C# - Dynamically Adding Columns To A Table In An MVC View
Apr 20, 2010
I am returning an IList to my model of data about users. I want my end users to be able to select which columns they want to see.
I know I can do this with a huge "if statement" however, I know there must be a better way. I have created an Enum with the column names. I feel if I could take the IListItem.EnumName I would be set. However, I'm not too sure on how to do this.
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Jun 29, 2010
I wanted to know if it is possible to dynamically add columns to a table in the Database?I know how to create a table dynamically in the DB the code for it is given below, howver I do not know, how do I add columns to it dynamically.
Dim NewTable As String = "CREATE TABLE Dynamic " +
" (" +
" job_id smallint" +
" IDENTITY(1,1)" +[CODE].....
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Jul 13, 2010
I have seen code for adding columns at runtime but here is another scenario for you. I am using a SQLDatasource control for my gridview. And the data returned can have different columns based on the filter meaning one time I may have a column A1, A2, A3 and another time I may have A2, A3, A4. Is there any way I can look at the columns when it is binded at the beginning and add the columns first?
I really need to use the SQLDatasource though because I am connecting to an AS400 and it is using a connection already made in the webconfig and do not know any other way. I do if it was MSSQL server but not this.
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Jun 30, 2010
Dim AlterTable As String = "alter table [Upload] add [Country] nvarchar (50) default 0 NOT NULL,[Address] int default 0 NOT NULL"
Dim connection As Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
connection = New Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection()
connection.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ASPNETDBconnectionString1").ConnectionString
Dim cmdUpdating1 As New Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(AlterTable, connection)
cmdUpdating1.CommandType = CommandType.Text
This is the code which I am using for altering the number of columns in a table in the DB. so with this code i am able to add new coulmns dynamically. Now my major requirement in this is to obtain the headercount from the user( say "telephone number" and "language") and based on it generate the columns dynamically in the table in the DB.
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Nov 11, 2010
is there a way I can add a column dynamically from code behind to the gridview in my page?
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Mar 21, 2011
I have the default membership table that was added automatically, then just used server explorer to add more columns, like FirstName, LastName, etc. In my code I can access all the default columns, but not the ones I created. Any thing special I need to do?
Here is how I access the table. using user. gives me all columns, but the one I created.
string userName = User.Identity.Name;
MembershipUser user = (MembershipUser)System.Web.Security.Membership.GetUser(userName).ProviderUserKey;
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Apr 19, 2010
I have just started using LINQ with VS2008. I have added extra columns to my table, saved the changes, but class ClassName.Designer.CS didn't get updated. What do I have to do to updated the class? Do I have to do it manually, or is there a way to automatically synchronize tables and ClassName.Designer.CS?
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Jun 21, 2010
I have a table with 4 cells and three rows. All rows have a textbox in it. I have a button at the top. I want to add a new row in that table when that button ic clcikded with same formatting as above row. Above row format is like this.
<tr valign="top">
<td align="left">
<asp:TextBox ID="txtC1Fname" runat="server" Width="150px"></asp:TextBox>
<td align="left">
<asp:TextBox ID="txtC1LName" runat="server" Width="150px"></asp:TextBox>
<td align="left">
<asp:TextBox ID="txtC1DOB" runat="server" Width="150px"></asp:TextBox>
How Can I do this ?
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Jul 11, 2010
The partial class:
In the controller:
Shouldn't ScaffoldColumn(false) hide the field in the view? I create a strongly typed CREATE view (AddSO), expecting that the soID column won't be rendered and that the Label name of the field 'name' will be 'Full Name'. But the AddSO view renders the soID column and still labels the 'Name' field as 'Name. What am I doing wrong?
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Oct 3, 2013
I am trying to build a program that will have 3 DetailsView side by side but I want to have an empty textbox next to each field....
I cant seem to be able to get a column in between and I don't see a way to add a column to the detailsView only a field
Here is what I want it to look like
Field Name Value I want to add
Color Red MyTextBox
My program is reading a textfile from the users computer using text field parser and creating a data table then I am using the details view to display that data vertically rather then horizontally.
So instead of
Address City state
I can go
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Apr 27, 2016
I have a stored Procedure, which copies the data in one table to another table in other DB.
I have the query to copy the records to other table.
But, tomorrow, new columns are added to the source table, then, how to dynamically copy the data from those columns to the destination column..
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Feb 9, 2010
I am developing an application using ASP.NET with C#.NET.in my application i have a gridview control and radobutton list having the values as Manufacturer and Distributor. based on the radiobutton selected value,the gridview will bindedup.
i am using SQL SERVER 2005 as backend server. in my database i have one table with columns as
My gridview has 3 columns as Opendate,closedate,awarddate.
if user select the radiobutton as manufacturer,only mfropendate,mfrclosedate,mfrawarddate have to bind. and if user select the distributor the remaining 3 fields will have to bind. for that i had write a storedproc as create procedure sp_GetDraftBids as begin select mfropendate as opendate,mfrclosedate as closedate,mfrawarddate as awarddate, distopendate as opendate,distclosedate closedate,distawarddate awarddate from draftbids end GO
i.e i had taken the alias names for that fields so that i will bind the only 3 columns to grid view as opendate,closedate,awarddate.
My gridview code is
here i had taken the same alias names as i have to bind only 3 columns to gridview.when i run my application i am getting the records in data table with column names as opendate,closedate,awarddate,opendate1,closedate1,awarddate1.i.e it does not allow the same alias name.
for two radio button conditions i.e for manufacturer and distributor the gridview binded with opendate,closedate and awarddate columns as i had binded the gridview boundfields withat names.
but when user select the distributor radiobutton i have to bind the opendate1,closedate1 and awarddate1 to the gridview. for that should i can i change the storedproc are any other solution is there?
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Jan 21, 2011
How to generate columns in a list view dynamically?
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Jun 2, 2010
Need row editing on page_load for all the cells and need to validate each cell entry. Means cell1 one entery isvalid it fills thrid cell and insert or update to a table in the database. How do i handle on tab clicking to update in databse.
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Jan 29, 2010
I have one table control "table1"
And added controls to it in click event of one button as :
but i cant retrieve this controls in click event of another button. i think it is because of postback.
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Jul 27, 2010
What I want is that I can add /edit or delete view pages. I don't want a complex content management system , just looking for any examples where one can add simple view page, I have no idea how to add action result dynamically, programatically on a controller page in mvc2.
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Mar 1, 2011
I've been at this same question in different forms now for a while (see e.g. Entity Framework and MVC 3: The relationship could not be changed because one or more of the foreign-key properties is non-nullable. ), and it's still bugging me, so I thought I'd put it a little more generically:
You have an entity object (using Entity Framework), say User. The User has some simple properties such as FirstName, LastName, etc. But it also has some object property lists, take the proverbial example Emails, to make this simple. Email is often designed as a list of objects so that you can add to that object properties like Address and Type (Home, Work, etc). I'm using this as an example to keep it generic, but it could be anything, the point is, you want the user to be able to add an arbitrary number of these items. You should also be able to delete items (old address, or whatever).
Now, in a normal web page you would expect to be able to add these items in the same View. But MVC as it seems designed only makes it easy to do this if you call up an entirely new View just to add the address. (In the template for an Index View you get the "Create New" link e.g.).
I've come across a couple of examples that do something close to what I mean here:
The problem is, although the sample projects on these sites work fine, with mock model objects, and simply lists (not an object with a child list), it's a different thing if you actually want to do something with the posted information - in my case save to database through the Entity Framework model. To adapt these cases to that, all of a sudden I'm in a maze of intricate and definitely not DRY code... Juggling objects with AutoMapper and whatnot, and the Entity Framework won't let you save and so on (see above link if you're interested in the details).
What I want to get at is, is it really possible that this is such an uncommon thing to want to do? Update a child collection in the same View as the parent object (such as the email addresses in this case)? It seems to me it can't be uncommon at all, and there must be a standard way of handling this sort of scenario, and I'm just missing it (and no one here so far has been able to point me to a straighforward solution, perhaps because I made it too abstract with my own application examples).
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Aug 19, 2010
When adding a stored procedure into the Entity Data Model I can select whether the procedure returns a scalar, a (new) complex type or one of the entity types I already defined.I mean assuming I have a view like this
CREATE VIEW FilteredFoos as SELECT Foo.* FROM Foo join ... WHERE ...(that is a view that implements some involved filtering, but returns all columns from one table) how do I add it to the project so that I can use the entity set, but get the Foo objects, not some new FilteredFoo objects.
var foos = myDB.FilteredFoos.Include("Bar").ToList();
foreach (Foo foo in foos) { ...
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Dec 1, 2010
I am using ASP.NET3.5, I want to Add rows dynamically to a table.I have written this code.This code is working fine if the Page is not having masterPage file. If I use masterpagefile in my ASPX age,controls(textboxes) are displaying at bottom of the page,and the data in textboxes is not retaining after click on Add button.Disaapering the text box values. My .Aspx:
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Apr 19, 2010
I need to let my user add rows dynamically to a table, and after doing some research, it seems the best way to do this is through a GridView bound to a DataTable. However, I'm really struggling adding dropdownlists to the datatable, and this showing them in the gridview.
Here's the design I want:
ddl1 | ddl2 | ddl3 | ddl4 | ddl5 | ddl6 | ddl7 | textbox
When the user opens the form, he or she will be presented with one row. ddl2 etc will be populated when ddl1 is selected etc etc. When appropriate, the textbox will be enabled allowing the user to enter a comment (this is to report errors, and since users are, at best, not to trust to write the same thing twice, I need to use ddls.
Now comes the question - how do I add a ddl to the datatable? I've tried several ways, but I cannot get them added.
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Jan 13, 2010
I've been searching for hours trying to figure this out. I understand that somehow I need to recreate the control in page_load. I think seeing the code will let us better understand what I'm trying to do.
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Mar 13, 2010
I'm looking to add controls dynamically to a table across multiple functions. I'm trying to convert this from a C# app to a web app using asp.net, though this is my first time using asp.net with no web development background. I read the creating tables dynamically in the FAQ but I'm still not sure how to do this.
When pressing the submit button on my form, it will create a table in a place holder. Eventually I would like it to generate urls based on the users input and do this in a function other then the one I created my table in.
In my C# app I was able to add text to a listbox using: lstOutput.Items.Add("Text"); across multiple functions but I'm having trouble doing this with a table.
I understand that my table is a local variable in the submitButton_Click function, but how do I make it global to add rows, cells and controls to it in other functions?
My current code which doesnt work:
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Dec 22, 2010
Here I am binding a gridview. I dont know exactly how many rows it will exists. there may be from 1 to n rows possible there are 4 columns.
Now what I want , i.e. after gridciew binds records, suppose there are 4 rows are bounded to gridview, I want to send all rows data through mail, but in my html format there are fixed rows. I want to add rows according to throws which gridview having.
suppose gridview binds 3 rows the mail format should be like this
Date From Date To Place Days
12/12/2010 14/12/2010 Mumbai 2
12/12/2010 16/12/2010 Goa 4
12/12/2010 20/12/2010 Pune 8
1. first tell me how to get this data from gridview in variables so that i can put them in my mail format
2. this condition if grid bind only three records cos I have fiexd rows in my html format.. but if grid is haing 5 records then how will I add rows to table in my mail html format
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Mar 7, 2011
I have the following code, i add code for required validator, but when you make selection from dropdown to create the table, the page generates an error. Should the logic be somewhere else to add it to the table? i mean, dont they have to be there so when you submit the form, it fires the validation?
Here is the error that comes up, when i make a selection from my dropdown that creates the table.
Line: 938
Error: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: Control 'rfvtxtCam1' referenced by the ControlToValidate property of 'rfvtxtCam1' cannot be validated.
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May 25, 2012
I need to export a pdf using Report viewer.I have not to use .xsd(dataset). Instead i have to use the normal stored procedure and i can use data set and get the table.I need to assign the data table to the table in the report viewer in VS 2010.
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