Changing A GridView Item's Font Weight?

Oct 27, 2010

I have a gridview that contains one linkbutton within itemtemplate. I bind this gridview with a table from my database that displays different items. When the gridview displays records and when the user clicks on an item of gridview then how can i change that item's fontweight to bold and change that same item's color.

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Here's an example:


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and this is what I thought would work:


BUT it does not work.

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.CustomComboBoxStyle .ajax__combobox_itemlist li {
width: 150px;

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I use this class for my DropDownList

font:bold 12px Tahoma;

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This code works fine in IE but so far my efforts have been thuarted in FireFox.


P.s I made an equivalent javascript method and made some attempts at it, but the result is still the same. The background color of the item is changed ... but only is visible when making a selection, NOT after the selection is made.

.Compliant { background-color : #8AC9FF; }
.OtherThanSerious { background-color: #C2FF87; }
.Serious { background-color: #FFBC43; }
.Critical { background-color: #FF6743; }

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Nov 1, 2010

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<asp:Repeater ID="rptGameInfo" runat=server OnItemDataBound="itemDataBound_rptGameInfo" >
<HeaderTemplate >
<ItemTemplate >
<asp:Label ID="lblLoc" runat=server Text="Location:" ></asp:Label><%# Eval("GAME_LOCATION")%><br />
</ItemTemplate >

and it shows the result like this:


If location is "Select" i want to change it to "n/a". So i am trying to capture it in itemDataBound even something like this

if ((e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item) || (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem))
DataRowView row = e.Item.DataItem as DataRowView;
string location = row["GAME_LOCATION"].ToString();
if (location == "Select")
// e.Item.Text = "n/a";>>

Does e.Item some 'text' sort of property ,i can set the value to?

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Jan 18, 2011

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Problem is, the [SelectedIndex / SelectedItem / SelectedValue] is always on the value of the 1st selected item. Clicking on the second item, third item, does not change the SelectedIndex, causing the listbox to reload and scroll to the highest selected item position.

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I am just trying to figure something out. At work we have alot of data access code Ex:


Pretty standard stuff really, but I was at a training course recently where the Developers insisted on wrapping code, that seemed nothing more than expose exactly the same functionality.

I was interested in your thoughts as to whether this was a good idea. So the above would inherit from a DbHelper class with some thing like:


These would just expose the same but maybe a bit more generic i.e. using DbCommand as opposed to SqlCommand.

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VS 2005 Setting Font For Button In GridView

Jan 27, 2010

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If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.Footer Then
Dim myButton As New Button
myButton.Text = "New"

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