Deployment Partial Changes In SQL Server Database?

Oct 15, 2010

When I work locally I have my database structure and my schema in my computer. Once I finished, I upload everything like in this examples.

Suppose the site goes online and the tables in the DB already have data.Suppose I go on with the development and add new tables, change existing tables or replace stored procedures.What's the best way to upload these DB changes to the hosting? Because I can't delete all existing data online.

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Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached.

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In Code behind .. one of the files... I use this.


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Jun 16, 2010

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SQL Server :: 2008 Express Deployment And Local Databases

Jan 13, 2011

I am fairly new to - comming from a PHP / MYSQL background sometimes certain things in confuse the hell out of me. In PHP - when writing an application you always connect to an external database server (MYSQL , PostGreSQL ) using a username and password and aswell a datbase server address(mostly localhost). Now with i noticed that you can connect to an existing database within SQL server or you can create a local database in the App_Data folder.

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Feb 9, 2010

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i asume this would be security , but i am using windows security.

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C# - MVC 2.0 - Using Partial Classing Or Inheritance On Database / Object Model?

May 4, 2010

I ask this because i'm using Partial classing to extend my db model, and in doing so some snags i've run into using inheritance and also snags i've run into declaring my db model in another class as a property and just using it like that ie: Public Property DBModelClass as DBModelClassType - however, doign direct partial classing has worked out the best, with no snags... except for an issue i seem to be running into now.

that is, i create new properties with half-page code in the 'Get' part of the property decleration, these are like virtual/new properties that the db or db model isn't supposed to know anything about, the sort of stuff you generate/use but without saving it in your db, as i'm sure all of you have these. every time i submit my DBModel through an action, somehow, one of these properties 'Get' section is running (being called) even though i'venever asked for it to. of course, because it aint ready to run (it shouldn't) errors like null errors get returned (however, they wouldn't error if it were to run only when i asked for it to).


so this second part of my question, are all properties in a model generated from a db (linq to sql) ran or called by the model state automatically? without being asked to do so?

an aside:

(i do do a modelstate.isvalid - however, this running occurs before isvalid is called as it errors out before i even see validation information). that being, is the auto calling of all properties on a db model object even when not used normal? i tried using bind(false) and scaffold off on the problemed properties. and the first part of my question, just as a reminder, is if i should or should not be using partial classing as a substitute to inheritance when extending db model's?

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Web Deployment Projects For VS2010 On Build Server Failing With Error MSB4086?

May 25, 2010

When I upgraded my Web Deployment Project from VS2008 to the VS2010 beta version, I was able to execute the build locally on my development box. However, when I tried to execute the build on our TeamCity build server, I began getting the following exception:


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How To Use Partial Method To Validate Fields Aganist Data In Database

Feb 7, 2011

i want to make sure all product names are unique so i tried to do the following. but it is causing an infinity loop at the lambda expression.

public partial class Product
partial void OnProductNameChanging(string value)
using(var ctx = new MyEntityContext()){
var val = value;
var item = ctx.Products.Where(o=>o.ProductName == val).FirstOrDefault();
if(item != null)
throw new ValidationException("Product Name existed.");

i'm using 4.0 with dynamic data and entity framework.

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Access Database Info In A Partial View, .ascx That Is Included In Site?

Apr 2, 2011

i'm having problems with this. I am developing an mvc 2 application. I have a partial view menu.ascx defined. this gets included on all the pages of my site in the Site.Master masterpage. Now the thing is I want my menu to change according to the type of user.Here's what I did at first:

<%@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl<dynamic>" %>
<li><%: Html.ActionLink("Home", "Index", "Home")%></li>
<% [code]....

I shouldn't be doing this in the view ! But since this is the MasterPage no controller actually calls it so I don't know where to put the info in the ViewData dictionnary or ViewModel to pass it to this masterpage.

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MVC :: Finding Example For Passing Values To Partial Views (and Or To View Database Pictures)

Aug 11, 2010

I probally just tired but I would have swore I had seen an example of this some where for MVC 2,

I want to call a partial view that shows the products information with a GUID passed to the partial view.

I guess you would call it calling a sub but have that sub in a view that i can strongly wire up.

What i need is tutorials for passing a value to the partial view.

Like if i had pictures and i wanted to call a ascx that would show the picture. and have many to a page.

An example about pictures wired into a entities database would rock.....

I did try to look around on here to find some but my mind just gave out on me today....

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Data Controls :: Search Database Using Partial Text And Display Results In GridView?

Mar 23, 2013

I need a query to fetch records from data from database based on partial text entered in textbox like search data from College table based on College Name entered in text box. I want that all record containing that College name displayed in grid view.

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