ADO.NET :: Query Builder - Show Values Where Date Is Greater Than DateTime Now?
Oct 27, 2010
Visual Web Developer 2010 Express
ASP.Net and C#
My issue is that I am pulled three tables together using the Query Builder and I only want to show data where a specific date is greater than todays date. Here is what i have so far:
Where it says '2010-09-01 00:00:00' I want that to be the todays date.
Is this possible?
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Dec 24, 2010
I want to fetch date from a datetime field, when i select this field in database i get the result as 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss' i want the result to be like dd/mm/yyyy
I am developing website using C# using Mysql.query i have made is:
//***to get next date
string nextdatequery = "SELECT next_dt
FROM testcase.heardt where fil_no=?
and next_dt>?;";
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Nov 27, 2010
i have one data base field called CreatedDate whos Type is DateTime. Let say i have following Data in this Field
10/7/2010 12:07:57 PM
10/7/2010 12:09:14 PM
10/8/2010 01:02:34 AM
now if i pass date 10/7/2010 to my above table i'll not get any record. what is the best way to query only date portion of DateTime field
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Aug 2, 2010
Could someone giving me the correct T-SQL query to update the Date part from a DateTime field?
To be more clear:
In my table i have 3 Columns, (all are DateTimes):
1. Date
2. StartingHour
3. EndingHour
This is for example one record:
2004-01-26 00:00:00.000
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Dec 1, 2010
I'm writing a program that records time-in and time-out and I have a problem when trying to retrieve data for a specific date.In the table, the "timein" and "timeout" fields have format of "smalldatetime". To record the timein, I insert the system time (by using System.DateTime.Now) into the "timein" field.I want two types of searches.
1) Search records between a date range
2) Search records for a specific date
For example, First, I want to search if there are any records between 11/2/2010 and 12/1/2010. I will ask user to input "11/2/2010" as start date and "12/1/2010" as end date. I will use Convert.DateTime() methods to convert these two input before put them
into SQL query like:
"SELECT * FROM timesheet WHERE timein BETWEEN Convert.DateTime(startdate) AND Convert.DateTime(enddate)"
The output results do not include the date 11/2/2010 and 12/1/2010. I get only the dates in between. I know that is the limitation of BETWEEN. I wonder if someone has a way to work around this limitation.
Secondly, I want to prompt users to enter a specific date like (11/2/2010) and search the table for rows match that criteria. I can't get this to work. I have tried "SELECT * from timesheet WHERE timein LIKE '%searchdate%'", "......timein = 'searchdate'" but none works.
(I'm using VS 2010 C# and SQL 2008 for this project)
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Dec 23, 2010
I'm trying to combine two datetime columns into one and show just the dates in short date format. How do I change this? SQL Code:
PayNumber Time Period
View 5 Replies
Jan 7, 2011
I have an urgent issue with US datetime, in my application I am tring to achieve the following:
1. Enter a datetime in a text box in web form 1
2. Show the date time in the label in the web form 2
3. In web form 2, create a dropdownlist to get a nearest date from database (datatype = DateTime in dd/MM/yyyy) to the date entered from step 1.
In step 1, I am only allowed to enter the date time in US style in text box and I have tried manything like:
- Insert <globalization culture="auto:en-GB" uiCulture="auto:en-GB"/> in web.config
- Set above culture on page webform 1 and 2
I am based in UK, PC reginal and datetime setting are UK dd/MM/yyyy, sql database is in UK.
View 2 Replies
Jul 13, 2010
I'm encountering a strange problem. Here is the scenario. I have built a query that accepts a parameter (WHERE LIKE clause).
I've tested this within the query builder and it returns exactly the number I would expect.
I then go back to my webpage and add the following controls:
the user to make a selection from the dropdown. Postback on the dropdown is enabled so the page reloads and the Gridview displays the filtered results (via an objectdatasource). I've set the parameter to the dropdown control.
The trouble is when I run the page I make the selection in the dropdown no results are displayed. Even though the text displayed in the dropdown control is exactly the same as I inputted into the query builder when testing it.
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Feb 21, 2011
i already defined culture too in page. but still it's showing enter valid date
my markup
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Sep 5, 2013
validation to check the dateĀ greater and equal to the current date .
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Jan 15, 2010
This query works perfectly on the query analyser.
But when configuring the Table adapter ,I try executing the query and i get 0 rows affected.
What could I be getting wrong in this case.
NB:Existing GalleryID has been supplied.
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Jul 5, 2010
I am very new to ASP .NET and am getting above error when trying to insert a new record into a SQL database. I have turned on Option Explicit On so the default date of 01/01/1900 does not get assigned to this field automatically. Since most of the people in the database will not have a date of death, I need to have "blank" deathDate. When I run the stored procedure within SQL and choose pass null value, the Insert Procedure works fine. When I attach to Web Form, however, I get String was not recognized as a valid DateTime error. How can I set it so Null values are accepted into this date field.
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Apr 10, 2010
I want to retrieve all the records where the datetime is greater than or equal to 30 days ago. What is the correct formatting for this line: WHERE Property.dateadded >= NOW -30 days .. Dateadded field is in datetime format.
SELECT TOP (1) Property.Name, Property.Price, Department.DepartmentTitle, Images.ImageId, Property.DateAdded
Department ON Property.DepartmentId = Department.DepartmentId LEFT OUTER JOIN
Images ON Property.PropertyId = Images.PropertyId
WHERE Property.dateadded >= NOW -30 days
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Mar 17, 2010
What is the best way to show a date on the query string for a friendly url. I pull the date from a database in this format sample (15/03/09).
The problem I have is that would be 3 different parameters and I would like it to be one.
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Nov 5, 2010
I have a SQL Data Source that displays records after going through the Query Builder and select "Test Query" yet when I save it, go back to the design mode and select View in Browser I get nothing but a blank screen.
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Feb 13, 2010
Work on Asp.Net vs 08. Below is my code
<asp:TextBox ID="txtSTART_DATE" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<cc1:PopupControlExtender ID="txtSTART_DATE_PopupControlExtender" runat="server" CommitProperty="value"
CommitScript="e.value += '';" PopupControlID="pnlSTART_DATE"
Position="Bottom" TargetControlID="txtSTART_DATE">
<asp:TextBox ID="txtEND_DATE" runat="server"
<cc1:PopupControlExtender ID="txtEND_DATE_PopupControlExtender" runat="server" CommitProperty="value"
CommitScript="e.value += '';" PopupControlID="pnlEND_DATE"
Position="Bottom" TargetControlID="txtEND_DATE">
C# syntax is
protected void dtpSTART_DATE_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
{ AjaxControlToolkit.PopupControlExtender.GetProxyForCurrentPopup(this.Page).Commit(dtpSTART_DATE.SelectedDate.ToString("dd MMM yyyy"));//Set the value
protected void dtpEND_DATE_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
AjaxControlToolkit.PopupControlExtender.GetProxyForCurrentPopup(this.Page).Commit(dtpEND_DATE.SelectedDate.ToString("dd MMM yyyy"));//Set the value
want to compare start date with the end date.Verify that end date greater than start date and today date.How to check the value?
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Mar 15, 2011
I'm trying to select all records from db that SUPPORT_END_DATE greater than Date of the day
like this :
Select * From Supp_table Where SUPPORT_END_DATE > "Date Of the day I get it from textbox.text=Date.ToDay()"
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Jun 1, 2010
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Jun 23, 2010
When i create a sql script in the Query Builder (going through the wizard in a DataSet) the Query Builder window is to small for me. Is there a way to maximize this window by default?PS, I have previously posted this in the forum "Visual Studio 2008.
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Jun 2, 2010
How show local time in datagridview collumn DateTime from database with universal datetime
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Mar 2, 2011
i faced a problem during i want to create inner join in query builder.
Here is my statement
If i select 2 tables, i can get the result. But when i insert 1 more table, i failed to get my result.
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Jun 4, 2010
I have textbox in my 3.5 webform
in my textbox1 the text is : 30-Dec-2010, 06:00:00 PM
i want when the date in textbox is greater than textbox1 then the Label text would be "No REfund !"
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Jan 12, 2010
i have two text boxs for 'start date' and 'end date'. I am using the CalenderExtender to display the calender to pick the date. how can i make sure the end date is some day that is after the start date? need some way to validate the end date...i have the html code
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Jun 3, 2010
I'm using Visual Studio 2008 Query Builder and am trying to pass a value to a parameter that uses the IN OPERATOR.Here is my sql from qb:
FROM vwHRIC_EC_ContractSummary
The trouble I am having is that if the parameter @ADMIN_UNIT contains more than one value such as (8X, CV) that the query doesn't return any data. If I run the same query with only one value such as (8X) it works fine.I have tried different formats like (8X, CV), ('8X', 'CV'), (8X; CV) but none have worked.I ran this same query in SQL Server Management Studio and and it returns data no problem but can't get it to work in Query Builder for my aspx application.Does anyone have any experience with this problem and how did you correct it?
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Dec 23, 2010
I have textbox in my 3.5 webform
in my textbox1 the text is : 30-Dec-2010, 06:00:00 PM
i want when the date in textbox is greater than textbox1 then the Label text would be "No REfund ! Sorry"
View 4 Replies