MVC :: How To Create Model Using Oracle 10g

Mar 28, 2011

how to create model using oracle 10g

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Entity Framework Model For Oracle

Mar 29, 2011

I want to use entity framework model for visual studio 2010. I am using oracle database. i was wondering if it is possible to use entity framework for oracle. If it is not possible then I will just use simple and call stord proc and packages. I already downloaded oracle data provider for entity frameowrk from codeplex web site. I could not see oracle database option when connecting to oracle databse in LINQ to sql. can someone give me any example that connects to a sample oracle database and use LINQ to oracle

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Databases :: How To Create Linq To Oracle

Jan 27, 2010

Environment used - MVC 1.0 with c#

Problem - I want to create the linq to oracle in .net mvc / drag & drop the oracle table onto dbml file.

how to do this?

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When I try and add the statement it either puts single quotes around the statement, or throws the error 'Invalid or missing expression'.

Here is the query in question:


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Visual Studio :: 64 Bit Oracle .net Provider / Unable To Load The Oracle Dll As Its An Incorrect Format?

Mar 9, 2011

We have a site that is runnig II7 64 bit with the oracle .net 64 bit provider, when I try and open this in web developer 2010 express (I'm running windows 7 pro 64bit) it says it can't load the oracle dll as its an incorrect format. I got the impress that web developer 2010 was 64bit capable.

Ofcourse this is extremly annoying as I don't get any syntax formatting for the project or intellisense.

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Create Code To Generate DB From Domain Model

Mar 27, 2011

Out of good design practice and organization, in which project should a local development SQL database be in a web based application? I'm just starting my assignment so I currently have 'CompanyName.Web.UI' and 'CompanyName.Domain' projects setup. Im using LinqToSql and creating my database from POCOS, meaning I'll have to create some code to generate the DB from my domain model. I.e.

DataContext dc = new DataContext(connString);

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C# - Render A Multiple-model CREATE Form On The Fly

Jul 9, 2010

It's a multi-model view, and I'm achieving this through an IList<Book>. Each Book has a Title and an Author

So for example if I wanted to make 3 Books:


However, I want to be able to generate such a form for any number of Books. I've done this before in Ruby on Rails through JavaScript and rendering partials, but I don't think I can render a partial in this case because the form changes (the index of the book has to increment for it to work)

EDIT: I'm looking for a way to do this in the Create view in particular. So in this case I don't have a list of books, but I'm building it.

A user should be able to click on a link that says "Add another item" and a form for another book should be appended to the bottom.

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Jan 22, 2010

How to create/define new roles ASP.NET MCV model?. I am using a sql server database and I want to store the roles in database.There is already a table named asp_roles but not sure how to define a new role ans assign is to a user.

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Create Database From ADO Entity Data Model?

Jun 7, 2010

I've described my model using an Ado Entity Data Model file (*.edmx), and i wish now to generate my db schema and tables from it. Is it possible?

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ADO.NET :: How To Create Classes And Interfaces Using Entity Data Model

Jan 28, 2011

I am setting up my new project..We are using entity frame work 4.0..

Is there any way to generate all classes and interfaces as we create manually for 3-tier architecture...

Or do i need to generate manually...


Public Interface ITest
int testproperty {get;set:}
Public class Test: ITest
public int testproperty {get;set:}

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How To Create A Helper That Is Going To Render A Partial View With A Model

Sep 15, 2010

I'll give a very simple example:

at the moment I have to write like this:

<% Html.RenderPartial("hello", new HelloInput { Name = "Jimmy" } ); %>

I would like to be able to like this:

<%=Html.Hello("Jimmy") %>

So I would like to know how create this helper:

public static string Hello(this HtmlHelper helper, string name)
return the result of rendering partial view "hello" with HelloInput{ Name = name };

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How To Create A Model Class To Validate The Form Fields

Dec 9, 2010

I am beginner to MVC. I have created a View with dropdownlist, text box and text area. I didn't create a strongly typed view because these fields are not generating from the database. Is this right way of doing it? Do I have to create a 'Model' class and generate a strongly typed view? I am trying to validate(client and server side) these fieds before saving into the database. How to create a Model class for these fields?

Here is my view looks like.


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C# - Create A Business Model Wrapper For A Generic Database Approach?

Mar 10, 2011

I'm currently facing a performance problem with creating POCO objects from my database. I'm using Entity Framework 4 as OR-Mapper. The whole application is a prototype for now. Let's assume I want to have some business objects like classes 'Printer' or 'Scanner'. Both classes inherit from a BaseClass called Product.
The business classes exist.

I try to use a more generic database approach. I don't want to create tables for "Printer" nor "Scanner". I want to have 3 tables: One called Product, and the other Property and PropertyValue (which stores all assigned values to a specific Product). In my business layer I do create a specific object like this:

public Printer GetPrinter(int IDProduct)
Printer item = new Printer();
// get the product object with EF
// get all PropertyValues
// (with Reflection) foreach property in item.GetType().GetProperties
// {
// property.SetValue("specific value")
// }
return item;

This is how the EF model looks like: Works fine so far. For now I'm doing performance tests for retrieving multiple sets. I've created a prototype and improved it several times to increase the performance. It is still far away from being usable. I takes 919ms to create 300 objects who only contain 3 properties. The reason for choosing such DB design is to have a generic database design. Adding new properties should only be done in the business model.

Am I just being too stupid to create a performant way of retrieving xx objects or is my approach totally wrong? As far as I understand OR-Mapper, they are basically doing the same?

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DataSource Controls :: Entity Framework And Architecture Of Model - Create Application Using EF

Feb 10, 2010

I can't to understand clearly how to create strong and quickly application using EF. For example, I have class ForumPost (table ForumPost) for select one of record I write method like:

public ForumPost ForumPost(int ForumPostID)
(from i in _dataContext.ForumPostSet
where i.ForumPostID == ForumPostID select i).First();

all works. But on page (I use ASP.NET MVC) I should display info from another linked tables, ForumName (each post have ForumID) etc. So, I modify this method to:

public ForumPost ForumPost(int ForumPostID)
(from i in _dataContext.ForumPostSet
where i.ForumPostID == ForumPostID select i).First();

ok, all works. Then I want to make some actions in model with ForumPost, i.e.

public void RootPost(int PostID, ref Models.ForumPost Root)
ForumPost post = ForumPost(PostID);
if (post.RootPost != null)
Root = ForumPost(post.RootPost.ForumPostID);
Root = post;

it works too. But problem is in speed. I not need in RootPost all those includes. So, I should to create one more method like:

private ForumPost ForumPostIncludes1(int ForumPostID)
(from i in _dataContext.ForumPostSet
where i.ForumPostID == ForumPostID
select i).First();

then ForumPostIncludes2, ForumPostIncludes3 etc... second way - redesign RootPost with LINQ expr, not with call another method. But in this way difficulties to change DB. third way? How to do it correctly?

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ADO.NET :: Passing A Complex Model To A Create View So It Can Be Populated On The HTTP-Postback?

Oct 25, 2010

I have a somewhat complex model that I need to pass to a MVC 2 Create view so its properties can be filled out. I'm not sure how to actually create this model as it has some relationship data that must also be filled out during the creation process.My main model is a Game. Most of its properties are scalar. It contains a foreign key to Content, for the game reviews, and there's a many-to-many relationship between Games and Platforms - games can be on a variety of platforms (PS3, XBox 360, etc.), and each platform has a library of games.When I pass data to my Edit view, it's as simple as:


I'm unsure what to do in the case of Create as I'm not sure how to link the associated parts - Content and Platforms - to a Game object.

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Databases :: Create Entity Data Model For MySQL Using Visual Web Express 2010?

Sep 22, 2010

Create Entity Data Model for MySQL using Visual Web Express 2010?

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ADO.NET :: Create Entity Data Model For MySQL Database Using Visual Web Express 2010?

Sep 22, 2010

Can I create an ADO.NET Entity Data Model for a MySQL database using Visual Web Express 2010? If yes, are there any documentation or tutorials?

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MVC :: Store Model In Separate Class Library- Pass Model Objects?

May 19, 2010

I'm building an MVC 2 RTM app, and I want to be able to share my model across applications. I'd *like* to be able to implement it like:ASP.NET MVC2 app (holds Views and Controllers)Class library to hold Model(s)WCF app to handle the data transactions with the models via different data stores across apps I had the MVC app working fine, but I wanted to abstract the data stuff and be able to work with the model across apps through the WCF site, so I created a class library project and moved all of the Models classes into that and set-up a WCF app, then added project references to the MVC and WCF apps that point at the class library. The idea was I can create services that take and return objects from the model via method calls across apps. It appears that everything's wired up correctly in the MVC project, so I'm passing the objects stored in the Models class library between controllers and views and everythig is compiling just fine, but for some reason the data is not being passed back from the views to the controller on POST -- all of the properties in the classes are null or empty.

When I debug the app, I can see that the values are stored in the model data dictionary but not the model object itself. What am I doing wrong? Am I on the wrong path, or missing something obvious (to some)?

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MVC :: Access Model Validation Inside Custom Model Binder?

Sep 1, 2010

Is it possible, inside a Custom Model Binder, to fire "something" that "says" the value is invalid so it gets handled by validation part?

Basically, I am getting an exception when the value for the property is invalid.

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ADO.NET :: Entity Model - Update Model From DB And The Assembly Reference Seems To Be Missing?

Jan 10, 2011

I made a few changes to the DB in SQL server management studio then right clicked on the .edmx doc to get it to update. That seemed to work fine but when i compiled the app everything that referenced the EF seems to be broken.The Error list now contains the below error for all classes that used it.

The type or namespace name '' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

View 4 Replies

HttpHandlers / Modules :: Process Model Or Thread Model Of A Website?

Mar 11, 2010

I have an issue of static variable in an application. Let's say I have a server with 8 CPUs running windows 2008 R2 hosting an webbsite, nothing fancy here, no funny configuration.

Is the following statement true? at any single time, there's one and only one process is running and accepting requests, even in the recycling stage. The reason I am asking is: I have a static field in my class, and I want to make that's the only static instance in the website. I've heard in some circumstances, IIS is recylcing your application, and it will start a new process, but the old process is still working, thus I will have 2 static instances in memory, which defeat the purpose of static field.

One step further, let's assume there might be 2 instances in memory, can I assume there are at most 2 instances at any single time? And can I assume once the second instance is up, the first instance will NEVER accept new requests?

Another question: Recently I have a problem with an applicationdomain concept. Looks like if an application domain causes a memory leak, unload the domain will not release the memory (Umanaged leak). So to what extent Application Domain is isolated?

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Default Model Binder Does Not Bind Model Class

Dec 28, 2010

I am trying to make a post that should use the Default Model Binder functionality in ASP.NET MVC 2 but unfortunately I can't get through. When I click on the checkout button I populate a form dinamically using jQuery code and then submit this form to the server. This is the form that get submitted

<form action="/x/Order/Checkout" id="cartForm" method="post">
<input name="__RequestVerificationToken" type="hidden" value="UDjN9RdWheKyWK5Q71MvXAbbDNel6buJd5Pamp/jx39InuyYIQVptcEubIA2W8DMUzWwnZjSGkLspkmDPbsIxy8EVuLvfCSZJJnl/NrooreouptwM/PaBEz2v6ZjO3I26IKRGZPqLxGGfITYqlf8Ow==">
<input id="CustomerID" name="CustomerID" type="hidden" value="1">
<input id="FirmID" name="FirmID" type="hidden" value="2">
<input type="hidden" name="CartItems[0].ServiceTypeID" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="CartItems[0].Quantity" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="CartItems[1].ServiceTypeID" value="2">
<input type="hidden" name="CartItems[1].Quantity" value="1">

This is the jQuery code that handle the submit event for the form
$("#cartForm").submit(function (event) {
event.preventDefault(); var form = $("#cartForm");
var panel = form.parent(); panel.parent().block();
$.ajax({ type: "post", dataType: "html",
url: '<%: Url.Content("~/Order/Checkout") %>',
async: false, data: form.serialize(),
success: function (response, status, xml) { panel.parent().unblock(); },
error: function (response) { panel.parent().unblock(); } }); });

This is the controller action that should be get called
public virtual ActionResult Checkout( CartModel cart ) {
} And finally this is the CartModel class involved
public class CartModel : BaseModel{
public int CustomerID { get; set; }
public int FirmID { get; set; }
public List<CartItemModel> CartItems { get; set; }
public CartModel() { CartItems = new List<CartItemModel>();
} } public class CartItemModel : BaseModel
{ public int ServiceTypeID { get; set; }
public int Quantity { get; set; } }

But the default Model Binder does not bind the web form data to a CartModel class. Using Fiddler I have been able to see that the data sent to the server is correct as you can see from the following snapshot.

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MVC :: Create Action Not Carrying Model Across To Http Action

Jun 12, 2010

My httppost action doesnt seem to have received my model. The code is below;


i put a breakpoint on the line; return RedirectToAction("Error", "Dashboard"); and i found that appQualif carried no values whatsoever from the form i submitted..

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