Want To Store Date And Time Into SQL Server 2005?
Feb 10, 2011
I want to store date and time into SQL server. Can I store it directly? For Instance
strDate = 28/02/2011
strTime = 09:30:55 pm
Then I used one variable to store all these.
strDateTime = strDate + " " + strTime
But it doesn't work for me
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<roleManager enabled="true">
<add name="AspNetSqlRoleProvider" connectionStringName="LocalSqlServer"
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Sep 15, 2010
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INSERT INTO Gponmig(Customer_Name, Contact_Mob_No, Sector, Plot, flat, Building_LandMark, Sr_No, Adsl_Acc_No, Del_Acc_No, Mig_Requirment, Reseller, Sales_Remarks, Userid, Dept, Date)
VALUES (@Customer_Name,@Contact_Mob_No,@Sector,@Plot,@flat,@Building_LandMark,@Sr_No,@Adsl_Acc_No,@Del_Acc_No,@Mig_Requirment,@Reseller,@Sales_Remarks,@Userid,@Dept,
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I couldn't find why?
It is confirmed by the user that he didn't worked midnight.
The system should insert correct time.
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