ADO.NET :: Field Method Missing With LINQ Query?

Sep 7, 2010

I want to access the data from datatable object. When i trying to get the fieldslist usng "Field" method. But I could not find the method with my table object. Eventhoguh i forcibly write a method and trying to access the fields, It is giving the below error for the first join in query. Rest of the lines are fine.

What is the reason behind it.

The errro: "Error 2 'LINQ2DB.SP_VS_OP' does not contain a definition for 'Field' and the best extension method overload 'System.Data.DataRowExtensions.Field<T>(System.Data.DataRow, string)' has some invalid arguments"

What is the meaningof the error. Shall i do any other changes in the query line?

var QueryChnl = from oSPOP in SPOP.AsEnumerable()
join oDiscChannel in DiscChannel.AsEnumerable() on oSPOP.Field<int>("spid") equals oDiscChannel.Field<int>("SPID")
join oChannel in Channel.AsEnumerable() on oDiscChannel.Field<int>("channel") equals oChannel.Field<int>("channelID")
where oSPOP.Mappingkey == 3200004
select new { oSPOP.Mappingkey,, oDiscChannel.STATUS };

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ADO.NET :: Table Collection Missing In LINQ Query / DataContext?

Aug 13, 2010

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EventArgs e)
WSClass WS =
ds = WS.GetAllCountries();
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ddlContinent.DataSource = v;

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VS 2010 - Missing SQLParameter Add Method

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_prm_guid.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
_prm_guid.Value = thisguid;
insertParameters.add(?); //error on add()

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select new


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var result =>x);

This results in less rows than the normal sql query which is select * from tablename;

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Error Type:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14) [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'id='. /bioskop/pesan.asp, line 13


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Access :: Syntax Error (missing Operator) In Query Expression 'sai',sss''.

Apr 15, 2010

i am new to i am trying to develop an application i,e registration form in as user interface and ms access 2007 database as backend.i am trying to make aconnection to ms access 2007 db and save the data entered by the user in application.

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