ADO.NET :: Add A Filter To An Association?

Sep 15, 2010

I have a 1:M relationship between Contact and EmploymentHistory.I want to create a new association that is the current employment, which would be 1:1 so I can do Contact.CurrentEmployment.The EmploymentHistory table has a CurrentEmployment flag.Is there a way to do this in Entity Framework?

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Similar Messages:

ADO.NET :: Association In Entity Framework?

Nov 1, 2010

I have 3 tables 1-Category, 2-AssignToCategory, 3-User

Fields in Category (Id, CategoryName)

Fields in AssignToCategory (Id, CategoryId, UserId) -->CategoryName,UserId as forigen key

Fields in User (Id, Fullname)

There is no association defined just used forigen keys.Impoted in EF. Now I want to create association.

1 - Right Click on User and Category for association and 1 to many created UNCHECKING FK checkbox as foriden keys already defined. Relation created than double clicked on relation to assign Principal and Dependent key (Principal (User,Category) and Dependent is AssignToCategory). All done.

Error 1 Error 113: Multiplicity is not valid in Role 'User' in relationship 'UserAssignedToCategory'. Because all the properties in the Dependent Role are nullable, multiplicity of the Principal Role must be '0..1'. c:userslordalidocumentsvisual studio 2010ProjectsCodingCodingModelsCoding.edmx 93 11 Coding

Same error for Category.How do i create association if its not defined on imported tables.

SIDE NOTE: If I removed forigen keys from AssignToCategory and created an association with FK check box clicked so EF put the forigen keys than everything is fine.

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Multiple File Upload Association In MVC

Jul 7, 2010

I have implemented the File Upload (upon reading Scott Hanselman's excellent post)I have multiple files associated with various questions on the form though, and would like to associate each saved file with an internal ID.

How can I do this? For example, if question # 3 has a file uploaded abc.pdf, how can I associated that file with ID #3?

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C# - MVC3 System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations And Association?

Feb 16, 2011

This part of code works fine

[Association(Storage = "profile", ThisKey = "UserId", OtherKey = "UserId")]
public Profile User {
get { return this.profile.Entity; }
set { this.profile.Entity = value; }

but if i add in this class System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations then, Association could not be found.

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C# - Can LINQ To SQL Detect Where A Table Association Breaks

Jul 28, 2010

I have two tables I am using to fill a gridview. The tables have a common field named RangeActivityID. My problem is that the database is very old and some of the older entries do not match up IDs between tables, so I am unable to add an association between them in the database.

I do not care about the old data which doesn't match up, so in my .dbml file, I manually created an association in order to select good data from both tables. This is the LINQ query I have:

var collective = from p in rangeConnection.RangeActivities
orderby p.RangeActivityID
select new
TestName = p.TestName,
DateTime = p.ActivityDateTime,.......

I can set my grid datasource to 'collective' and everything works, but if I uncomment the three commented lines, the query returns no results because the tables have data that doesn't meet the association criteria. Is there a way to have the LINQ query ignore results that do not match up?

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Forms Data Controls :: Association An External Button To A Gridview

Feb 16, 2010

is it possible to have a button defined outside a grid view and give it a command name of "select" and somehow attach it to the gridview, so the grid recieves a select command when clicked without writing code?

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Forms Data Controls :: ListView Templates And Showing Association Fields Rather Than An Id

Feb 17, 2011

I have a Listview that is connected to an EntityDataSource. What I'm having trouble doing is showing fields of an association in the Item Template rather than just the id.

For example, what it currently shows:

Name: John Doe
Race: 3

What I wish it would show

Name: John Doe
Race: Caucasian

Some example code:


Obviously, I'm getting the number because Race_ID is an integer. What I'm less sure about is how to bind it or Eval it in some manner that will let me match that id to a name in the other table (which is associated). I've tried <%# Eval("Race.Name") %>' and a few other things to try to get a name rather than an ID but I always get either the id or nothing at all.

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Forms Data Controls :: Provide The Filter Functionality To Gridview Like The Excel Filter?

Oct 31, 2010

I need good css for Gridview just like the mac css

can we provide the filter functionality to gridview like the excel filter.

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MVC :: Securing Actions/controllers - Create A Custom Filter Or Use Built-in Filter?

Jan 1, 2010

In securing actions/controllers, do I have to create a custom filter or use MVC built-in filter?

To use the built-in attribute Authorize() on an action/controller or create a separate class that inherits the ActionFilterAttribute which has a method (OnActionExecuting) to override and do the authentication there?

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Active Directory/LDAP :: Nested Groups Filter/create A Filter Which Will Return All The Users Which Belong To One Of The "kuku"s Group?

Mar 9, 2010

In my organization we use nested groups. For a particular usage, we have a group (let's assume that the group name "kuku"), and the names of all the nested groups under it contains "kuku" as well.

We may assume that no other group in the LDAP has "kuku" in the name.

I need to create a filter which will return all the users which belong to one of the "kuku"s group.

Obviously, using this filter will bring only the head kukus

(&(&(objectclass=user)(objectclass=person))(memberOf=CN=kuku, of the group DN...))

How can I use wild card to fetch all users which belong to any kuku?

For example: (&(&(objectclass=user)(objectclass=person))(memberOf=CN=.*kuku.*))

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C# - Run Both Authorize Filter And Action Filter On Unauthenticated MVC Request

Mar 17, 2010

I have decorated my base controller with a couple of action filters. They work fine.

One of those filters sets up the request - does things like set the culture based on the domain, etc.

I also have a handful of actions that require authorization using the Authorize attribute.

My problem is that when an user attempts to request a page they are not authorized to access, the authorization filter kicks in and redirects them to a page telling them that they cannot vie the page.

The issue is that the action filters never run so the culture and other request data is never set. This effectively causes language to be wrong in the view and other data to be missing.

I know that authorization filters run first but my question is this: How can I design this such that I can ensure that certain methods are always run before the view is returned, regardless of the authorization.

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DataSource Controls :: How To Create A Self Association Relation For An Organization Chart Data Tree In Entity Framework

Mar 6, 2010

I,am trying to create a self association relation for an organization chart data tree in Entity Framework,after trying different ways for prevention of exceptions like 3007 and etc. I found that when I put my foreign key in my POCO near Parent and Items navigation properties its work.but I think this is not correct that we have both ParentID scalar property and Parent navigation property. review this and tell me is it correct or not.I'm using VS 2010 RC and ofcource .net framework 4.0 RC


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Does An Action Filter Override A Controller Filter

Aug 25, 2010

does a action filter override a controller filter?

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Web Forms :: Nhibernate Association / Not Set To An Instance Of Object At The Line "category.Products.Add(product);"

Apr 19, 2010

I am using nhibernate and performing one to many relation,

i have a parent table "Category" and child table as "product"

this is my code,

category.CategoryID = txtcategoryid.text;
category.CategoryName = txtName.Text;
category.CategoryDescription = txtDescription.Text;
product.CategoryID = category;
product.ProductName = txtProductName.Text;
product.ProductID = txtProductID.Text;
product.ProductDescription = txtProductDescription.Text;

but it throws exception, object reference not set to an instance of object at the line "category.Products.Add(product);"

View 9 Replies

MVC :: HtmlDropDownFor / Create A View To Create A New Meeting For An Association?

Sep 21, 2010

I want to create a View to Create a new meeting for an association.I create a view model because I want to be able to choose the members who will participate with a dropdownList displaying a string composed with their Family name and first name.

So I build a property which return a Dictionary and I want to display the value (Family name concatenated with the first name) and be able to processed the Member Id in the Post.

Where It's not clear at all is the code of the view with the => notation.

Here is my code for the ViewModel:

public class DistributionViewModel { public Distribution LaDistribution { get; set; } private Dictionary<int, String> _listeMembres; public Dictionary<int, String> ListeMembres { get {) Membre[] lesMembres = Membre.Search(null, null, null, null, null, null, null); //Search hit the database(I used codeAuthor) foreach (Membre m in lesMembres) //And with null it return all the members not filtered { string nomPrenom = m.Nom + "-" + m.Prenom; _listeMembres.Add((int)m.IdMembre, nomPrenom); } return _listeMembres; } } }But for the View where probably I should be ashamed about what I wrote!:</asp:Content><asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server"> <h2> Creation d'une nouvelle distribution </h2> <% using (Html.BeginForm()) {%> <%: Html.ValidationSummary(true) %> <fieldset> <legend>Distribution</legend> <label for="DateDistribution"> Date de distribution:</label><br /> <%: Html.TextBoxFor(Model => Model.LaDistribution.DateDistribution) %> <%: Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.ListeMembres.Values, new SelectList(Model.ListeMembres), "[ None ]")%> <p> <input type="submit" value="Create" /> </p> </fieldset> <% } %> <div> <%: Html.ActionLink("Back to List", "Index") %> </div></asp:Content>If someone could helpRegardsAlain

View 8 Replies

ADO.NET :: Trying To Filter On The UserStatus?

Nov 17, 2010

I have the following main query:


One of the navigation properties of the User object is Users_UserStatus1. This is a one to many (we store the status for each user account, when an account's status is changed, a new record is inserted into the status table as opposed to updating it). One of the search criteria I'm trying to filter on is the UserStatus. So, I pass in a comma-delimited string like so:


The problem, it seems, is that this is only bringing back one record, even though more of them should be matching. Also, I only want this to filter based on the last status for each user, not all of them. Can't quite seem to figure this one out.

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ADO.NET :: Filter Dataview Row With Top 10?

Jul 30, 2010

What I want is to filter the dataview so I get top 10.

I googled it and found out that I had first to sort the dataview. Then add a column (int) to datatable. This column I then made a AutoIncrement on......

This works fine - I can see in the codebehind that it adds a column to the datatable that I called AutoInc.

Then make a RowFilter on the dataview - here it goes "wrong" for me.....

When using the line

datVie.RowFiler = "AutoInc < 11";

and bind it to a gridview I don't get a error - but it also don't show me any rows in the gridview...... If I comment the line out - I get all the rows in the dataview..

Can anyone see in my below code what is wrong?


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ADO.NET :: Using Distinct With Row Filter?

Oct 30, 2010

I am having difficulty in usint distinct with row filter, how to do this without using distinct.As i think distinct does not work with row filter.

Dim dsEName As DataSet = biz.GetEvent()
Dim dt As DataTable = dsEName.Tables(0)
Dim dv As New DataView(dsEName.Tables("dt"))
dv.RowFilter = "DISTINCT EventName "
Me.ddlEventName.DataSource = dv
Me.ddlEventName.DataTextField = "EventName"
Me.ddlEventName.DataValueField = "EventName"

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Filter Gridview From Button?

Feb 8, 2011

I have a gridview on my web page which is bound to an Access database table. I would like to filter the rows from a command button. Can anyone tell me how to do this?

The value will be selected from a dropdown list, but the filtering should happen only after the button is clicked. I've been searching all day and everything that comes up is for a Sql Server database with a filter that is initiated directly from the dropdown.

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Web Forms :: How To Filter A Category

Jan 11, 2011

we are currently running a website in which the home page has recent tab section which contains list of category list i need to block a category.

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C# - How To Filter Data Using EntityDataSource

Mar 28, 2011

I use EF 4, C# and MS Membership Provider.

I have a GridView with DataSource an EntityDataSource web control.

I would like filter Data using EntityDataSource, filter show apply for the Current Logged-In User, this value should be taken using MS Memebership Provider ( Membership.GetUser(); ).

Now I cannot inf any Parameter in EntityDataSource that would allow me to dot that (in Where/Automatically generate a Where expression using provided parameter ).

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C# - Get Then Filter XML From A SQL Server 2000 DB?

Nov 10, 2010

I have a table in SQL Server 2000 with a text field containing XML that I need to display on a C# ASP.NET 2.0 page. I need to retrieve the XML and then filter out a list of about 80 possible elements (or white list 20 possible elements to keep might be better). I can pull the xml out of the DB and display it on my .aspx page, but I am not sure how to filter out any elements first.

Example XML
Auto Notice
2010-11-10 09:35:00

In this case I will need to filter out the UPMessageNumber and MessageID before displaying it on the page.

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Applying Like Filter To An IQueryable?

Oct 7, 2010

I'm trying to write a custom filter for Dynamic data that will allow me to run like type queries on entity columns. For example searching for john on name field to returen johnson, johns etc.

I'm trying to override the IQueryable GetQueryable(IQueryable source) method on the QueryableFilterUserControl class. To filter my results. Does anyone know the best way of achieving this?

If this were and IQueryable<T> it would be easy as I could return the results of a .Where() clause.

There is an ApplyEqualityFilter(IQueryable source, string Column.Name, object value) method on the QueryableFilterUserControl class but this performs a direct comparison.

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ADO.NET :: How To Filter DataTable Using LINQ

Feb 10, 2011

Many times I need to manipulate with DataTable after I get data from database using adapter.Fill(table).

Usually I calculate data in DataTable by using loops. But I know that there is simpler way using LINQ. I know some basics about that just for strongly typed objects.I can't find how to do this with DataTable that is not strongly typed. How could I get all DataRow or Filtered DataTable (not just value for the field) from table for that conditions:

- where the specified field of the table contans MAX/MIN/AVG value,
- where the specified field of the table equals to some value.

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Way To Filter LINQ Query

Feb 17, 2011

I need to filter LINQ query using comboboxes and textboxes. The problem is I can't manage to get the result and I always get the empty gridview (used for showing filtered data). Can anyone help me why am I getting no results at all? I've checked the debugger and the data sent to query is valid, although, I'm not sure about "string.Empty" value.

string naziv, nazivEn, adresa, tel, fax, mob, email, web, oib, tip, mjesto;
if (chkMjesto.Checked == true)
mjesto = cbMjesto.SelectedItem.Text;

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