Web Forms :: How To "parameterize" Dropdownlist Names To Create Several Copies Of The Aspx Code

Feb 28, 2010

We have a row of aspx code that lists employees and hours worked and total hours. The text is quite simple and uses ajax to update the entries when the user selects a control for employees or enters hours worked on a particular project.

Currently, we have "hard coded" these lines of code. It works fine, but is quite tedious to change when requested. The difference between row1 and row2 is minimal. Just some control name differences such as

dlEmployees1 and ddlNrOfHoursWorkedRow1Col1, ddlNrOfHoursWorkedRow1Col2, ddlNrOfHoursWorkedRow1Col3, ..., lblTotalHoursRow1

on one row, and then

dlEmployees2 and ddlNrOfHoursWorkedRow2Col1, ddlNrOfHoursWorkedRow2Col2, ddlNrOfHoursWorkedRow2Col3, ..., lblTotalHoursRow2

on the next row. Etc.

Our first goal is to re-write one of these lines into something like an array that can be similar to dlEmployees[j], ddlNrOfHoursWorkedRow[j]Col1 and lblTotalHoursRow[j]

so we can add and reference the different drop down boxes in the c# code.Below is the actual code for 2 lines (sorry for the long post).

==================== code follows for 2 sample lines =====================

<!-- Drop Down Lists for Employee Names (1st Employee Row) (Row Nr 7 of Table) -->

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Web Forms :: Reload Dropdownlist Items From Aspx Code

May 14, 2010

I removed some items from a dropdownlist, and now I want to re-initialze the items which I have on aspx file.

<asp:DropDownList ID="s1" runat="server">
<asp:ListItem Value="0.00">Select</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="0.25">0.25</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="0.50">0.50</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="0.75">0.75</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="1.00">1.00</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="1.25">1.25</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="1.50">1.50</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="1.75">1.75</asp:ListItem>

Such as I removed "1.50" and "1.75", and when a button clicked, the dropdownlist will initialze again with these 8 items. How do I do that?

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Web Forms :: Convert Aspx Code To Codebehind To Create Dynamic Gridviews?

Nov 19, 2010

How can I convert the following aspx code into code behind code?


I want the following code to be craeated on the fly (runtime). I will only add the root level grid to aspx and then in page load I want to add subsequent grids.I know we will use GridViewTemplate to add the grid but not sure how to structure it. The steps that I follow:

1. set the required properties of gridLevel01.

2. add BoundFields for level01.

3. Add template field for level02 grid....but not sure how to set other required properties like color and stuff....also not sure what position to add the subsequent gridviews.

Do I need to add the child grids to root?? I know the level2 grid will be added to level1 but what about level 3?

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SelectedIndexChanged Event Doesn't Fire When Create A Dropdownlist In Code-behind

Dec 9, 2010

I create a dropDownList in code-behind, in selectIndexChange of another dropDownList, and add this new dropDownList to page using a placerHolder, everthing its ok, but new dropdownlist selectIndexChange event dont fire!

code of dropDownList creation

dropDown = new DropDownList();
dropDown.AutoPostBack = true;
dropDown.ID = idSubistema;
dropDown.Width = 400;
dropDown.CssClass = "controltext";
dropDown.DataValueField = "IDNivel";
dropDown.DataTextField = "NIVEL";
dropDown.EnableViewState = true;
dropDown.DataSource =
ref dataConnector,
dropDown.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(indexChange);
//dropDown.PreRender += new EventHandler(dropDown_PreRender);
placeHolderForCombos.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<div>"));
placeHolderForCombos.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br>"));
placeHolderForCombos.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</div>"));
placeHolderForCombos.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br>"));

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Web Forms :: Two Copies Of Same Web Part On One Web Page?

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Oracle: How To Parameterize A List

Feb 17, 2010

I have a query with a where clause that looks like:

WHERE field IN ( 1, 2, 3 )

Is possible to parametrize this so it looks something like:

WHERE field in ( :list )?

How do you create the :list parameter, assuming it's a list of ints, that could be anywhere from 1 to 10 ints?ASP.net, webforms if that makes a difference.

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Feb 25, 2010

I need a way to create a regular expression from a string or an array of domain names. for example string array = [URL]. Once I click save I would want to create a regular expression that would match all 3 with or without '.com' extension. Then Another task would be to pull this data out of regular expression and put it back into an array.

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MVC :: DropDownList For A Table That Contains Only Country's Names?

Apr 7, 2010

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how the


is working and what exectly i need to put in it.i tried to do something like this after i sew some examples:

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Configuration :: Hide File Names Ex. Default.aspx In Url After Domain Name?

Mar 11, 2011

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Visual Studio :: How To Parameterize A Test Project

Feb 10, 2010

I have a WebTest that simply opens a login page, inputs a userid/password and logs in.I need this test to user a list of ten userid/password combinations.

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Web Forms :: Access Code In App_code From Aspx (not Aspx.cs)

Jul 2, 2010

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Javascript - Finding Images Names From Index.aspx.cs Files Which Are Stored In Hidden Fields?

Nov 10, 2010

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my hiddenfileds has value:


I want to split this hidden filed and assign it to imagearray.how can i do this

var mygallery2=new fadeSlideShow({
wrapperid: "fadeshow2", //ID of blank DIV on page to house Slideshow
dimensions: [568, 313], //width/height of gallery in pixels. Should reflect dimensions of largest image
imagearray: [
["images/1.jpg", "", "", ""],
["images/2.jpg", "", "", ""],
["images/4.jpg", "", "", ""] //<--no trailing comma after very last image element!
displaymode: {type:'auto', pause:2500, cycles:0, wraparound:false},
persist: false, //remember last viewed slide and recall within same session?
fadeduration: 500, //transition duration (milliseconds)
descreveal: "always",
togglerid: "fadeshow2toggler"

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Refer To Web.config Key Names In Code

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Forms Data Controls :: What Is The Code For Dropdownlist After Binding All Columns Name In A Dropdownlist

Mar 28, 2011

Currently,below is my code.

protected void DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("Data Source= E\SQLEXPRESS;" + "Initial Catalog=k;Integrated Security=SSPI");
SqlDataAdapter adapSel;
string mySQL = "select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_name='examtimetable' '" + dd_list + "'";....

I receive an error "Incorrect syntax near 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList'."

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MVC :: Create Url Safe Names For Any String In A Database?

Dec 15, 2010

Given a string in my database like "Computer Gadget", I am trying to achieve a url format like "http://xyz.com/products/details/computer-gadget" when a user clicks a link to the item "computer gadget" from a list view.In my list view for the products, I have Action links that read like this


When I hover over this link on the rendered page I get a link that looks like "http://xyz.com/products/details/computer+gadget"and the correct product detail is returned after I have url.decoded the string in my Details method. However, the returned page displays a url that looks like "http://xyz.com/products/details/computer%2bgadget"How can I get the returned url to show "computer-gadget" instead?Also when a name has "&" or "/" the server throws a Http 400 error message. I know these are unsafe values, but is there a way to work around this safely to allow the strings keep these characters?

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How To Setup For Sharing Code Across Multiple Domain Names

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c:/website1/ points to www.website1.com
c:/website1/vd1/ points to www.website2.com
c:/website1/vd2/ points to www.website3.com

The webhost I'm working with has done it the following way, but now I'm getting a bunch of errors that seems like it's not seeing the App_code folder. Do I need to make a lot of changes? How does this affect the location references?

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Web Forms :: Inserting C # Code Within The HTML-code. Aspx?

Jan 13, 2010

I can't write in english well, but I must try to have an answer for my problem.I have a problem that I have not found a solution, regarding the integration of C # code in the HTML code .aspxI want to do a loop on the

<ajaxToolkit:TabPanel of <ajaxToolkit:TabContainer to have several tabs by a few existing data in a DB table.

Here is a moceau of my code:


This code gave me this error:

Message d'erreur de l'analyseur: 'TabPanel_<%= idMagasin %>' n'est pas un identificateur valide.Translation: Message parser error: 'TabPanel_ <% = idMagasin%>' is not a valid identifier.I removed idmagasin like this:


System.ArgumentException: Une entrée avec la même clé existe déjà .

System.ArgumentException: An entry with the same key already existsThe result is that I found a great problem to insert a C # code in the HTML code .aspx unlike others languages like PHP.

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C# - Disable Or Enable 2nd Dropdownlist In Aspx Based On Selected Choice Of The 1st Dropdownlist Box

Apr 15, 2010

I am having a problem with disabling DropDownList based on the chice of 1st DropDownList, there is no post back occuring, and it is a template based web app here is the current code:

<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() { var dropDownList1 = $('#<%= ddlUserType.ClientID %>');
var dropDownList2 = $('#<%= ddlMember.ClientID %>'); dropDownList1.change(function(e) {
if ( jQuery("#ddlUserType").val() != "ETOC") dropDownList2.removeAttr('disabled'); e.preventDefault();
dropDownList2.removeAttr('enabled'); e.preventDefault(); }
} );

what is happening now is page is blank and if I remove the above code everything shows, where I am going wrong. here is the plain and final javascript code which worked:

<script language="javascript">
function CheckDropDownState(lstbox)
if (lstbox.selectedIndex == 3) { document.forms[0].ddlMember.disabled = 1; }
else { document.forms[0].ddlMember.disabled = 0; }

and thew .aspx code: <asp:dropdownlist id="ddlUserType" runat="server" onclick="CheckDropDownState(this);"></asp:dropdownlist>

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Caching Multiple Copies Of A Page

Sep 2, 2010

I have an aspx page that retrieves and processes an image based on a query string.The whole operation takes about 2-3 seconds. However as the nature of the images means they are quite static,a 5 min (or even 5 hour) delay in picking up an updated image is acceptable. Because of this delay I would like to cache the response and only do a proper refresh only periodically. I have added the following to the top of my aspx page. <%@ OutputCache Location="Any" Duration="600" VaryByParam="*" %> Only the last request appears to be cached - i.e. f I navigate to ../DisplayImage?ImageId=1Then the page is loaded and Image 1 displayed - subsequent requests are cached.If I navigate to ../DisplayImage?ImageId=2 subsequent requests are cached. However if I go image 1, image 2, image 1 then no caching occurs.

I'm wondering if i'm missing something obvious or does IIS7 / ASP.NET just not support this type of caching.

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DataSource Controls :: Take Names From The Table And Do Another Select Based On That List Of Names?

Jun 1, 2010

I have been working with this database for some time. Here is the situation...

I inherited a MS SQL database that has hundreds of tables with similar data. For instance:

FordTampa_customer is a table,

ChevyAtlanta_customer is a table, etc....

All of the columns are the same...just different tables with their own ID field. All I have done...Inside of another database id is created a table called 'Customer' and added an 'Dealer ID' column along with the rest of the other columns in the other tables...

So the combination of the 'Dealer ID' and the 'ID' field are unique.....I know...its not the best way to do things...but I cannot change the old data structure because I cannot have access to it. I am give back-ups on a weekly basis, so this is all I have to work with.

All right, on to the real point of my post...

Currently, I have an application that I use to select all of the data from the 'Ford_customers','Chevy_customers',etc... and inserts them into my new main 'Customer' table. I do this by selecting the table names, bind it to an arraylist, loop through the list and execute an insert statement.

I do this in VB.NET, but I would prefer to do it in a Stored procedure of some kind....I just am not sure how to accomplish it. I use this syntax to get my list of tables:


I am not sure how to take those names from the table and do another select based on that list of names.

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Crystal Reports :: Dynamically Generate Two Or More Copies?

Oct 14, 2010

i have designed a rdlc file with a few text boxes and given the dataset and defined the parameters in it. now my requirement is that in my report form i have a text box if the user enters a number say "2" or more that should dynamically generate two or more copies in the same rdlc.

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Crystal Reports :: For Printing At A Time 100 Copies Print?

May 12, 2010

I develop a project so, i want crystal report for printing at a time 100 copies print

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Changing The View (.aspx) From The Code-behind (.aspx.cs) Class?

Nov 1, 2010

I have a 'classic' ASP.NET app (.NET 3.5) with a pretty standard runat="server" style form with server-side controls and an 'Execute' asp:button. In the code-behind, the executeButton_click handler processes some of the other controls, runs a report, and drops the result into an asp:label. So the effect of pressing the Execute button is that the entire page reloads with the report inserted into the label.

I need to change this so that when the Execute button is pressed, the report pops up in a new window with a different layout (ie without the controls and form). If I was doing this in an MVC framework I would just change the view template in the 'execute' action, so the analogue for ASP.NET would be change the code in front, ie the .aspx file that gets used, from the code-behind class.

Is this possible? I know the link between the .aspx and the .aspx.cs isn't extremely tight as it is possible to reuse a code-behind class in multiple .aspx files. So can I set the .aspx file to render from the code-behind?

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Display Aspx And Aspx.cs Code Onto A Page Without The Browser?

May 29, 2010

i have to give the user the option to upload his own aspx and aspx.cs files on to the server, adjust the hyperlink to point to a page which would do the following display the aspx and aspx.cs files code onto the page without actually rendering the code the browser should not understand anything, and while reading the files to display them the method be such that nothing is processed on the server regarding the code within the files to prevent from unnecessary problems many user would try to cause.

i have tried many ways of displaying it but it ends up on displaying the actual comments instead of the code. how to achieve the above. note main concentration is on asp.net and c# using vs08, so j script and ready-made tools be avoided if feasible

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Web Forms :: How To Create A Form To Create An Ascx Page And Code Behind For It

Sep 15, 2010

Is is possible to build a form, accept parameters and from THAT construct a new .ascx page AND the code behind for that page? What I'm proposing is having some code snippets that just need parameters added and can then be used to create a web user control that can be added to existing pages. This .ascx file would be a real file after creation, not dynamic every time.

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