.net Mvc Converting List<> So To Loop?

Dec 9, 2010

I am using this

List<JobsMeta> JobsMeta= _db.JobsMetas.Where(m => m.int_OrganizationId == null || m.int_OrganizationId == OrganizationInfo.OrganizationId).OrderBy(m => m.int_SortId).ToList();
ViewData["JobMeta"] = JobsMeta;

now using the view i want to loop through ViewData["JobMeta"]

<% foreach (var JobsMeta in ViewData["JobMeta"]))

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WCF / ASMX :: Converting BusinessEntity List To Datacontract List?

Jan 28, 2011

I have a wcf service.In many places I am converting business entity list to datacontract list.

So I am trying to write a generalised method.

I have acheived to convert business entities with out list.

But when we give a list of business entity,it is getting failed.

to convert list of Business Entity to List of Datacontracts.

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Loop Through A Checkbox List?

Jul 15, 2010

I am building a checkbox lists:

<asp:CheckBoxList ID="CheckBoxes" DataTextField="Value" DataValueField="Key" runat="server"></asp:CheckBoxList>

And trying to get the value's of the selected items:

List<Guid> things = new List<Guid>();
foreach (ListItem item in this.CheckBoxes.Items)
if (item.Selected)

I get the errror

"The best overloaded method match for 'System.Collections.Generic.List.Add(System.Guid)' has some invalid arguments "

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Feb 17, 2011

In C#.I have a list<object>.

I want to convert any datareader result (with data) to a list of objects.

How can I do that?

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ADO.NET :: Converting A 'var' To DropThis To A List?

Dec 29, 2010


and XML looks like


and I'm retrieving information using this and it's working fine


Cannot I convert dropThis to a List? When I try to do

List<Contact> contactCollection = dropThis.ToList();

I get this error

Error 1
Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Collections.Generic.List<AnonymousType#1>' to 'System.Collections.Generic.List<Models.Contact>'

I'm completely at a loss.I've searched Google,forums anf etc.

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Create Object For List In Or Out Of While Loop?

May 28, 2010

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My question is, is there any benefit to instantiating a new userDetails object in every loop, or can this be created outside the loop and title, forename and surname just written over with every pass of the loop?

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C# - Fill Listbox From A List Without Any Loop?

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I have one Listbox and a List of data

I want to bind the list to listbox.

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Web Forms :: Converting A SharePoint List To .NET

Oct 1, 2010

I need to convert a SharePoint List to ASP.NET, including its column filters etc.

Aside from the underlying data which will be housed in a SQL Server table, what are good control choices on ASP.NET side for this? (I'm not sure if ASP.NET Gridview will have all the necessary features.)

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C# - How To Convert Query To List Without Loop Foreach

Feb 14, 2011

List<string> IDs = new List<string>();
XDocument doc = XDocument.Parse(xmlFile);
var query = from c in doc.Root.Elements("a").Elements("b")
select new { ID = c.Element("val").Value};

How can I convert query to List without loop foreach ?

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Web Forms :: How To Loop Through Dropdown List Items

May 12, 2010

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C# - Populating List Within A For Each Loop After Pattern Matching

Jan 15, 2010

I am trying to assign values I've gathered from a JSON feed to my own type, a class in which I have defined certain fields (properties) to put the JSON elements into, plus elements that are derived from a RegEx pattern matching process. This will then allow me to access the object using LINQ, as I am using a List to hold my objects. There is a foreach loop in my code that loops for each match that my RegEx method finds. I am only interested in the parts of the JSON feed where there is a match. So my own defined class is as such:

//simple field definition class
public class TwitterCollection
public string origURL { get; set; }
public string txtDesc { get; set; }
public string imgURL { get; set; }
public string userName { get; set; }
public string createdAt { get; set; }

And then I want to populate List in the RegEx Matches loop:

foreach (Match match in matches)
GroupCollection groups = match.Groups;
var tc = new List<TwitterCollection>()
origURL = groups[0].Value.ToString(),
txtDesc = res.text,
imgUrl = res.profile_image_url,
userName = res.from_user_id,
createdAt = res.created_at,

The code will then go on to extract and sort the results via Linq to Objects. But compiler won't actually let me create my var tc = new List<TwitterCollection>() because: 'System.Collections.Generic.List' does not contain a definition for 'origURL' ... even though I have defined it. It does not flag an error if I simply write new TwitterCollection but then how do I refer to this in my Linq expression later on??

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Web Forms :: Use Loop To Controll The Value In Dropdown List?

Sep 7, 2010

I have dropdown list I want to use the arror to click and control and select the value in the dropdown box , the first click select item1 .... How can I do that?

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ADO.NET :: How To Handle Null While Converting From My Datatable To List Using LINQ

Aug 27, 2010

I am converting my datatable to LISt using LINQ how do I handle nulls coming from database

List<Port> portDetails = new List<Port>();
DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
portDetails = (from q in dt.AsEnumerable()
select new Port
PortCode = q.Field<string>("Code"),
ExtCode = q.Field<string>("Nb"),
Name = q.Field<string>("Name"))

In the above query if Code is null I do not want property portcode to be set to the value it should only set if it is not null or not blank
PortCode = q.Field<string>("Code"),

What should be syntax
I was trying somethign like this which doesnt work
Portcode = q.Field<bool>("Code") == null ? null : q.Field<bool>("Code")

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Converting Hierarchical Data Into An HTML Unordered List Programmatically Using C#?

Mar 16, 2010

I've data which looks something like this.


To convert the above data into unordered list based on depth, I'm using the following code


But the resulting unordered list doesnt seem to be forming properly(using which i am constructing a tree).For example "Site " with id '180' is supposed to appear as a direct child of "Televisions" with id '1',is appearing as a direct child of 'Flash' with id '191' using my code.so in addition to considering depth,I've decided to consider itemid as well in order to get the treeview properly.Those rows of the table with itemId not equal to null are not supposed to have a child node(i.e.,they are the leaf nodes in the tree) and all the other nodes can have child nodes.


The 'itemid' column refers to the id of an item which is present in another table.This column just in identifying if an item has any sub items(i.e., 'name' in my data in this case has any other unordered lists under it).

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Loop Through The Check Box List For All True Values

Sep 13, 2010

How can I make the following code shorter and more efficient.

I want to loop through the check box list for all true values.

I want to get the check list item and complare with database value then check the box.


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Delaring A String Thats Within A Loop Within Another Loop

Jan 14, 2010

Im stuck with declaring a string which is in a loop within another loop.

Dim CompanyDetails As String = ""
Dim CompanyRow As DataRow
For Each CompanyRow In newdt.Rows
CompanyDetails += CompanyRow(1) & " " & CompanyRow(0) & "<br/>"...

How can I get this to see the GetInfo as declared..... since its in a loop within a loop?

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Loop Through CheckBoxList?

Feb 22, 2011

i have a checkboxlist that is being bind from a sqldatasource i want to be able to loop through whatever the user selects and store/update it to the data base. I want to do this with a foreach statement in my code behind but i dont know how since i dont have a listitems in the checkboxlist.

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Loop Through All Records

Dec 10, 2010

I am getting out parameter of type DbType.Xml in .net code. What is the better way to loop through all the records and do some operation.

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How To Do For Loop With Controls

Mar 9, 2011

For Each Control In Page.Header.Controls How can I do something as above, at the moment getting the error "Control is a Type and Cannot be used as an expression" The Complete Code is as follows Try ' I only do this on my production servers, so I declare those here.'

If Request.ServerVariables("server_name") = [URL] Then
' Allow scripts and css to logged in CMS users'
Dim checkLogin As New Controls.Login
If checkLogin.IsLoggedIn <> True Then
For Each Control In Page.Header.Controls
If Control.GetType.Name = "EktronJsControl" Or Control.GetType.Name = "EktronCssControl" Or Control.GetType.Name = "EktronModalCss" Then
' Removes the extra bubble inline style stuff that wasn't put in a CSS.''
Dim litControl As LiteralControl = Control
If litControl.Text = Nothing Then
litControl.Text = ""
End If
' Removing blank.css file'
Dim htmlLink As HtmlLink = Control
If htmlLink.Href = "/css/blank.css" Then
End If
End If
End If
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try`

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ADO.NET :: How To Loop Through DataSet

Jan 3, 2011

I have a DataSet and i would like to loop through it according to the data fields, fill class from those values.

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How To Loop Through All Records

May 11, 2010

I need to loop through all my db records, append some text a specific column (for all records), and save back to the db.

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For Loop In C# Not Looping

Feb 23, 2011

I have an issue with a Loop that doesn't actually loop. I've posted a simplified version of my code below. Basically, using the NPOI excel library, I have an excel file with data on the first and second sheet, so I need to do a loop to get through both sheets. Below is what I have done so far, however this only works through the first sheet and then exits. It fails to increment the variable w. As you can see, there are other loops implemented in this code which function fine so I don't get it.It's been a very long day and perhaps I'm missing something very simple. I could have it placed wrong or something. If anyone else can spot what I might be doing wrong I'd be very grateful :)

public class SalesFileProcessor : ISalesProcessor
public List<FTPSalesRow> ProcessSalesFile(string filename)


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Loop The FormCollection Using Mvc?

Aug 18, 2010

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Converting From PSD To PNG?

Nov 29, 2010

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Open PDF Files In Loop?

Nov 26, 2010

I have a scenario to open the PDF files in for loop from server folder.

Can you please provide sample code to open the pdf files in for loop?

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