ADO.NET :: How To Define Date Output Parameters For A Stored Procedure
Oct 15, 2010
I have a question. How do we define date output parameters for a stored procedure?
before you answer,I should mention that I am not referring to the sql syntax definition ,which is @mydate datetime output.
This is ok,what i am asking is HOW DO I SPECIFY IT IN LINQ WHEN I NEED TO CALL THE STORED PROCEDURE IN THE SERVER SIDE CODE. I am repeating that I do I am not referring to the sql definition .
I have a stored procedure that works fine for classic asp, but how can I get my output parameters data back from in /MVC 2 / linq/ entities framework model . I have inported the function also, but when i try to code it i dont get results ...i know this is a matter of lack of / knowledge or exmple because i have been scouring the web for it and cannnot find into that accually works.
here is the stored proc.
Here was the one of the few tries I did:
but it executes fine does not give me an error, but also does not return the info i need to the viewmodel
I keep seeing stuff about "ref" on the net but "ref" shows " arbument # should not be passed with the ref keyword.
So i am not sure if there is a problem with the model, or with my understanding this, Now for your info I can do the same step with returning a dataset from a stored procedure fine, but I dont want a data set I just want excatly the data in the output parameters from the stored procedure.
i had a stored proc: How can i get the final select statement in the code behind.
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[tgms_reclass_PO_bip](@po VARCHAR(20), @old_gl VARCHAR(20), @new_gl VARCHAR(20),@output varchar(500) out ) AS IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mm2po WHERE scode = @po) = 0 BEGIN SET @output = '1' SET @output = 'Invalid PO Number' END [code]...
From this below stored Procudure, using VB.Net code can i get the Values like "Number of Rows Affected" and "Yes / No" Value from "Select"Stored Procudure:ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[lookup] @week_date datetimeAS
DECLARE @currweek datetime, @inweek datetime IF @week_date = '10/14/2010' BEGIN UPDATE dbo.work_status SET ob_flag = 0, ob_update_date = NULL WHERE dbo.work_tatus.week_date ='10/14/2010' SELECT 'YES' END ELSE SELECT 'NO' RETURN 0
I have several VB.NET functions which pass and receive values from executed stored procedures using parameters. However, the latest method I am using seems to be a little too specific on the datatype and data length of the parameters for my liking (i.e.
LogActivityCommand.Parameters.Add("@strErrSource", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 300).Value = strErrSource). For example:
If I end up changing the datatype and data length properties of the variables in my SQL stored procedures in the future, I am going to have to re-visit my VB code too and alter the parameter settings here as well.
I am having some trouble with the below code snippet. It is a stored procedure which executes on load that has an output parameter which should display in a label. Familiar which Vb however not so much in C#.
I've modified an existing strored procedure. It originally had one ouput parameter in the stored proc and it was set up as follows in the c# code that called it:
Just to clarify, this parameter was declared as OUTPUT in the stored proc but as inputoutput in the C# code. This worked fine. I have added another parameter to the same stored procedure and I want to retrieve both from the C# code. The C# code now is as follows:.................................
i hav declare a Variable in stored procedure as@Total numeric(18,2) output..@Total Value is calculated 177.12 in stored procedure but when i return in Class.cs..its output is 177..
I have written SP like this to get my required output.create procedure [dbo].[usp_gl_ProjectBudgets] set nocount on begin tran declare @SPError int
declare @y1 varchar(20) declare @y2 varchar(20) declare @y3 varchar(20) declare @y4 varchar(20) declare @y5 varchar(20) declare @Glink int declare @i int set @y1='Year1' set @y2='Year2' set @y3='Year3' set @y4='Year4' set @y5='Year5' set @Glink=1 set @i=1 [code]...
We had a simple Gridview that displayed a column list as Linkbuttons but we now need to display three columns as one, so I wrote a simple stored procedure to do it. However, the output in the Gridview shows duplicates and is not in order even though I specifySELECT DISTINCT in the result select as shown below.
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetGeneralAction] Add the parameters for the stored procedure here AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; CREATE TABLE #TempTbl (GeneralAction varchar(300) ) INSERT INTO #TempTbl (GeneralAction) SELECT [General Action] FROM [dbo].[Formulary2011] INSERT INTO #TempTbl (GeneralAction) SELECT [General Action2] FROM [dbo].[Formulary2011] [code]...
using (SqlDataReader sqlDataReader = ExecuteReader(CommandType.StoredProcedure, StoredProcedures.AuthenticateUser, sqlParameter)) { isAuthenticated = Convert.ToBoolean(sqlParameter[2].Value); if (isAuthenticated) { if (sqlDataReader.Read()) { User = new UserEntity(); DbHelper.GetEntity(sqlDataReader, User); } } }
I always get isAuthenticated as false because sqlParameter[2].Value is null all the time but when I execute my query with ExecuteNonQuery it gives me the value but in that case I can not fill the entity.
I have stored procedure that increments a number. I am supposed to use the newly generated number and insert it into a table. My question is how do I execute the stored procedure, with a hardcoded value of 3 that it expects as a paramter, receive the number it generates as the output parameter and use it in the insert statement.
Here is the stored procedure code:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Generate] @myid int, @next_no int output AS update mytable set mynumber=mynumber + 1, @next_no = number where myid=@myid RETURN
Here is my insert statement, that I tried and it failed:
I am creating a nightly process using a stored procedure to check for expiring records and emailing myself and the folks that need to see the information. The trouble I am having is trying to send the data in table "like" view in the message body.Here is the Proc you can see the point at which i try to use a table vairble then use it as a parameter for calling the email proc but it doesn't seem to work.
I'm having trouble figuring this error out. I have a grid on an ASPX page that displays data from a stored procedure in an SQL Server 2008 database. When the page loads, I get the following error:
"Procedure or function <sp_name> has too many arguments specified."
I need to update a table with values from a listbox. I am trying to create as many parameters as there are items in the list, my code below, but how do i name them differently? so that they dont' overwrite each other?
For Each item As ListItem In ris Dim pID As New SqlParameter("@userid", SqlDbType.Int) pID.Value = objFormat.CheckSQL(item.Value) myCommand.Parameters.Add(pID) Next
and on the SQL side, is it possible to write an update statement, that will take a dynamic number of parameters?
so for example, i need to update multiple users with the same value in the "active" field...
i have a stored procedure to update a table. not all fields are required and some can be blank.for example, title is not required, but when it's blank i get an error
Dim ptitle As New SqlParameter("@title", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 20) ptitle.Value = objFormat.CheckSQL(title) myCommand.Parameters.Add(ptitle) ex {"Procedure or Function 'sp_UpdateUser' expects parameter '@title', which was not supplied."} System.Exception
how can i fix it so that it allows for nulls if the data field is blank?
I am using 3 web controls ,two are cascading dropdownlists used to filter gridview control bound to a datasource.
My question is , How to define multiple queries in stored procedure that takes parameter values from the controls declared using sqldatasource.Also, return all data when i set default control value to say 'null'.
NB: one paramaterised query for cascading dropdownlists and another for other control.
I am working on LINQ. I am calling a SQL Stored Procedure with 2-3 parameters it's working fine. When i am going to call Stored Procedure with 8 to 9 parameters the auto generated column is not comming automatically. So i am unable to use LINQ with Stored Procedure with multiple parameters.
I have created a stored procedure shown below ,how will i call this from c# code behind to get the result and results are stored in dataset.
USE [Test] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[tesproc] Script Date: 09/01/2010 13:00:54 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[tesproc] -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here @a float, @b float, @c float,@d int AS BEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON;