.net - Whats Automapper For

Jan 19, 2010

What's Automapper for? How will it help me with my domain and controller layer (asp.net mvc)

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What is the best way to achive both without hard-coding it into the website?

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I hope I explained everything.

Update 1:

I found the following link to solve #2: http://www.fatlemon.co.uk/2008/12/automatic-svn-revision-numbering-in-asp-net-mvc/

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.Map(x => x.Value)
// To<T>(string member) or To<T>(Func<T, bool> func)
Mapper.CreateMap<Foo, FooDTO>();

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public class EntityDataRepository : IRepository
static EntityDataRepository()
// other mappings removed
// Data. objects are EF objects, mapping to my DTO classes

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Is it possible with automapper in C# to map the properties of an object to an array/dictionary? I have tried the following:

Mapper.CreateMap<FFCLeads.Models.FFCLead, Dictionary<string, SqlParameter>>()
.ForMember(d => d["LeadID"], o => o.MapFrom(s => new SqlParameter("LeadID", s.LeadID)))
.ForMember(d => d["LastName"], o => o.MapFrom(s => new SqlParameter("LastName", s.LastName)));

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What Is The Alternative, Using POCO Classes In Combination With For Example AutoMapper

Sep 30, 2010

Currently im using EF and using its datacontext directly in all of my actions, but since i started reading about loose coupling and testability im thinking that thats not the best way to go. Im trying to understand all the pro's and con's before i start refactor all my current code.

Problem 1:

Considering that every entity needs its own repository, and thus has to setup its own connection to a datasource (lets assume a database using EF), wouldnt that give alot of overhead if i need data from 5 different entities on a single page?

Problem 2:

What im seeing aswell in all the examples which i found online is that most people (even people like shanselman) implement the repository pattern using the entity classes which are generated by either LINQ or EF, doesn't this defeat the purpose of repository pattern with regards to loose coupling? On the other hand, what is the alternative, using POCO classes in combination with for example AutoMapper? (this scares me a little) Im hoping that a few people can shed some light on this, because im a bit confused at the moment if the repository pattern is the right choice for a website.

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C# - Is It Possible To Map Multiple DTO Objects To A Single ViewModel Using Automapper

Jan 24, 2010

I was wondering if it is possible to map multiple DTO objects to a single ViewModel object using Automapper?

Essentially, I have multiple DTO objects and would like to display information from each on a single screen in ASP.NET MVC 2.0. To do so I would like to flatten the DTO objects (or parts of them...) into the Viewmodel and pass said viewmodel to the view. If I had one DTO this would be easy, but I've never seen it being done with multiple. Obviously there are a number of roundabout ways to do this (outside of automapper), but this is the approach that I would like to take if possible.

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Trying To Use AutoMapper For Model With Child Collections, Getting Null Error In .Net MVC 3

Feb 26, 2011

I'm completely new to AutoMapper, and I have a View that looks like this:

@using (Html.BeginForm(null, null, FormMethod.Post, new { enctype = "multipart/form-data" }))
<legend>Consultant</legend> [code]...

This is pretty much the same error I got when trying to use the entity object directly as model, rather than having AutoMapper create a ViewModel. So what am I doing wrong? This is driving me crazy...

UPDATE 3:Well, neverending story... I found some info on using UseDestinationValue on the CreateMap method in AutoMapper. So I tried that, and well, that actually got me a bit further. But...now I get a new exception on SaveChanges() (in the EF model). The exception now is: "The operation failed: The relationship could not be changed because one or more of the foreign-key properties is non-nullable." This appears to be an exception that also occurs when trying to delete child objects in a one-to-many relationship if you don't have cascade delete set, but that's not what I'm trying to do here...

Here's the updated CreateMap methods:Mapper.CreateMap<ConsultantViewModel, Consultant>().ForMember("Id", opts => opts.Ignore()).ForMember(
x => x.Programs, opts => opts.UseDestinationValue());
Mapper.CreateMap<Consultant, ConsultantViewModel>();

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Automapper, Auto Assign Guid To UserId Of UserDTO?

Dec 1, 2010

I want to assign Guid to UserId of my UserDTO if UserId is Null. Is it possible to do this in the CreateMap or creating any formatter?. I am using automapper as an attribute on my Actions in controller.

protected override void Configure()
Mapper.CreateMap<User, UserDTO>()
.ForMember(d => d.FullName, o => o.MapFrom(s => s.FirstName + " " + s.LastName));

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C# - Automapper Running Extremely Slow On Mapping 1400 Records?

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I am using AUtomapper which I am very impressed with however, I have a complex object with many nested collections. I'm using Telerik OpenAccess and it returns the 1400 records fast but when I pass it to Automapper and it slows to a ridiculous crawl. Here is my code for reference:

List<DAL.Event> query = httpContext.Events.Where(e => e.Inactive != true && e.Event_Locations != null).ToList();
Mapper.CreateMap<DAL.Event, EventDTO>();
Mapper.CreateMap<DAL.Event_Association, EventAssociationDTO>(); [code]....

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I have following doimain objects:

public class ComponentType
public int ComponentTypeID { get; set; }
public string Component_Type { get; set; }
public string ComponentDesc { get; set; }

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