ADO.NET :: Light Weight Data Access Wrapper

Mar 8, 2011

I am just trying to figure something out. At work we have alot of data access code Ex:


Pretty standard stuff really, but I was at a training course recently where the Developers insisted on wrapping code, that seemed nothing more than expose exactly the same functionality.

I was interested in your thoughts as to whether this was a good idea. So the above would inherit from a DbHelper class with some thing like:


These would just expose the same but maybe a bit more generic i.e. using DbCommand as opposed to SqlCommand.

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<wsdl:part name="Body"/>

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public class SessionVars{ public SessionVars() {} public string CheckoutEmail { get { return Session[checkoutEmailKey] as string; } set { Session[checkoutEmailKey] = value; } }}

So that I can just do this in my controllers and views:

SessionVars s = new SessionVars();s.CheckoutEmail = "";

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Async.RegisterAndRun = function(callback) {
//register function to be run when an update panel request is complete
//also run the function right now.

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Dec 21, 2010

I am new in web developement, creating the web Traffic Light user control?

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Find Out Light And Dark Color Range?

Aug 24, 2010

I am showing preview of text in text box.

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Can i get the range of dark and light color so i'll change textbox backgroun color accordingly.

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