Sql Report Server 2005 Export Time To Xls Is Incorrect?

Mar 16, 2011

I have a report running on sql report server 2005. When export the time field to xls using report server 2005 export, xls shows the time field in a huge negative number.

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Sql Server 2005 - Incorrect Syntax Error When Accessing Remote Stored Procedure?

Jul 23, 2010

I'm still trying to deploy this site, but with every problem I solve, another arises. Anyways - I've set up the database at my hosting to allow remote connections, and it is running Sql Server 2005. On my development machine, I am working with Sql Server 2008.

I've installed the asp.net schema on my hosted database, and have created several users from the ASP.NET web administration interface, as well as tested that the login works. Running the application locally with the remote connection string nets the same results. However - I'm able to run my scripts and generate my tables and stored procedures without errors - but when the site is run I get the following error on all of my .aspx pages that try to access a stored procedure:

Server Error in '/' Application. Incorrect syntax near 'LoadProfileData'. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Incorrect syntax near 'LoadProfileData'.

Source Error:

Line 62: adapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@ProfessionalName", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = professionalName;
Line 63: DataSet profile = new DataSet();
Line 64: adapter.Fill(profile, "Profile");
Line 65: return profile;
Line 66: }

Is this a possible Sql 2005 vs 2008 issue? I'm hoping someone else has seen this issue in a similar scenario and can point me in the right direction. The server is running asp.net 2.0, 3.0 and 3.5 and IIS 7.0.

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Export Data From Excel 2007 Sheet To SQL Server 2005?

Dec 27, 2010

I have a web application (ASP.NET 3.5) that allows the users to upload their own excel sheet. This sheet contains information about items that needs to be inserted to SQL Server 2005.

I already have this functionality, however, it's very slow (it takes almost 20 minutes to finish the request). I need a better way to handle this problem.

The sheet contains information about an item. These properties will be inserted into multiple tables for example (Books, Authors, Titles ... etc ...).

What I'm currently doing is the following:

The user uploads the file. The application opens the file. Read each row and update the database accordingly.

I'm using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel

Edit: I'm working with 10.000+ rows per sheet.

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SQL Reporting :: Disable Export Options On ReportViewer Using A Server Report

Nov 19, 2010

Is it possible to disable export options on a server report in the ReportViewer control without changing the reportserver.config file?

I have the code to change a Local Report but not a Server Report. We have a group of reports we only want to be able to export to PDF and TIFF while the other server reports should be exportable in all formats.

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SQL Reporting :: Need BIDS Or Report Builder For Sql Server 2005?

Aug 11, 2010

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How to download/install BIDS or Report Builder for vs 2005 in my machine.

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SQL Reporting :: Using Connection Strings In The Report Server Than The Datasource In 2005?

Oct 18, 2010

I am using a datasource in the report server where all the reports use that shared datasource while calling the reports from asp.net pages.

Now, as asp.net pages uses the connection string for the databases which is assigned in the web.config file, i want the reports also use the same connection string because you don't need to change on both places( web.config and report server datasource).

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SQL Server :: Insert Large Amount Of Data In Sql Server 2005 Database With Every Time Duplicate Check?

Feb 6, 2011

I want to generate 30,000 cards and each card must be duplicate check with database. In my card, there are 2 things. Serial No and CardID. If any card already exists then I generate another card id but with the same serial no.

So how faster way I can generate 30,000 card with duplicate check? Which one I have made application, it takes about 25 minutes to insert.

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Want To Store Date And Time Into SQL Server 2005?

Feb 10, 2011

I want to store date and time into SQL server. Can I store it directly? For Instance

strDate = 28/02/2011

strTime = 09:30:55 pm

Then I used one variable to store all these.

strDateTime = strDate + " " + strTime

But it doesn't work for me

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SQL Server :: Select Random 10 Records In 2005 In Terms Of Time

Sep 3, 2010

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Inserting Records From Multiple Computers In The Same Database At The Same Time In SQL Server 2005?

Nov 12, 2010

I have a web portal designed in ASP.NET in which we ask customers to enter the data. On the click of submit button all i have done is, just read the data and called a stored procedure which inserts that into a table. There seems to be a problem in SQL Server 2005 while inserting the data from multiple computers at the same time. We have tested in our lab with three computers, result is that we get the data inserted successfully in only one machine and on the other two machines we get error on page. I have used transactions in the stored procedure and also tried setting the isolation levels to READ_UNCOMMITTED, SERIALIZABLE and SNAPSHOT. Nothing seems to work properly.

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Export Rdl Report To Excel Without Going To Report Manager

Jun 30, 2010

I need to know if there is a way to export a rdl report to excel by clicking a button on my web form?

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DataSource Controls :: Taking Long Time To Import Data From Csv To Sql Server 2005?

Feb 20, 2010

I have an application which imports data from csv to sql server 2005. It is taking long time to import data from csv to sql server 2005. it has a timer. on tick of timer, I am checking if current rown in csv exists in database. If it exists, It is not added to sql server otherwise, It is added that row to sql server 2005. Also, In page load, It checks on each tick, whether user is logged in or not. it adds value to log file that user is logged in. How can I optimize this ?

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Crystal Report: Is PreviousNull Prints Incorrect Data?

Feb 16, 2011

The question was to remove duplicate values and the report should display 0.00 instead.

The 7th record is showing up 0.00

Hence, if the record was like before as


After that formula applied is showing something like


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SQL Server :: EXEC 17P_Comose Will Give Incorrect Syntax Error - Incorrect Syntax Near '17'

Sep 15, 2010

I am working with a sql server database with about 50 stored procedures. The database and stored procedureswere not created by me. The stored procedures all begin with a number in their name.

Example: 17P_Comsetter

The problem I am having is that if I try and execute the stored procedure at the command line in Query Analyzer,the query analyzer appears not to like that the stored procedure begins with a number. For example:

If I try an run the stored procedure as follows:

EXEC 17P_Comsetter

Then I get the following error message:

Msg 102, ..... Incorrect Syntax near '17'

I am using SQL server 2005. Does anyone know why I am getting this error message?

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SQL Server :: How To Attach SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Database (compatibility 2005)to SQL Server 2005

Mar 10, 2011

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Security :: Membership LastLoginDate Has Incorrect Time?

Oct 27, 2010

for my web app I'm using ASP.NET's standard membership for authentication, but for some strange reason the LastLoginDate in the aspnet_Membership table has incorrect time for all my users, the date part is fine, but the time is way off (it's like 6-7 hours different from the correct time). The LastActivityDate in the aspnet_Users table is also wrong with the same kind of issue. I checked the server machine that's hosting the SQL Server and the time on there is correct, is there something else that's dictating the time?

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Web Forms :: How To Generate A PDF Or DOC From Report Viewer But Not Using Export Function In Report Viewer

Jun 16, 2010


That's my C# code but i the "ReportViewer1.LocalReport.Render("PDF", null, out mimeType, out encoding, out filenameExtension, out streamids, out warnings);" came in error everytime i try to generate the report. Can you show me the way so i can view the pdf from the browser or save the pdf from the browser?

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Feb 3, 2010

i had the sql 2008 enterprise and i want to go back to sql server 2005 because in 2008 i created new database but when i did some changes in the table , it gave me an eror that i cant save thins and i need to creat new one if some one know what i'm talking aboutif not i need the sql server installation tutorial i tried by myself but probebly i did it wrong and now i cant connect well to the sql

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Export A Report To Pdf?

Jul 8, 2010

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VS 2005 - Export Dataset To Excel

Sep 9, 2011

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dataset.table[0] data
dataset.table[1] data in the same excel sheet

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How To Export Report To Folder

Jan 28, 2011

I am doing a CrystalReport.Export() to C: emp where the report / file name is

SBGBTLM-945 FRI 1/28/11

it gives me error on the "/". Is there a way around this without changing the "/" to some other character (like "_").

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Photo Not Displaying When Export From Report?

Aug 10, 2010

I have genereted report in asp.net C#, the generated reports contains photo,which is stored in database,

as i click on excel report exporting,photo is not displaying and error is coming like(File error some data is lost).

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Crystal Reports :: Migrate Vs2005 To Vs2010 Having Error Of Incorrect Crystal Report References

Apr 2, 2011

We have migrate from VS2005 to VS2010. CR2010 installed too.

We have 1 website and class project in one solution.

The assembly of web.config has point to new version of CR ver13 and also checked that the references is ver13 too.



However in code behind, when "Go To Definition" the imported CrystalDesicions Namespace, it go to CR version10 location.

The class project has references to correct ver13.

In the end we get error of :

Error 17 The project currently contains references to more than one version of CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine, a direct reference to version 10.2.3600.0 and an indirect reference (through 'Web_cl.clsAccountRpt.GetAccountStatementSummaryRptDoc')
to version 13.0.2000.0. Change the direct reference to use version 13.0.2000.0 (or higher) of CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine. D:ProjectWebGlobal 4.0Web_developCpAdminReportFormAccountReportModule.aspx.vb 40 28 D:...Web_develop

The function in class has return ReportObject back to the website, because of the website reference did not really point to new version has causes this error. I have checked all references in web.config and project properties all is point to new version, but in program it seems still point to old one.

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VS 2008 Microsoft Report Export/mail?

Feb 23, 2010

to directly send a PDF mail from microsoft report, or automatically save PDF report on server.

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SQL Reporting :: Export To Pdf In Report Viewer Control?

Mar 29, 2010

As we all know, the report viewer control has an export to pdf option. But whenever the report is exported to pdf,the format gets disturbed. If my report has about 3 colums like empID,name,phone etc.... then empid and name come in 1st page of pdf and phone comes in next page of pdf. That means the columns are getting divided into pages. Where as, in general, the no of rows/data may come in several pages but columns should fit into one page.

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