Linq Query - How To Select Inner Query Into List
Oct 17, 2010
I am writing a linq query to select a blogpost,
The blogpost i am testing got 3 tags attached to it. The table structure is:
(table)BlogPost -> (table)BlogPostTags <- (table)Tags
So the BlogPostTags table only contains 2 fields, BlogPostID and TagID.
When i run the query above i get 3 results back. Same blogpost 3 times but with 1 tag in each. It should return 1 post with 3 tags. The problem lies in the Tags query above.
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SAQ.UserId =
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Jun 14, 2010
I'm building an ASP.NET MVC site that uses LINQ to SQL. In my search method that has some required and some optional parameters, I want to build a LINQ query while testing for the existence of those optional parameters.
Here's what I'm currently thinking:
using(var db = new DBDataContext())
IQueryable<Listing> query = null;
//Handle required parameter
query = db.Listings.Where(l => l.Lat >= form.bounds.extent1.latitude && l.Lat <= form.bounds.extent2.latitude);
//Handle optional parameter
if (numStars != null)
query = query.Where(l => l.Stars == (int)numStars);
//Other parameters...
//Execute query (does this happen here?)
var result = query.ToList();
//Process query...
Will this implementation "bundle" the where clauses and then execute the bundled query? If not, how should I implement this feature?
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Mar 2, 2011
I have 2 Tables , OrderDetails and Requests In my LINQ to SQL dbml file. OrderDetailsID is a foreign key in Requests Table. I want to write the query to get the sum of UnitCost from OrderDetails based on OrderId. And If there is a row in Requests Table for each OrderDetailsID, and the Requests.Last.RequestType="Refund" I want to reduce the total refund amount from the main sum otherwise If there is no row based on OrderDetailsID, add to sum. Here is the way I implement that. I am looking to prevent using "For each".
iRefund = (From od1 In dc.OrderDetails _
Where od1.OrderID =1 _
Select od1.UnitCost).Sum
Dim objOrderDetails = (From od1 In dc.OrderDetails _
Where od1.OrderID =1 _
Select od1)
For Each OrderDetail As ORM.Entities.OrderDetail In objOrderDetails
If Not OrderDetail.Requests Is Nothing Then
IF OrderDetail.Requests.Last.RequestType="Refund" Then
iRefund -= OrderDetail.UnitCost
End If
End If
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Aug 11, 2010
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I have list of words. I type in a word misspelled. Can I query the list using linq to get words that sounds like (soundex) the misspelled word?
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Dec 16, 2010
I'm new to linq. here is the scenario i need to write query for.I have a "Candidate" table with a varchar property "Skill"I have the table OR-mapped with LINQ to SQL on dbml file. Now I want to write linq query that:Selects all Candidates that have skill containing any of the keywords from ("","php","java")
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Jun 20, 2010
I want to create something like this using a DataList and Flow markup:
| Title |
| [x] Title |
| [x] Title |
| ... |
I have a table (modeled in Linq2Sql) Foo that has these fields
int id;
int? parentId;
string title;
Foo Parent;
EntitySet<Foo> Children;
Now, when there is a null parent, it means it's a top level category, and if the parent has a value, it's part of the category list.
I have created a DataList, and used a LinqDataSource with a query that looks like this:
This obviously doesn't work. How can I utilize the Children collection in a repeater of a DataList item?
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Apr 29, 2010
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Data.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
namespace find.Admin
public partial
class WebForm1 : System.Web.UI.Page
class servicetimeofday
public int servicetimeofdayid {
get; set; }
public int serviceid {
get; set; }
public int timeofdayid {
get; set; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender,
EventArgs e
List<servicetimeofday> servicetimesofday =
new servicetimeofday() { servicetimeofdayid = 1, serviceid = 1, timeofdayid = 1 },
new servicetimeofday() { servicetimeofdayid = 2, serviceid = 1, timeofdayid = 2 },
new servicetimeofday() { servicetimeofdayid = 3, serviceid = 2, timeofdayid = 1 },
new servicetimeofday() { servicetimeofdayid = 4, serviceid = 2, timeofdayid = 3 }
GridView2.DataSource = servicetimesofday;
var itemstocheck = from
servicetimeofday in servicetimesofday
where servicetimeofday.serviceid == 2
select ne
GridView3.DataSource = itemstocheck;
foreach (var timeofdayid
in itemstocheck)
foreach (ListItem i
in CheckBoxList2.Items)
if (i.Value == timeofdayid.ToString())
{ i.Selected =
true; }
View 10 Replies
Jun 13, 2010
how to extract DataTable or DataSet from Linq Query or List. e.g I have linq query like this
MyDBpDataContext dcSp = new MyDBpDataContext();
I wrote an Sp which sends a Table as result and I have code which is already using DataTable So I want to convert this result in DataTable.
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Jan 19, 2010
I have a basic CMS which I'm adding to a site to display some downloads organised into groups. I have two tables, one for the groups and one for the downloads. I'm using a repeated to display the groups with another repeater inside to display the children. This works perfectly.
However some of my download groups may not have any downloads related to them and I'd like to handle this by filter the groups so that only those with a relate download record(s) are shown.
I'm trying to do this with the query which populates the top repeater based on some ideas I read but I must be going wrong with the syntax.
Here is what I'm using to try and only select downloads groups which have downloads linked to them by the download group ID.
Can anyone offer any thoughts on how I should construct the query to perform this?
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Mar 10, 2010
select Groupid,GroupName,onorusername from palgroup where groupid in (select distinct Groupid
View 5 Replies
Mar 19, 2011
I am facing a big problem with simple linq query.. I am using EF 4.0..
I am trying to take all the records from a table using a linq query:
var result =>x);
This results in less rows than the normal sql query which is select * from tablename;
This table has more than 5 tables as child objects (foreign key relations: one to one and one to many etc)..
This result variable after executing that linq statement returns records with all child object values without doing a include statement.. I don't know is it a default behavior of EF 4.0 . I tried this statement in linqpad also..but there is no use... But interesting thing is if I do a join on the same table with another one table is working same is sql inner join and count is same..but I don't know why is it acting differently with that table only.. Is it doing inner joins with all child tables before returning the all records of that parent table?
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Oct 14, 2010
How can I SELECT second if first SELECT returns nothing?
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Jul 5, 2010
I have a table called 'Customer' that contains customer information. One of the fields is named "CustomerType". Each record in the 'Customer' table will contain the value of either "C", "I", or "O".
I have a form that contains a "check box list" named "Type". There are 3 values in the "check box list". The values are "C", "I", and "O". The user can select one or more of these values. I have a button on the form named "btnRunQuery.
When the user clicks on the button "btnRunQuery" I want to exectute a query that selects the records contained in the "Customer" table where the value in the field "CustomerType" equal the values the user selected in the "check box list". Example: If the user selected "C" and "O", then I want the select query to select all records that contain either "C" or "O" in the field "CustomerType".
I assume that what I need to do is to capture the values that the user selected in the "check box list" and put them in a variable. Then I need to format the "Where" statement in the query and add a "Parameters.AddWithValue" command.
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Nov 5, 2010
I have a SQL Data Source that displays records after going through the Query Builder and select "Test Query" yet when I save it, go back to the design mode and select View in Browser I get nothing but a blank screen.
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Feb 11, 2011
I want to use "if statement" in Linq query. How can I do this situation?
For example:
if txtAge.Text=="", I will not use that in Linq Query.
else txtAge.Text!="", I will use that in Linq Query.
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Jan 22, 2011
I have a web app for our golf club. When I compute handicap index for each golfer, I have to select the most recent scores and then a subset of those scores depending on how many rounds of golf the golfer has played. All the scores are entered into a single SQL Express table called "Rounds". Verbally, this is what I'm trying to do:
1) select the twenty most recent golf scores (sort on date descending, "take(20)") [if less than 20 records, then select all available];
2) for this set of records, select the 10 lowest scores (or smaller number if golfer has less than 20 rounds);
3) compute the average round differential for the subset of records, etc. to calculate handicap index (this step is working ok...)
My current VB code has this LINQ query (which is flawed -- it selects the lowest handicap differential scores of ALL records for the filtered user):
How do I modify this query to accomplish items 1) & 2) above? It seems this should be simple, but my experience with queries is still limited.
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Sep 14, 2010
I've build a linq query.But i want a random selection so its not always ID : 1,2,3,4,5,6 How can i randomize this var? I like to bind it to a repeater.//TagCloud:
Random rand = new Random();
var tc1 = from i in
select new
View 1 Replies
Dec 2, 2010
i have two tables named
1.LookupPageInfo and (LookupPageInfoId,pathmessageID,pagemessageID)
2.Messages (MessageId,MessageText,ChannelID)
Now i need to write a query something like the query i need to pass the pathmessageid and needs to get messagetext from Messages Table,i am not sure how i need to write the below query..can someone guide me how can i write a below..
select LookupPageInfoId,
(select messagetext from Messages where MessageID=PathmessageId) as TEXT from LookupPageInfo
View 5 Replies
Aug 2, 2010
I have a list which contains few email ids
List<string> EmailId= { ....}
Now I have a db table Users. I need to select all users whose email exist in the above list. In sql we could write "where emailid in ('email1', email2' ,...)"
how to do this in linq to sqlquerable<Users> existingUsers = Users.getTable().where (u=>u.emailaddress in EmailId). I want to do some thing similar
View 2 Replies
Sep 12, 2010
I need to figure out how to express this in linq to sql:I have one or more records that contain what is essentially a wildcard sql parameter, like '100_-___-2', which should match 100[any 1 char]-[any 1 char][any 1 char][any 1 char]-2, for example. Each login will have one or more of these 'datamasks' associated with it.I need to write a query in linq to sql that does something like:
select * from something
where fieldA = 'someValue' or fieldB = 'someValue'
so far, simple, but I also need to restrict the returned records to only those that match the user's 'datamasks'. I'm not sure exactly how to translate this to linq to sql... here is what a working query *without* the datamasks part looks like:
I need to tack on the datamasks part... can I do it right there in the same statement? or do I need to do a foreach loop on the datamasks records and append a new && condition for each one? hmmm... just thought of that as I was writing this.. I'll try that out. But I'm posting this anyway for more input... I guess that would look something like:
foreach (string mask in datamasks)
query = query.Where(item =>
System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.SqlMethods.Like(item.AccountNum, mask));
would that work? would each additional 'where' condition be 'appended' to the existing query definition?
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