.net - How To Use Delay The Execution Of A Script Until Something Else Is Done

Apr 4, 2011

I have an ASP .NET page where I use jQuery. I used this function to search an element in the DOM

$(document).ready(function() {
currentID = $('#ctl00_ContentAreaPlaceHolder_hfCurrentID').val();
if (currentID != "") {
window.setTimeout(function() {
$("div[class^='element'][ID='" +currentID + "']").trigger("click");

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Delay In Connecting To Site?

Apr 22, 2010

There is a website that I've programmed that sometimes takes a long time to load. I will click on a browser bookmark to load the page which should take me to a login page. The code that the Page_Loads for the MasterPage and the initial Login page contain is minimal; no service, database, etc. executions. I even just commented everything out and the problem remains. Sometimes it takes 5/10/maybe more seconds for the simple Login page to load. I'm trying to figure out what the issue is, but I'm having a hard time. When I put breaks on the Page_Loads and debug, it loads immediately. Then, seemingly randomly sometime after that, it will again load slowly.

It wouldn't seem like any of my code is the issue since, when I debug, it loads quickly. I'm not calling any services or database methods so, AFAIC, that can't be the issue. I separated all of my websites in my IIS to use their own app pool the other day so if there is a memory leak in another site, it won't affect this one. The only thing I can think of now is some issue with my network which I wouldn't have the slightest clue at starting to debug. I can have IT investigate, of course, is that is a probable cause.

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.net File Operations Delay?

Jan 7, 2010

I'm reading the stream from a FileUpload control, reading in chunks of n bytes and writing the array in a loop until I reach the stream's end.Now the reason I do this is because I need to check several things while the upload is still going on (rather than doing a Save(); which does the whole thing in one go). Here's the problem: when doing this from the local machine, I can see the file just fine as it's uploading and its size increases (had to add a Sleep(); clause in the loop to actually get to see the file being written).

However, when I upload the file from a remote machine, I don't get to see it until the the file has completed uploading. Also, I've added another call to write the progress to a text file as the progress is going on, and I get the same thing. Local: the file updates as the upload goes on, remote: the token file only appears after the upload's done (which is somewhat useless since I need it while the upload's still happening).

Is there some sort of security setting in (or ASP.net) that maybe saves files in a temporary location for remote machines as opposed to the local machine and then moves them to the specified destination? I would liken this with ASP.net displaying error messages when browsing from the local machine (even on the public hostname) as opposed to the generic compilation error page/generic exception page that is shown when browsing from a remote machine (and customErrors are not off)

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C# Wait For A Function To Execute And Delay?

Mar 21, 2011

1. How can I create a delay in C#.I know Thread.Sleep(0) but it is blocking my GUI.2. Also I need to pause the execution of the normal flow until a function return a result.

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How To Delay The Showing Of Sub Menu Items

Aug 3, 2010

I am using Asp.net menu control, how can I delay the showing of sub menu items ?

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Delay In Web Service After Idle Time?

Jun 11, 2010

Every time my VB .NET Web Service is idle for about 30 minutes or more, the response for the next request is very slow.

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Javascript - How To Delay Checkbox Postback

Sep 27, 2010

I have an ASP.NET page with Javascript. I have some checkboxes and I want to give the user time to check and uncheck more then one box before the postback... so when the user tick/untick a check box the postback happens after 5 seconds. How can I do this? tryed different methods found online but all incomplete or wrong.

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Delay Function Of Jquery To Load?

Oct 1, 2010

I want to delay blocking by 2 seconds while executing this code. How can I do that ? I tried setTimeout but it did not worked.

$('#Block').block({message:'Please wait...',css: { border: '3px solid #a00' }});

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C# - Adding Delay In Application (for Debugging)?

Feb 9, 2011

I'd like to add a delay between 2 lines of code because I'm testing an updateprogress template. Ideally, the one-liner.

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Web Forms :: Significant Delay After Postback?

Sep 9, 2010

When running my application lately, there is a very long delay after a request is made to the server. When debugging and stepping through, the code finishes quickly and then a dialog comes up, which I'm assuming is the reason for the lag. (I've tried a series of other options including disabling usage of ViewState, disabling debugging, installing IE 8 and reinstalling the Ajax Control Toolkit.

The dialog reads as follows:

Find Source: ExtenderControlBase.cs Original Location:

I am not familiar with any user on this machine named swalther (it was reformatted rather recently) and searching my computer for this folder turns up no results.

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Web Forms :: Delay Loading The Data?

Nov 23, 2010

i have a asp:table with 0(zero) rows and button on my page.

when user clicks the button, it add five rows into the table and show them on the page.

but i want to show each row with some delay on page.

sequence should be like this : once a rows is added then show the loading image then add another rows ,then loading Image,then add row and so on

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Delay In Submit Click Navigation?

Jan 30, 2010

some times if i am running it using ctrl+f5 if i click a button(submit button) it is taking long time to navigate to next page,but if i run the application using f5 there is no problem.

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AJAX :: Global Progress Bar With A Delay?

Jan 29, 2011

I would like to have a global progress bar for all my user controls. I found this link,


which works well, however, I would like to have a delay as well so that if the control loads within a second the progress bar does not show.

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Web Forms :: Display Images With Delay Of 5 Or 10 Sec?

Oct 28, 2010

When i click on any image that will have to be redirected to the corresponding page

Suppose i have 3 images and each image is linked to different page

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Web Forms :: Delay In Value Of Properties Applied To Web Part?

Feb 26, 2010

So I've created a page with zones, a catalog, editor zone and property grid editor part. I have also created a simple webpart as a usercontrol and added to the declarative catalog.

In code behind of my usercontrol page I added some properties and I can edit them just fine however when I click Ok or Apply to the change of any property it takes two post backs before the changes take. So I can click Ok twice or Ok then Apply or Apply and Apply or OK then switch display modes but I will not see the changes take place inside the usercontrol until the second postback.

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Create Postback Delay Client Side?

May 14, 2010

I am developing a web page where a user will submit some "Comments" on a form. When they click the submit button, I fire off some javascript that captures their current GPS location, which I store in a visible Text Box (for testing purposes). If the user is updating from a device that doesn't support gps, I add text to my textbox that says "Device does not support GPS".

When I get to the server, using a device that doesn't support GPS, that text comes through just fine. When I use my iPhone, I see the GPS Coords in my textbox, but that textbox value doesn't make it to the server.I'm thinking that there is a 2-3 second delay from the time that the button is clicked to the time that the java finishes retrieving the GPS. So the textbox text isn't set fast enough.I'm wanting to prevent a postback for 3 seconds (for example) to give the javascript time to update the textbox.

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Jquery - Delay A AutoPostBack So JavaScript Fires First?

Mar 2, 2010

I've got an odd situation with a text box and an autocomplete setup on my page. I'm using a JQuery based autocomplete on a text box that has AutoPostBack="True". This works perfect if I use the keyboard to select an autocomplete item, which then fires Jquery to fill in the text box, and then when I tab out of the box the AutoPostBack fires. If, however, I click on an autocomplete item, my text box loses focus first and the AutoPostBack fires before the Jquery has a chance to change the text in my text box. Is there a way to delay either the PostBack or the Jquery so that they don't fight each other? I'm thinking it may have to be the PostBack that gets changed, since the JQuery would lose it's state on the PostBack

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Delay In Silverlight Initialization In Aspx Page?

Jul 23, 2010

We have a silverlight/asp.net application which communicates with WCF to fetch data. Now we are facing a problem where in the silverlight component is taking some time to initialize after the asp.net page life cycle is completed.We have tried tracing all the events and found that there is a time lapse between the aspx page unload event and silverlight initialize event. This we have tried with even a simple application (hello world) but still have found the same result.There is nearly 3-4 seconds delay i.e the silverlight component initialization starts 3-4 seconds after the page unload event ends.

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Web Forms :: Delay SubMenu Show Time?

Aug 2, 2010

I am using Asp.net menu control, how can I delay the showing of sub menu items ?

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How To Delay Continue Running Code Till Ftp Is Complete

Aug 24, 2010

Maybe this belongs in vb script forum, not sure ....

Anyway, I have an application that is running a ftp script. The code works fine but following is happening:

I my code I intend to show an message box when the ftp process is complete. What is happening is that the message box is being shown before the ftp is complete (while the dos window is up). Is there a way to delay continue running code till ftp is complete or wait for a number of seconds?

Here is the code snippet for the ftp process:


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How To Eliminate Application Reload Delay Using Load Balancer

Dec 21, 2010

One issue with ASP.NET apps is that they periodically reload themselves, causing a long delay and possibly timeout for users who hit the site during that time.

This may not be a problem for small websites, but it can represent significant downtime for high-traffic sites, if users happen to get routed to node in the web farm that is restarting.

Can load balancers somehow "know" if an ASP.NET application domain on a specific server is restarting? Then, they can route traffic around this server until the application has completed restarting.

Currently, I have my load balancer ping a simple .aspx page on the site. If there is a delay or the page fails to load, the host is taken out of rotation. Is it possible to do a more targeted health check, perhaps at the IIS level rather than ASP.NET level?

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Web Forms :: Caching Of Files - Noticeable Delay As Asp Recompiles

Mar 15, 2011

I have gotten confused about how page caching works in ASP.NET. Suppose a user has navigated to "home.aspx" on my website and say I release a new version of that page to the server and the user subsequently navigates to that page, he will get the updated version, is that correct? Is there ever a case where I need to be concerned that the user is NOT getting the latest version of a page(or code-behind) file? The reason I am confused is that quite sometime ago, I found the following code to put in my Page_load event to prevent page caching:


But the more I think about it, I cannot remember the rationale behind this. Whenever I do a release and subsequently visit my site, there is a noticable delay as ASP recompiles. So now I am wondering why the above "no caching" code would be needed or when it is appropriate to use.

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Delay In Production Environment To Show Ajax Progress ?

Oct 1, 2010

Is it OK to use threading.sleep in an intranet web application to display AJAX loading (in production environment)? Off course, the application works fine without it but all works too quick for the end user or even a developer to notice any difference.What is the recommended approach ?

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Web Forms :: Code A Time Delay Before The Next Method Is Called?

Mar 13, 2011

How code a time delay before the next method is called? I have the following but I don't think it's waiting 10 seconds before calling CallMethod(). Thread.Sleep(10000); CallMethod();

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Web Forms :: Delay Auto Postback For 10sec In Textbox?

Aug 27, 2012

How to delay the Auto postback for 10sec in textbox of asp.net.

I am filling the textbox by using autofill. I'm calling textchanged method in code behind, So I need to delay the Textbox for 10sec. Problem is when I entered single letter it is going for textchanged. so i need to delay the Autopost back

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