.net File Operations Delay?

Jan 7, 2010

I'm reading the stream from a FileUpload control, reading in chunks of n bytes and writing the array in a loop until I reach the stream's end.Now the reason I do this is because I need to check several things while the upload is still going on (rather than doing a Save(); which does the whole thing in one go). Here's the problem: when doing this from the local machine, I can see the file just fine as it's uploading and its size increases (had to add a Sleep(); clause in the loop to actually get to see the file being written).

However, when I upload the file from a remote machine, I don't get to see it until the the file has completed uploading. Also, I've added another call to write the progress to a text file as the progress is going on, and I get the same thing. Local: the file updates as the upload goes on, remote: the token file only appears after the upload's done (which is somewhat useless since I need it while the upload's still happening).

Is there some sort of security setting in (or ASP.net) that maybe saves files in a temporary location for remote machines as opposed to the local machine and then moves them to the specified destination? I would liken this with ASP.net displaying error messages when browsing from the local machine (even on the public hostname) as opposed to the generic compilation error page/generic exception page that is shown when browsing from a remote machine (and customErrors are not off)

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1. Change label text
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Protected Sub btnDownload_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDownload.Click
lblDownload.Text = "<h3>Thank you for downloading </h3>"
btnDownload.Visible = False
End Sub

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[Code] ....

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currentID = $('#ctl00_ContentAreaPlaceHolder_hfCurrentID').val();
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Find Source: ExtenderControlBase.cs Original Location:

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Feb 25, 2010

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How To Perform Same Operations On Both WebControls And HtmlControls.

Jan 19, 2010

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