ADO.NET :: Convert A Sql Datetime Value Into A String Including The Miliseconds?
Sep 22, 2010
Currently I am able to bring the datetime from my SQL table but I also need the milisecods. Here is the line of code:
So latestTimeStamp = {9/22/2010 6:24:09 PM} but I needed it to be latestTimeStamp = {9/22/2010 6:24:09:080 PM}
since the SQL field value is 2010-09-22 18:24:09.080 and I want to do an accurate datetime comparison.
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Jul 22, 2010
i know that we can do this e.g.
dim str as String = textbox1.text ' when date is in this format dd/MM/yyyy
dim date_time as Datetime = Date.ParseExact( str , "dd/MM/yyyy" , nothing)
it works fine but when the user but the date like this 9/9/2010 it gives error because the format is set "dd/MM/yyyy" and given date format is "d/M/yyyy" or it could be "dd/M/yyyy" what could be the solution of this problem?
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Dec 17, 2010
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Jul 30, 2010
I've been googling for a while now and for the life of me can't seem to find a solution. I thought this would be easy but it's taking too long and am turning to stackoverflow.
I need to convert a string which contains a date and time to a DateTime variable. I've formatted the string in the exact format I want to store it in but when i convert it to a DateTime it keeps adding the seconds which I don't want. I want it stored as 01/01/2010 09:00AM. Here's the code I've been using so far:
DateTime.ParseExact(startTime,"MM/dd/yyyy hh:mmtt", null);
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q="select convert(char(8),datecol1,112) from tblone where datecol2 is null"
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And then when I save....cs
And Stored Procedure is like this
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Jan 17, 2011
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DateTime.TryParse(dateTime, out dt);
But I am alwayws getting dt as {1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM} , Can you tell me why ? and how can I convert that string to date.
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obj.From = DateTime.Parse(txtFrom.Text, ci);
And it will give error String was not recognized as a valid DateTime. How it can be solved..
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Dec 2, 2010
i have following string
string url =
string str =
"Dear" +
" " + txtName.Text +
" " +
"you are successfully registered on our site" + System.Environment.NewLine
+ "Your login details are given below" + System.Environment.NewLine
+ "Username:" +
" " + txtName.Text + System.Environment.NewLine +
"Password:" +
" " + txtPass.Text +
" " + System.Environment.NewLine+"please
click on the followinf link to confrm your registration"+System.Environment.NewLine+url;
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StringBuilder theBody = new StringBuilder();
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theBody.Append(s + ":" + Session[s] + "
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<addname="ConnectionString" connectionString="Server=.SQLEXPRESS;Database=medicale_Members;User ID=user_admin;Password=medicalmembers;"/>
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Line: 938 Error: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: Cannot perform '=' operation on System.Int32 and System.String.
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Sep 28, 2010
I have stringarray called Timesplit with time like(17:00-2:00).How to store Timeplit array values into datetime array value.I am having 7 values that's why i am using TimeIn[arrayIndex].I will increment arrayIndex for 7 times for 7 timeIn.
I am getting error while trying to store TimesPlit[0] to TimeIn[arrayIndex].I want 17:00 into TimeIn[arrayIndex] and 2:00 into TimeOut[arrayIndex].If i use datetime will get date also so give me better options to store TimeIn and TimeOut.
Object reference error
DateTime[] TimeOut = null;
TimeOut[arrayIndex] = TimeSplit[1];
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Dec 24, 2010
i want to convert a string variable which has the value in mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss AM/PM to mm/dd/yy
How can i do it?
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May 8, 2010
I have a column in my datatable which is of DateTime Type. I only want the DatePart, hence when I use the ToShortDateTimeString it converts to short date but of string type. Hence when i reassign the string to the column of the datatable it again appends 12:00:00 to it. I cannot change the column type in my datatable. Is there any way to convert DateTime to ShortDateTime directly without converting to string?
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Sep 16, 2010
I want to convert text to datetime but having error.My text box value is in format dd/MM/yyyy
String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.
myFtMaster.GENTRTYDATEFROM =Convert.ToDateTime(txtTreatyPeriodfrom.Text.ToString());
My business object 'gentrtydatefrom' datatype is DateTime. Also what is the best way to avoid these type of errors without using a Try catch block.
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May 11, 2010
i'm accessing date field in Oracle 10g. its not accepting other date formats other than for example : 01/JAN/09 (month in 3 chars)
how can i convert datetime object to this formart using c# ?
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Aug 17, 2010
I am getting time span paramter from our client apllication(in 3.5 using C#).
When i am Saving this Timepan Parameter at Our Backend (Sql server 2008) Using Linq(In WCF Service) it gives following error:
Unable to cast object of type 'System.TimeSpan' to type 'System.IConvertible'.
My Code is given below:
objsession.s_QuestionMasterTopicInsert(topic.Title, contentId,
topic.IsAvailable, ref strRet,
ref strRetMsg);
// topic.Time(is the time span type )
//I changed Convert.ToDateTime(Time) to
objsession.s_QuestionMasterTopicInsert(topic.Title, contentId, new
DateTime(time.Ticks), topic.IsAvailable,
ref strRet,
ref strRetMsg);
But it gives following error:
SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM
Is it Possible to convert timespan to Datetime?
How should I save timespan at My backend as Datetime Field ?
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