I have a problem here.In my database I store member status in 1 and 0, when it come to my gridview I need change 1 and 0 to active and inactive. My company is using Linq, so I must follow. I wrote in this style, I calling a changeToWord() function to change 1 and 0 to active and inactive.
var q=from a in db.members select new{ mem_name=a.name, status=ChangeToWords(a.status) }
It compiles with no error, but when I execute the page, it prompt out a error message to me.
I am new to LINQ but not >net. I do understand SQLDataSource, etc. I was just told by a coworker not to use a LINQ to SQL Class for my new project (Bank.dbml). I was told to use instead the ADO.Net Entity Data Model (bank.edmx).
When only using ADO.Net Entity Data Model I try to associate a GridView with a new LinqDataSource I get no options. When I add a LINQ to SQL Class I get the option to use it but it is empty. Is this because all my LINQ classes are mapped in the ADO.Net Entity Data Model (bank.edmx)? Can someone tell me (or point me to) what the differences are in these two?
In Entity framework I have a class which is effectively
fooEntity { public Guid Id {get; set;} and a collection of fooChildEntity } a fooChildEntity is again an entityframework class fooChildEntity { public Guid kidId {get; set;} }
Now I also have a pair of business layer classes foo and fooChild
foo { public Guid Id {get; set;} ilist<fooChild> Children {get;set;} } fooChild { public Guid kidId {get; set;} }
My aim is to write a linq to entites that will allow me to convert the entity foo and children into the business foo and children without breaking deferred execution ( I will be adding filters to reduce the recordset at a higher coding level in the business layer)
doing something like
.Select( fe => new foo { Id=fe.Id ,
fe.foreach(fec => Children.add( new fooChild { kidId = fec.kidId}))})
is plainly rubbish and would never compile - it is however an indication of the direction I was thinking .
Even if I got a foreach to work like that or similar it would break deferred execution
At this point there are around 300,000 foo entities which I will eventualy filter to 5 or 6 foo's - this is why deferred execution is needed.
I have added a partial class to one generated by the Entity Framework. I wanted to add a calculated field that I could bind to my GridView. However, when I try to access the new property, I get an error message that this is a limitation to Entity Framework.Are there any work arounds to accomplish this?
In Sql Server, there's a Row_Number and now I want to do the same thing with LinQ when I get data from a table and I want to create a new row like Row Number.
I continue to get compiler errors. I have a Gridview (with Delete and Edit buttons) that I populate via LINQ with e-mail addresses. When they hit the delete button I want to use LINQ to delete the row from the table based on the GridView DataKey. If I use Response.Write(ID) it will show the ID number for the Email that I want to delete.Here is the error:
"Error 2 The best overloaded method match for 'System.Data.Linq.Table<Email>.DeleteOnSubmit(Email)' has some invalid arguments C:InetpubwwwrootXXXXXXXXXEditEmail.aspx.cs 53 13 C:...XXXX"
I am looking for a way to do paging with a GridView when i set the datasource at run time using a linq query. here is my code:
ETDataContext etdc = new ETDataContext(); var accts = from a in etdc.ACCOUNTs orderby a.account_id select new { Account = a.account_id, aType = a.SERVICEs.FirstOrDefault().SERVICE_TYPE.service_type_desc, name = a.SERVICEs.FirstOrDefault().service_name,
But that works well when you use a datatable but not with linq. If I add a rebind in the event, it has to requery 7000 records which can be a little slow. Does anyone know how to fix the paging when using linq like this?
i try to make myGridView Companent via using WebPArt you know it :
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web.UI; namespace MyGridView { public class MyGridView : WebPart { GridView gv; protected override void CreateChildControls() { gv = new GridView(); gv.CssClass = "tablestyle"; this.Controls.Add(gv); } } }
i added this GridView on Toolbox. Every Thing is ok . İ want to add my own CSS design to my GridView. But if i drow this gridView from toolbox to aspx page. if i bind my datasource ; Datasource is not show himself.
Like that Main program:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { LoadData loaddata = new LoadData(); DataTable dt = loaddata.LoadSQL("conn", "sp_GetAllCategory"); MyGridView1.datas.... -----> i can not see DataSource why? }
i want to see My GridView DataSource. if i write Binding datasource. MyGridView1.DataSource -----> i can not see DataSource why?
I want to display a Gridview of Patients before I submit them to the database. Is there a way(better way), other then List<Patients>, to bind a list to a GridView.
I am using Linq to SQL and I have a DAL with the Patients table inside. I create a new list of Patients
Now the problem is I can't use a Linqdatasource or Objectdatasource to link to the GridView as no data is in the db yet. The only thing that works is GridView.DataSource = _patients; but I lose all automatic formatting and as far as I can tell it is going to be a pain to format manually. It would seem I should be able to somehow link my object _patients to an one of the datasourses so I would have formatting and all.
Both the Method 1 and Method 2 can handle the paging of GridView, could you tell me how about the performance of the Method 1?and how much will Method 1 slower than Method 2
#region ForPaging public static List<HD_ToDoList> Get_ToDoListByUserNameForPage(string username, int StartIndex, int PageSize) {
I have Gridview control which bind data from LINQ datacontext object which use store procedure. sort the gridview using LINQ datacontext object which use store procedure.
I got a gridview to display the data from the database properly but when I go edit. it give me an error. I searched and change ConflictDetection=CompareAllValues to OverwriteChanges
The error goes away. However the database is still doesn't update. Does anyone had to tweak the gridview function to make it works. Maybe I did something wrong.
I have a database table column consisting of text URLs [URL] In my LINQ-to-SQL-driven gridview, I want to make this a clickable link programmatically, with differing link text (e.g. "Link text"). I'm getting close but am missing some key concept. Here's the core of the .vb codebehind:
Dim dctx As New ResourceMod.ResourceModDALDataContext Dim eleResObj = From eleRes In dctx.Resources Where eleRes.Type = "url" Select siteurl = eleRes.Website GridView1.DataSource = eleResObj GridView1.DataBind()
This displays the raw URL in the gridview (i.e. non-clickable). I've experimented with adding an explicit hyperlink column a la [URL](setting AutoGenerateColumns false etc.), but haven't yet figured out how to assign the asp:hyperlink Text and NavigateUrl fields with the anonymous-type object eleResObj. Using a field construct such as Text='<%# Eval("siteurl") %>' isn't working, presumably a scope issue. Is a LinqDataSource needed in this case, and if so, how would that affect the original LINQ query?
I started learning LINQ, So i thought of just creating gridview with sorting and paging using objectdatasource using LINQ. So i got this link
[URL] which Brian Orrel tell us how to do using IQueryable Interface. but i have nearly 300 lines of stored procedure which joins nearly 20 tables. so i thought of creating a stored procedure and using that instead of IQuerytable.
I am writing a plugin to help with a current ERP system we have that I am not allowed to modify the data structure at all. The table I am dealing with has over 100 columns and I am wanting to set my linq object propertychanged event and submitchanges or do I really have list out each property and set it equal to the new one?Below is an example of what I am trying to do:
Like that I have large number of controls on my form. I have dought, if I assigned like this, db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Last_Name.ToString(); to every control, then I have set of controls like,
My question is that, for each control the Stored Procedure called or not? If it is yes then it is time consuming and I need to use LINQ to DataSet or LINQ to Object rather than to call SP for each control. What is difference between LINQ to DataSet and LINQ to Object?
Just wondering how I do this, Im creating a class that will have my common database functions. So for example I've created a function db_con in a class called db_functions.How do i use that db_con function in for example my homepage vb code?Do I import the class? I've tried typing the full class and method name, no joy so far?