Oracle: How To Parameterize A List

Feb 17, 2010

I have a query with a where clause that looks like:

WHERE field IN ( 1, 2, 3 )

Is possible to parametrize this so it looks something like:

WHERE field in ( :list )?

How do you create the :list parameter, assuming it's a list of ints, that could be anywhere from 1 to 10 ints?, webforms if that makes a difference.

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Web Forms :: How To "parameterize" Dropdownlist Names To Create Several Copies Of The Aspx Code

Feb 28, 2010

We have a row of aspx code that lists employees and hours worked and total hours. The text is quite simple and uses ajax to update the entries when the user selects a control for employees or enters hours worked on a particular project.

Currently, we have "hard coded" these lines of code. It works fine, but is quite tedious to change when requested. The difference between row1 and row2 is minimal. Just some control name differences such as

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so we can add and reference the different drop down boxes in the c# code.Below is the actual code for 2 lines (sorry for the long post).

==================== code follows for 2 sample lines =====================

<!-- Drop Down Lists for Employee Names (1st Employee Row) (Row Nr 7 of Table) -->

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EDIT,I should clarify that we are using Oracle 11g.

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Dim cn As OdbcConnectioncn = New OdbcConnection("PROVIDER=MSDAORA; DATA SOURCE=aaa; USER ID=aaa; PW=aaa;")
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Aug 2, 2010

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i tried with Int64 also but still im getting the same error

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ConnectionString="User Id=user;pwd=user1;server=prod" ProviderName="System.Data.OracleClient"
SelectCommand="GetEmployeeInfo" SelectCommandType="StoredProcedure"
<SelectParameters> <asp:ControlParameter
/> </SelectParameters> </asp:SqlDataSource>

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Command.CommandText = sp name;
Command.CommandType =

i am doing cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();I am able to get the number and varchar2 values from output parameters. But i am unable to get output from Ref Cursor. (How can i get this...)If i use dataadaptor then i am getting the datatable in the dataset(but i am not getting the other two parameters(where will get the other two??)...

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Jul 8, 2010

Is required to install Oracle client software to connect Oracle DB?

As following code will generate exception, prompt:"System.Data.OracleClient requires Oracle client software version 8.1.7 or greater."

using System.Data.OracleClient;


string connectionString=string.Format("Data Source={0};User Id={1};Password={2};",dataSource,"id","pwd");

using (OracleConnection connection=new OracleConnection(connectionString))




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Best Way To Use Estabilished Oracle Security?

Jan 12, 2010

Let me start with the fact that I am fairly new to I have a very well estabilished Oracle database. I am working on an ASP page that will connect to the database and return the data. Nothing special there. I start having problems when trying to establish the security. All users that will be defined in my ASP page already have an Oracle login. This login has quite a lot of security already built into it. For instance a user can only see orders that would belong to their company, and inside that they may only be able to see products that they have access to. All of this secuirty is built in another application, and applied to our Oracle tables. I was thinking that maybe I could just ask them for their login information to Oracle, then validate that the account is active. Store that info in a session variable (I think that is right term), then when they request data login using their information. I have read a couple of posts that say this is not the way you should do it, and that every user should have their own ASP login and 1 generic login to go to Oracle. Can anyone give me pro's and con's of doing it either way. Also if the best way is to get the users into ASP, then what is the best way to make sure the 2 systems stay inline with as little manual effort as possible. For instance a person may move withing a company. How do I keep from having to change that secuirty in the Oracle side and the ASP side?

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1. Entity Framework

2. Linq

3. Good support (in case we run into issues)

4. Quick response to open issues

5. Quick updates and new releases

I looked at datadirect and dotConnect by DevArt...But I am not sure if any one is better than other.

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How To Update Stock From An Oracle Database

May 7, 2010

I m working on A Ware house management Software.

I have used oracle in back end. I have goodsmaster table, sales return table, sales table, invoice table,etc

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Jan 8, 2010

i have a SQL Query. It works fine in Sql server. let me know how to make it work in Oracle.

You can run below code in Sql server and check. It will work fine. But in Oracle,( I am using TOAD for Oracle )it is giving some errors.


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