in password but cannot descrypt back.

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Web Forms :: A Good MVC Approach To Encrypt Password?

Feb 22, 2011

I have the following requirement:

- During client registration, the password must be client side encrypted with SHA1 algorithm and stored in the DB

I have done that before using javascript on the client side. But it was a non MVC web app. I know I can use js again, but I'm trying to find a better approach.Using https or not is not depending on our development side, so we can not change the requirement.

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Web Forms :: Encrypt Password And Save In Database

Jan 18, 2014

I used below class to change data to some code and save it in database

public class ClsCrypt
public ClsCrypt()
// TODO: Add constructor logic here

[Code] ......


_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PassWord", ClsCrypt.computeMD5Hash(Txtpass.Text));

I wrote above code in insertbutton event for saving users password in database... Now In other page I want shows password in lable but in database it save it like code and didn't show it in label... So for showing  password(that save in database with code) in label what should I do? Can I change code and show it in label?

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Web Forms :: Encrypt Password Before Sending To Server

May 7, 2015

Is there any way where i can do the encryption while input values in a textbox?? I need to do Password encryption in client side and then have to store different encrypted value in the database for security purpose.

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