Localization :: US Datetime / Show The Date Time In The Label In The Web Form 2?

Jan 7, 2011

I have an urgent issue with US datetime, in my application I am tring to achieve the following:

1. Enter a datetime in a text box in web form 1
2. Show the date time in the label in the web form 2
3. In web form 2, create a dropdownlist to get a nearest date from database (datatype = DateTime in dd/MM/yyyy) to the date entered from step 1.

In step 1, I am only allowed to enter the date time in US style in text box and I have tried manything like:

- Insert <globalization culture="auto:en-GB" uiCulture="auto:en-GB"/> in web.config
- Set above culture on page webform 1 and 2

I am based in UK, PC reginal and datetime setting are UK dd/MM/yyyy, sql database is in UK.

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I always face issues while running application on my machine as some of the functionality which involves date doesnot work and throws exception.

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Can any one please guide me about the changes to be done so that the application works fine in both US and UK environments?

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however, when it display to the label, it change to different date format because it follow the date format which is set in control panel. how to make the date display in label to a fix format? i want the date format ("yyyy-MM-dd"). the below coding is fail.lbl_approval_approve_date.Text = Format(lbl_approval_approve_date.Text, "yyyy-MM-dd") the date will display in excel which i generate it to report viewer.

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Now the issue is coming when we are trying to restore database from our deployment server
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Is that possible in asp.net 3.5 c# ?

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string startDtime = TextFromDate.Text + " " + Stime;
is this the right way ? dd/mm/yyy +" "+ 00:00
or i need to make a string that contain this : dd/mm/yyy00:00
its not writing any eror it just do nothing .

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What should I use as the filter expression?

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ASP.Net and C#

My issue is that I am pulled three tables together using the Query Builder and I only want to show data where a specific date is greater than todays date. Here is what i have so far:


Where it says '2010-09-01 00:00:00' I want that to be the todays date.

Is this possible?

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string due1 = myreader.GetDateTime(20).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                        label26.Text = due1;

I want it to be displaye as dd-mm-yyyy on the label

or like 12-aug-2013.

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Can Show Correct Last Login Date Time In Website

May 4, 2010

I have created a asp.net website, that we are going to deploy at India. All client of this website would be from SWEDEN.

This site have option (last login date time) at user's dashboard after successfull login.

Now my problem is that if application is deploy at India and user loggedin from SWEDEN then user is able to show only server date time which is of India.

My Steps are as following

1. User logged into site first time at 10 AM(server time), surfing starts...
2. Logged out at 10:30 (server time)
3. Application store server datetime in database.
4. Next time user come, application will store same date and time from database as last loggin datetime.

How can i store SWEDEN date time in database when user logged out from site, it will in future grow to other country also.

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