In Sqlserver 2008 DataBase one columns of a table is CreatedDate Having datatype :-datetime When i am passing Created Date as DateTime.Now i.e.( objRFEProxy.mCreateDate = DateTime.Now;) in sliverlight codebehind it through error. InnerException {"The conversion of a datetime2 data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value. The statement has been terminated."} System.Exception {System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException}
I have some issues about retrieveing and storing date information to my database (ms sql server 2005).My data column is a DateTime, and i have set my web.config globalization culture is set to "en-gb"
When i retrieve date from the datebase it appears as dd/MM/yy, that's fine. But i cannot insert a new date as same format?! It will only accept MM/dd/yy or yy/mm/dd.Right now i'm using this code to correct the error:
Is it possible to change the date format on the database or something, so i dont need to use this code?
I'm working on a blog and want to show my posts in eastern time zone. i figured that storing everything UTC would be the proper way. This creates a few challenges though:I have to convert all times from UTC to Eastern. This is not a biggie but adds a lot of code.And the "biggie" is that I use a short-date time to reference the posts by passing in a query, ala blogger. The problem is that there is no way to convert the short date time to the proper UTC date because I'm lacking the posted time info.
How to create Jobs, I am using SQL 2005, i need a query which should get current date and compare current date with date in table and Send Email according to Job scheduled.
i am working on asp application. i have a user register page and there is a image upload option , if any user upload there image that image "filename + current date" both are save in database. For example i have a table Users and there is a field called UserImage i want to save both "Filename + current date" in that field. What is procedure to save both "Filename + current date" in the database .
I have gridview in which i had enabled edit update function. i want to insert current date when ever a user edits the row. my web is in, vb code, and database is in sql
in my asp.net_vb code web. there are 9 textboxes whcih is used for entering numerical/dates
first is lve.text in whicj numder is entered
second one is lvefrom.text
thirdone is lveto.text
when user fills (lve.text) 5 and enter 15 Jan 2013 in lvefrom.text then lveto.text should show 19 Jan 2013. i had posted this earlier and got reply which is mentioned below. this code below gives me 20 Jan 2013 instead of 19 Jan 2013.
tw text boxes lve.text (number filled) and lve from.text (date filled). when user enter a numder in lve.text and select a date fro date picker in lvefrom.text then lveto.text should show date selected in lvefrom.text + number of days in lveto.text (eg if number of days is 5 and date selected in lvefrom.text is 15 Jan 2013 then lveto.text should display 19 jan 2013. because the starting day is also counted in my case.
Protected Sub lvefrom_TextChanged1(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lvefrom.TextChanged Dim ObjLocDate As New Date Dim IntLocDays As Integer IntLocDays = Convert.ToInt32(lve.Text) ObjLocDate = lvefrom.Text ObjLocDate = ObjLocDate.AddDays(IntLocDays) lveto.Text = ObjLocDate.Date.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy") End Sub
fourt tex box is pfx.text, fifth is pfx1.text, sixth is pfx2.text
when use filles pfx.text 3 then pfx1.text should display 12 Jan 2013 and pfx2.text should display 14 Jan 2013. these are the prefix for leave( as 12 to 14 Jan 2013 is prefix.seveth is sfx.text, eighth is sfx1.text and nineth is sfx2.text
when user fills sfx.text 3Â then sfx1.text should display 20 Jan 2013 and sfx2.text should display.
Here what i am trying to accomplish. I want to have a div or panel on the page and have some text on it. The div or panel must hava a specfied time limit and then disaaper from the page. Say i want this text to apper on 10Cotober 10.00 Â and disapper from the page on 11October 18.00.Â
I'm using ASP.Net with VB (Visual Web Developer 2010) and SQL(Management Studio Express 2008) to create a website that keeps track of employee subscriptions.A date is entered into my database whenever an employee makes a subscription.I need to find a way to send an automatic email to each employee when the current date exceeds the subscription date by one year.
I am unable to use an SQL job as I only have SQL MS express.From other posts I have read it seems the best way to do this is to create a webservice to send emails but I am unsure of how to get the email address for each employee from the database to the web service?Do you guys think a web service is the best way to do this?
I need to find a date 6, months from the current date. How to do it. I use dd/mm/yyyy format. I could use add 6 to mm part, what if it goes beyond 12 ? but it could still be done, I know. I want to know if there is any easy way to do it.
I have a column with nvarchar datatype storing the date. I am using a Gridview to display and edit data of that table. Now when I update the table the nvarchar column containing date in the format mm/dd/yyyy gets converted to Jun 9 2010 12:00AM format. I don't want this to be happening. I don't understand why this is happening as I don't have datetime column.
have a table with a transaction date in it. It is set as a timestamp and basically I want on creation of a new record that field automatically inserts the current date. I am using visual studio 2010 and SQL not sure how to go about it. Dont need SQL injection protection for this just a simple way of doing it.